Dr. James Manwell
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Founding Director, Wind Energy Center
Research Interests:
- Effect of external conditions (wind and waves) on the design of offshore wind turbines
- Hybrid power (wind/photovoltaics/diesel) system design and analysis
- Modeling of battery storage systems
- Offshore Wind Energy System Design and Analysis
- Remote sensing techniques applied to wind resource assessment
Dr. Matthew Lackner
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Director, Wind Energy Center
- Director, Wind Energy Fellows
- Director, ELEVATE
Research Interests:
- Aerodynamics
- Floating Offshore Wind Turbines
- Structural Control
Dr. Erin Baker
- Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Faculty Director, The Energy Transition Institute
Research Interests:
- Decision Making Under Uncertainty
- Publicly-Funded Energy Technology Research and Development Portfolios in the Face of Climate Change
- Sustainable Energy Systems
Dr. Sanjay R. Arwade
- Professor, Civil Engineering
Research Interests:
- Extreme Events (e.g. hurricanes) and their Consequences
- Interfaces Between Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
- Offshore Reliability Engineering
- Offshore Wind Energy Support Structures
Dr. Dwayne Breger
- Extension Professor, Environmental Conservation
- Director, UMass Clean Energy Extension
Research Interests:
- Energy Democracy and Local Energy Choice
- Renewable Energy Technology, Markets, and Policy
- Systems Modeling of Energy Storage and Renewables
Dr. Don DeGroot
- Professor, Civil Engineering
Research Interests:
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Offshore Wind Energy Anchors
Dr. Jon G. McGowan
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Heat Transfer
- Thermal Systems Analysis
- Thermodynamics
Dr. Yahya Modarres-Sadeghi
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines
- Wind Turbine Blade Instabilities
Dr. David P. Schmidt
- Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Research Interests:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Offshore Wind Energy
- Two-Phase Flow
Dr. Emmanuel Branlard
- Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
- Associate Editor, Wind Energy Science Journal
Research Interests:
- mid-to-low fidelity modeling with a focus on multi-physics
- aeroelasticity
- and aerodynamics.
Dr. Krish Thiagarajan Sharman
- Professor
- Endowed Chair in Renewable Energy
Research Interests:
- Offshore Engineering
- Naval Architecture
- Floating Wind Energy
- Wave and Tidal Energy
- Aquaculture
Dr. Zack Westgate
- Associate Professor, Civil Engineering
Research Interests:
- Marine Geotechnics
- Cable/Mooring-Seabed Interaction
- Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Dr. Golbon Zakeri
- Professor, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Research Interests:
- Economics and optimization of power markets
- Planning under uncertainty
- Electricity markets with renewable power penetration
Curtice Griffin
- Professor, Department of Environmental Conservation
Research Interests:
- Effects of climate change and offshore wind facilities on wildlife
- Biodiversity conservation
- Wetland wildlife ecology and management
- Integrated natural resources management issues
Michael Ash
- Professor, Economics and Public Policy
- Chair, Department of Economics
Research Interests:
- Environment
- Health
- Health Disparities
- Labor
Dr. Paul Phifer
- Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interests:
- Onshore and Offshore Wind Permitting