A-001 A Survey and Evaluation of Small, Artificial Recreational Ponds in Central Massachusetts. Eugene F. Zanella and Larry R. Scofield, 232 pp., 1968
A-002 The Ecology of the Young Fishes of the Weweantic River Estuary. Charles F. Cole, 15 pp., 1969 (PB-188 795)
A-005 Development of Method for Increasing the Efficiency of Water Use in Cranberries. John S. Norton, 16 pp., 1968
A-006 Relation of Sediment Load to Hydrological Characteristics of the Connecticut River Between Northfield and Springfield, Massachusetts. Miles O. Hayes, 20 pp., 1967
A-007 The Ecological Significance of Allulolytic Bacteria in Quabbin Reservoir. John T.Reynolds, 11 pp., 1968
A-008 Absorption of Pesticides on Earth Material. John H. akrt, 28 pp., 1968
A-010 Pesticide Occurrence, Concentration and Degradation in Free Water Systems. B.M. Zuckerman, 14 pp., 1968
A-011 Chemical Effects of Bottom Deposits on Quality of Impounded Waters. Tsuan Hua Feng, 33 pp., 1968
A-012 Thermodynamic Relationships within the System: Sediments-Sea-Air. Oliver T. Zajicek, 13 pp., 1968
A-013 The Effects of Climate Upon the Work Capacity and Cardiac and Opercular Cycles in Freshwater Fish. John L. Roberts, 3 pp., 1968
A-014 Preprints of Papers Delivered at the Conference on Economic Geology in Massachusetts. Oswald C. Farquhar, ed., 59 pp., 1966
A-015 Sub-Surface Irrigation of Turf Areas Nozzle Design and Spacing. Lester F. Whitney, 8 pp., 1968
A-016 Small Watershed Storage Increase Using Low Dams. Karl N. Hendrickson, 20 pp., 1967
A-017 The Mechanics of Fluid Transport in Vegetation. Denton B. Harris, 10 pp., 1968
A-018 Arrest of the Aging Process in Massachusetts Lakes Resulting from Man's Activity. John T. Reynolds and Warren Litsky, 64 pp., 1968
A-020 Microbial Degradation of Organic Pollutants of Industrial Origin. Haim B. Gunner, 11 pp., 1970
A-021 Optimum Utilization and Management of Water Bearing Formations Hydraulically Connected to a Stretch of the Connecticut River. Ward S. Motts, 21 pp., 1970
A-027 Surface Waters of a Small City (Springfield, Massachusetts). John W. Brainerd, 8 pp., 1971
A-028 Water Resources Potential of an Urban Estuary (Saugus River, Pines River, and Lynn Harbor Complex). John J. Cochrane, Constantine J. Gregory, and Gerald L. Aronson, 185 pp., 1970
A-038 Effects of Water Diversion on Estuarine Fauna in the Merrimack River, Massachusetts. Charles F. Cole, 9 pp., 1972
A-049 Statistical Study of the Duckweed Rhizosphere as an Eco-Assay Tool. Robert A. Coler, 8 pp., 1974
NECD-1 Proceedings: Water Rights Law Conference. New England Water Center Directors, 115 pp., 1966
NECD-2 Proceedings: Water Resources Planning Conference I. New England Water Center Directors, 105 pp., 1968
NECD-3 Proceedings: Water Resources Planning Conference II. New England Water Center Directors, 300 pp., 1969
NECD-4 Proceedings: The New England Conference on River Diversions. New England Water Center Directors, 162 pp., 1971
NECD-5 Conference Proceedings: Interaction of Land Use Planning and Regional Water Quality Management. Edward R. Kaynor, ed., New England Water Center Directors, 101 pp., 1974
No. 2 Excerpts from the 1967 Annual Report of the Center. Bernard B. Berger, ed., 23 pp., 1967
No. 3 Proceedings of the Water Resources Research Symposium. Bernard B. Berger, ed., 161 pp., 1967
No. 4 Community Leader Attitudes on Water Pollution Abatement in Selected Massachusetts Communities on the Connecticut River. Robert A. Shanley, 16 pp., 1968
No. 5 Yield of Streams in Massachusetts. George R. Higgins, 175 pp., 1967
No. 6 Hydrological Studies in Massachusetts. George R. Higgins, 81 pp., 1968
No. 7 The Occurrence and Characteristics of Ground Water Contamination in
Massachusetts. Ward S. Motts and Marvin Saines, 70 pp., 1969 (PB-205704)
No. 8 Excerpts from the 1968 Annual Report. Bernard B. Berger, ed., 29 pp., 1968
No. 9 Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Phytoplankton in Quabbin
Reservoir. Paul A. Erikson and John T. Reynolds, 45 pp., 1969
No. 10 Inventory of Ponds, Lakes and Reservoirs of Massachusetts. James A.
McCann, ed., (includes the following volumes):
Lake bathymetric maps are available separately. Contact the Water
Resources Research Center (413 545-2842) or visit the MassWildlife web page.
10-1 ...Barnstable County. James A. McCann, 102 pp., 1969
10-2 ...Berkshire and Franklin Counties. James A. McCann and Leo M. Daly, 133, pp. (no date)
10-3 ...Essex County. James A. McCann, John B. Dixon, and Robert W. Schleyer, 89 pp., 1972
10-4 ...Hampshire and Hampden Counties. James A. McCann and Leo M. Daly, 103 pp., 1972
10-5 ...Plymouth County. James A. McCann, George E. Wood and Edward E. Kraus, 114 pp., 1972
10-6 ...Worcester County. James A. McCann, Herman J. Covey, Robert P. Corrinet, and Paul E. Ostrowski, 181 pp., 1972
10-7 ...Middlesex County. James A. McCann, John B. Dixon, and Robert W. Schleyer, 124 pp., 1972
10-8 ...Norfolk and Suffolk Counties. James A. McCann, John B. Dixon, and Robert W. Schleyer, 87 pp., 1972
10-9 ...Bristol, Dukes and Nantucket Counties. James A. McCann, George E. Wood, and Edward E. Kraus, 91 pp., 1972
No. 11 The Role of Aquatic Vascular Plants in the Eutrophication Process of Selected Lakes in Western Massachusetts. R.B. Livingston, and P.A. Bentley, 80 pp., 1970 (PB-197 115)
No. 12 Determination of the Feasibility of Removal of Algal Nutrients in Lake Water by Ion Exchange. Oliver T. Zajicek, 64 pp., 1970 (PB-199 914)
No. 13 Stochastic Population Dynamics for Regional Water Supply and Waste Management Decision-Making. Peter Meier, 207 pp., 1970
No. 15 Institutional Patterns in Evolving Regional Programs for Water Resource Management. Irving Howards and Edward R. Kaynor, 237 pp., 1971
No. 16 Control of Benthic Deposits in Lakes. Tsuan H. Feng, 194 pp., 1971
No. 17 Mathematical Modeling of Nutrient Transport. Francis A. DiGiano, 37 pp., 1971
No. 18 A Preliminary Study on the Utilization of Laminar Jet Flows for Removal of Benthic Deposits. Almon A. Shen and Joseph Colonell, 31 pp., 1971
No. 19 Enhancement of Ecological and Aesthetic Values of Water Associated with Interstate Highways. Kenneth L. Bergstrom, Paul R. Dommel, James C. Moulton, and Walter E. Rogers, 114 pp., 1971
No. 20 Hydrologic Factors in the Determination of Watershed Yields. George R. Higgins and J.M. Colonell, 125 pp., 1971 (PB-204 974)
No. 20A DIVERSE, A Fortran IV Program to Calculate Diversity Indices of Stream Bottom Organisms. Joseph C. Mawson and Paul J. Godfrey, 23 pp., 1971
No. 20B An Annotated Bibliography of the Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on Water Resources and Their Uses, 1930-1970. James McCann and Gail G.Smith, 46 pp., 1971
No. 21 Multi-Time Period, Facilities Location Problems: A Heuristic Algorithm with Applications to Waste Water Treatment Systems. Harjit S. Bhalla and Robert F. Rikkers, 87 pp., 1971 No. 22 A Methodology for Determining Optimal Longitudinal Spacing of Effluent Discharges into a River. Ronald Webster Deacon and Richard J. Giglio, 131 pp., 1971
FY 72-4 The Mill River and its Floodplain in Northampton and Williamsburg, Massachusetts: A Study of the Vascular Plant Flora, Vegetation, and the Presence of the Bacterial Family Pseudomonadaceae in Relation to Patterns of Land Use. Elizabeth D. Robinton and C. John Burk, 72 pp., 1972
FY 72-5 A Microbiotic Ecoassay for Environmental Pollutants. Haim B. Gunner and Robert A. Coler, 17 pp., 1972
FY 72-6 A Computerized Educational Program for the Application of the Management Sciences to Water Resources Management. Eugene E. Kaczka and George F. William, 25 pp., 1971
FY 72-7 Closed Systems for Animal Sewage Treatment. Joe T. Clayton, 11 pp., 1971
No. 23 Charles River: An Urban River in its Changing Social Contexts. John W. Sinton, 110 pp., 1972 (PB-208 810)
No. 24 Public Service and the Public University: Environmental Problem-Solving and Research. James R. Pease, 200 pp., 1972 No. 25 Historical, Political and Social Factors Affecting Public Policy on River Diversion: Out-of-Basin Diversion of Connecticut Flood Waters to the Boston Metropolitan Area. Edward R. Kaynor, 56 pp., 1972
FY 73-1 The Participatory Role of Citizen Advisory Groups in New England Water Resources Planning: A Preliminary Study. Madge O. Ertel, 20 pp., 1972 (PB-218 712)
FY 73-2 Analysis of Selected, Existing Water Quality Data on the Connecticut River. Alan J. Gross and Jeffrey R. Folts, 39 pp., 1973
FY 73-3 Significance of Cellulose Production by Planktonic Algae in Lacustrine Environments. Jinnque Rho, John T. Reynolds, and Warren Litsky, 100 pp., 1972
FY 73-4 The Limnology of Stockbridge Bowl, Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Stuart D. Ludlam, Karen S. Hutchison, and G.E. Henderson, 63 pp., 1972
FY 73-5 The Origin, Effects and Control of Turbidity in an Urban Recreational Lake. Carlos Carranza and Stanley M. Bemben, 106 pp., 1973 (PB-220 963)
FY 73-8 Determination of Optimal Multiple Uses of a Small Water Resource. Carl A. Carlozzi, 168 pp., 1973 (PB-222 524)
FY 73-9 Evaluation of Discontinuities in Regional Population Projections. Jane Wilkie and Everett Lee, 24 pp., 1973 (PB-222 543)
FY73-10 Attitudes of Riparians Toward Their Lake Environments: A Study of Lake Wyola and Damon Pond, Massachusetts. John H. Martin and Paul L. Wegkamp, 41 pp., 1973 (PB-222 485)
No. 26 A Methodology for Planning Optimal Regional Wastewater Management Systems. Donald Dean Adrian, Bernard B. Berger, Richard J. Giglio, Frank C. Kaminsky, and Robert F. Rikkers, 239 pp., 1973
No. 27 Partial Recovery of Vegetation in a Pollution-Damaged Marsh. C. John Burk, Paul Hosier, Arthur Lowry, Nick Lenz, and Alexander Masrobian, 28 pp., 1973 (PB-226 303)
No. 28 Formation of Public Policy on Issues of Out-of-Basin Diversion of Connecticut River Flood Waters to Boston Metropolitan Area. Bernard B. Berger, ed., 160 pp., 1973
No. 29 Attitudes, Values and Perceptions in Water Resources Decision-Making within a Metropolitan Area. Edward R. Kaynor and Irving Howards, 140 pp., 1973
No. 30 Model for Landscape Resource Assessment. Julius Gyula Fabos, 141 pp., 1973 (PB-226 437)
No. 31 A Guide to Important Characteristics and Values of Freshwater Wetlands in the Northeast. Joseph S. Larson, ed., 35 pp., 1973 (PB-226 075)
No. 32 Models for Assessment of Freshwater Wetlands. Joseph S. Larson, 91 pp., 1976 (PB-253 950)
REPRINT A Guide to Important Characteristics and Values of Freshwater Wetlands in the Northeast AND Models for Assessment of Freshwater Wetlands (Reprint of Nos. 31 and 32 in one volume). Joseph S. Larson, ed., 126 pp., 1981
No. 33 Flood Proofing Decisions Under Uncertainty: An Application to the Connecticut River Basin. Petros Aklilu and Cleve E. Willis, 99 pp., 1974 (PB-228 133)
No. 34 Legal Issues in Economic Utilization of the Connecticut River Flood Plain. Daniel Wilkes, 48 pp., 1973
No. 35 Institutional Framework Affecting the Use of Inland Wetlands in Massachusetts. Tirath R. Gupta and John H. Foster, 39 pp., 1973 (PB-228 134)
No. 36 Elements in a Decision Framework for Planning the Allocation of Coastal Land and Water Resources with Illustration for a Coastal Community. Roger N. Albee and David A. Storey, 78 pp., 1973
No. 37 Applications of Linear Time Series Models and Stepwise Regression Models to Selected Water Quality Data on the Connecticut River. Alan J. Gross and Rebecca C. Galkiewicz, 36 pp., 1973
WRRI-17 Utility Analysis in the Valuation of Extra-Market Benefits with Particular Reference to Water-Based Recreation. J.A. Sinden, 124 pp., 1973
WRRI-25 A Systematic Evaluation of Environmental Perceptions, Optimum Preferences, and Trade-Off Values in Water Resource Analysis. Dilip Pendse and J.B. Wyckoff, 86 pp., 1974 (PB-236 853)
No. 38 Preliminary Observations on the Biochemical Cycle of Silica in Stockbridge Bowl (Lake). Stuart D. Ludlam, 33 pp., 1974
No. 39 Dissolved Silica in Laurel Lake: Influx, Uptake and Differential Accumulation During Summer Stratification. Michael Soukup, 67 pp., 1974
No. 40 Use of Economic-Environmental Input-Output Analysis for Coastal Planning with Illustration for the Cape Cod Region. Dennis M. King and David A. Storey, 73 pp., 1974
No. 42 Impact of the Cranberry Industry on the Quality of Ground Water in the Cape Cod Area. Karl H. Deubert, 56 pp., 1974
No. 43 The Role of Citizen Advisory Groups in Water Resources Planning. Madge O. Ertel, 141 pp., 1974 (PB-240 877)
No. 44 Design and Assembly of an Automatic Hydrologic Data Acquisition System. Peter N. Turbide, Joseph M. Colonell, and Francis S. Hill, 121 pp., 1974
No. 45 Flood Plain Land Use Management: An Application of Operations Research Methodology. Joseph F. Smiarowski, Cleve E. Willis, and John H. Foster, 44 pp., 1975
No. 46 The Economics of Flood Insurance: An Analysis of the National Flood Insurance Program. Gregory A. Vaut, 72 pp., 1975
No. 47 Preliminary Investigation into Copper Cycling in Indian Lake, Massachusetts, a Lake Treated Annually with Copper Sulfate. Karen H. Symmes, 37 pp., 1975
No. 48 Correspondence Conference on Removal of Nitrogen from Municipal Wastewater. Bernard B. Berger, ed., 463 pp., 1973
No. 48S SUMMARY: Correspondence Conference on Removal of Nitrogen from Municipal Wastewater. Bernard B. Berger, 18 pp., 1974
No. 49 Environmental Impact Evaluation in Freshwater Impoundments by Vegetation Analysis of the Terrestrial Ecosystem. Patrick W. Fairbairn and Carl A. Carlozzi, 141 pp., 1975
No. 50 Characteristics of Urban Runoff in Greenfield, Massachusetts, Phase I. Francis A. DiGiano, Paul L. Heirtzler, and Michael P. Donohue, 102 pp., 1975 (PB-268 984)
No. 51 Water Usage Study in Communities Served by the Metropolitan District Commission. Water Resources Research Center and Curran Associates, 167 pp., 1975
No. 52 Proceedings: The Connecticut River System, A Workshop on Research Needs and Priorities. Madge O. Ertel, ed., 141 pp., 1975 (PB-268 984)
No. 53 Modeling the Dynamic Response of Floodplains to Urbanization in Southeastern New England. Donald D. Doehring, Julius Gyula Fabos, and Mark E. Smith, 29 pp., 1975
No. 54 A Laboratory Investigation of the Effect of Surface Films on Wind Induced Rearation. Donald C. Knudson and Peter A. Mangarella, 99 pp., 1975
No. 55 Tritium and Deuterium as Water Tracers in Hydrologic Systems. Gordon L. Stewart and John R. Stetson, 44 pp., 1975
No. 56 Evidence of the Presence of Mutagenic Pollutants in the Millers River: Results of a Plant Bioassay System. Edward J. Klekowski, Jr., 54 pp., 1975
No. 57 A Model of Alewife Migration in the Parker River, Massachusetts, for Simulating an Optimal Anadromous Fish Stock Management Program. George Libey, Charles F. Cole, and James E. Johnson, 25 pp., 1975
No. 58 A Review of Statistical Procedures Used for Examination of Water Data. Alan J. Gross, 16 pp., 1975 (PB-247 104)
No. 59 Evaluation of Alternative Procedures for Review of Water Resources Research Proposals. Bernard B. Berger and Edward R. Kaynor, 53 pp., 1975
No. 60 Field Evaluation of a Predictive Model for Thermal Stratification in Lakes and Reservoirs. Joseph M. Colonell, 204 pp., 1976
No. 61 A Floodplain Management Framework for Structural and Non-Structural Measures. Jawahar Lal Kaul, Cleve E. Willis, and John H. Foster, 114 pp., 1975
No. 62 Designing a River Basin Sampling System. Thomas G. Sanders, Donald Dean Adrian, and Bernard B. Berger, 88 pp., 1976 (PB-255 022)
No. 63 Quality Variations within a Small Water Distribution System. Oliver T. Zajicek, 25 pp., 1976
No. 64 Proceedings of Seminar Sessions on State Water Supply Planning. Barry R. Lawson, ed., 234 pp., 1975 (PB-261 885)
No. 64S EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Proceedings of Seminar Sessions on State Water Supply Planning. Barry R. Lawson, 14 pp., 1975
No. 65 Evaluation of Proposed Man-Made Ponds for Food Production to Recover Values in Waste Heat and Solid Organic Sludges. John W. Zahradnik, Larry S. Turner, Howard L. Levine, and Charles Tucker, 58 pp., 1976
No. 66 Evaluation of Data for Ponds, Lakes and Reservoirs in Massachusetts. Joseph C. Mawson and Roger J. Reed, 20 pp., 1976 (PB-279 142)
No. 67 Evaluation and Adaptation of Selected Computer Programs to Water Resource Problems in Massachusetts. Lawrence A. Leland and George R. Higgins, 68 pp., 1975 (PB-255 105)
No. 68 Strengthening Lake-Shoreland Management in Massachusetts. Bernard B. Berger, Jon A. Kusler, and Sally G. Klingener, 21 pp. 1976
No. 69 Lake-Shoreland Management Programs: Selected Papers. Bernard B. Berger, Jon A. Kusler, and Sally G. Klingener, eds., 224 pp., 1976 (PB-269014)
No. 70 Suitability of New England Soils in Accepting Waste Effluents: Phase I. Donald Dean Adrian, John H. Baker, Chin Shu Chen, Joe T. Clayton, Francis A. DiGiano, Gordon L. Stewart, and Martin E. Weeks, 150 pp., 1976 (PB-269 092)
No. 71 A Four Year Analysis of Vegetation Following an Oil Spill in a Fresh Water Marsh. C. John Burk, 38 pp., 1976
No. 72 Fort River Ecosystem: Productivity of the Periphyton Component. Stuart G. Fisher and William T. Sumner, 56 pp., 1976
No. 73 Effectiveness of Information Transfer through Water Resources Researcher/User Group Interaction. Ruth Kreplick and John C. Sawyer, 144 pp., 1976
No. 74 A Method for Selecting and Evaluating Simulation Games as Education Tools for Water Resources Planning. Linda G. Lockwood and Robert F. Powers, 81 pp., 1976
No. 75 Explaining Variations in Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Within a Soft Water Area. Robert W. Tuthill, 73 pp., 1976
No. 76 Workshop Proceedings: Citizen Participation in Water Resources Decision-Making. Madge O. Ertel and Barry Lawson, 47 pp., 1976 (PB-259 611)
No. 77 Citizen Participation in Comprehensive Water Resources Planning. Madge O. Ertel and Stuart G. Koch, 103 pp., 1976
No. 78 Attitudes and Interactions of Citizen Advisory Groups and Governmental Officials in the Water Resources Planning Process. Robert A. Shanley, 103 pp., 1976
No. 79 Evaluation of Membranes for Water Pollution Control. E. Ernest Lindsey and W. Leigh Short, 53 pp., 1976
No. 80 The Value of Data Acquisition from Water Quality Monitoring. Richard J. McAniff and Cleve E. Willis, 104 pp., 1976
No. 81 A Modeling Approach for Predicting Nutrient Influences on Lakes and Their Watersheds. Sharon A. Bucci, Carl A. Carlozzi, and Gail B. Oakland, 32 pp., 1976.
No. 82 River Basin Water Quality Sampling. Dennis A. Verdi, Christopher C. Clarkson, and Donald Dean Adrian, 110 pp., 1976
No. 83 Connecticut River Water Resource Decision-Making. Edward R. Kaynor, 393 pp., 1976 ($11.00) Md Ctr1 Characterization of Urban Runoff in the Maryland Suburbs of Washington, D.C. Robert M. Regan and Allan J. Dietemann (Technical Report No. 38 of the University of Maryland Water Resources Research Center), 137 pp., 1976
Md Ctr2 Characterization of Urban Runoff. William Whipple, Jr., Bernard B. Berger, C.D. Gates, R.M. Regan, and C.W. Randall, 22 pp., 1976
No. 84 Characterization of Urban Runoff, Greenfield, Massachusetts: Phase II. Francis A. DiGiano, Robert A. Coler, Ram C. Dahiya, and Bernard B. Berger, 137 pp., 1977
No. 85 Effect of an Urban Road System on Lead Content of an Urban Water Supply System. H.M. Widmer, John Markinac, Stephen A. Wilson, with Oliver T. Zajicek, ed., 18 pp., 1977
No. 86 Suitability of New England Soils in Accepting Waste Effluents: Phase II. Donald Dean Adrian, John H. Baker, Joe T. Clayton, Francis A. DiGiano, Gordon L. Stewart, and Martin Weeks, 134 pp., 1976
No. 87 A Test of the Effects of Domestic Sewage on the Growth of the Common Blue Mussel, Mytilus edulis, in an Aquacultural System. Jeff Pardo and Robert Coler, 44 pp., 1977
No. 88 The Relationship of Lake Quality to Specific Urbanization Stresses. Haim B. Gunner and Jinnque Rho, 44 pp., 1977
No. 89 Public Participation in Water Resources Planning: A Case Study and Literature Review. Madge O. Ertel and Stuart G. Koch, 55 pp., 1977
No. 90 The Recent History of Productivity in Selected Berkshire Lakes. Stuart D. Ludlam, 66 pp., 1977
No. 91 Wastewater Management Planning: Conflict in the Evaluation of Alternatives. Harry E. Schwarz and Bradford M. Stern, 104 pp., 1977
No. 92 Disposal and Utilization of Hydraulically Dredged Lake Sediments in Limited Containment Areas. James E. Walsh and Stanley M. Bemben, 147 pp., 1977 (PB-285 729)
No. 93 Oil Spills: The Policy of Prevention and the Strategy of Recovery. Jon M. Conrad, 88 pp., 1977
Co ctr1 Modeling the Dynamic Response of Floodplains to Urbanization in Eastern New England. Donald O. Doehring and Mark E. Smith, 95 pp., 1978 (PB-285 708)
No. 94 The Effects of Elevated Levels of Sodium in Community Drinking Water on Blood Pressure Distribution Patterns. Edward J. Calabrese and Robert W. Tuthill, 28 pp., 1978
No. 95 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of an Integrated Water Resources Research Information Transfer Program. Ruth Kreplick, 124 pp., 1978
No. 96 The Effects of the Use and Regulation of Septic Tank Systems Upon Land Use in Massachusetts. Joseph H. Twichell, 90 pp., 1978
No. 97 Biological Nitrification and Denitrification Using Rotating Biological Contactors. James C. O'Shaughnessey and Frederic C. Blanc, 103 pp., 1978
No. 98 Connecticut River Diversion: A Case Study in Water Allocation Policy. Edward R. Kaynor, 220 pp., 1978 (PB-293 785)
No. 99 Influence of Waste Residuals in Estuarine Waters on Development, Behavior and Survival of Soft-Shell Clam Larvae. Christopher Gledhill, Charles F. Cole, and Christopher Martin, 37 pp., 1978
No. 100 Ecological Effects of Urban Stormwater Runoff on Benthic Macroinvertebrates Inhabiting the Green River, Massachusetts. Joel M. Pratt and Robert A. Coler, 75 pp., 1979
No. 101 Fragmentation of Public Authority over Floodplains: The Charles River Response. Rutherford H. Platt and George M. McMullen, 112 pp., 1979
No. 102 Development of a Modified Tracer Technique for Measuring the Stream Reaeration Rate. Joseph Michael Kwasnik and Tsuan Hua Feng, 68 pp., 1979
No. 103 Development of a Procedure for Field Measurement of River Reaeration Rates. James Morrison Valentine, Jr. and Tsuan Hua Feng, 93 pp., 1979
No. 104 Urbanization and Water Quality Planning: The 208 Experience in Massachusetts. Harry E. Schwarz, Branden B. Johnson, Robert J. Caiazzo, and Debra E. Pincus, 135 pp., 1979
No. 105 The Relationship Between Water Depth and Sedimentary Pigment Concentration in Two Holomictic Berkshire Lakes. Stuart D. Ludlam, 30 pp., 1979
No. 106 The Attitudes of Industry and Public Officials on Industrial Use of Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater Effluent in Massachusetts. Janice Pratte and Warren Litsky, 78 pp., 1979
No. 107 Identifying and Meeting Training Needs for Public Participation in Water Resources Planning. Madge O. Ertel, 32 pp., 1979
No. 108 The Development of PALIS: A Ponds and Lakes Information System for Massachusetts. Paul J. Godfrey, Spencer Joyner, Jr., Edward Goldstein, and Linda Ross, 236 pp., 1979
No. 109 A Rational Approach to Utilization of Carbon Beds in Reducing Microorganic Contamination in Drinking Water. Francis A. DiGiano, William H. Frey, and Charles W. Baxter, 113 pp., 1980
No. 110 Dam Policy in Massachusetts. Edward R. Kaynor, 95 pp., 1979
No. 111 The Detection of Mutagenic Pollutants in Aquatic and Marine Environments: Studies of the Millers River and Boston Harbor. Edward J. Klekowski and William Barnes, 74 pp., 1979
No. 112 Analysis of the Water Rate Structure as a Management Option for Water Conservation. James W. Male, Cleve E. Willis, Frederick G. Babin, and Charles J. Shillito, 134 pp., 1979
No. 113 Urban Stormwater Pollutant Loadings. Thomas A. Jewell, Donald Dean Adrian, and Francis A. DiGiano, 186 pp., 1980
No. 114 Public Attitudes Toward the Recreational Use of Drinking Water Reservoirs in Massachusetts. Lawrence R. Klar, Jr., Walter H. Bumgardner, and Aldo H. Ghirin, 72 pp., 1980
No. 115 Post-Flood Recovery and Hazard Mitigation: Lessons from the Massachusetts Coast, February, 1978. Rutherford H. Platt and George M. McMullen, 101 pp., 1980 (PB-207 517)
No. 116 Eutrophication Stress in the Littoral Zone Resulting from Shoreland Development. Haim B. Gunner, 62 pp., 1980
No. 117 Multispectral Remote Sensing as a Freshwater Quality Surveillance Tool. Dayton E. Carritt, 57 pp., 1980
No. 118 Cost Effective Stream and Effluent Monitoring. Donald Dean Adrian, Cleve E. Willis, Charles E. Carver, James W. Male, Christopher C. Clarkson, Franklin S. Tirsch, Kevin Moore, and Donald R. Ryan, 94 pp., 1980
No. 119 Ulva lactuca as a Bioindicator of Coastal Water Quality. Howard G. Levine
No. 120 Municipal Wells, Land Development and Freshwater Wetlands in Massachusetts. David S. Wilkie and Joseph S. Larson, 32 pp., 1980 (PB-209 132)
No. 121 Substitution Possibilities for Water Inputs in Selected Industries. Frederick G. Babin, Cleve E. Willis, P. Geoffrey Allen, and Andriana S. Vlachou, 114 pp., 1980
No. 122 Massachusetts' Five-Year Water Reources Research Needs, 1982-1987. Edward L. Goldstein, Joseph S. Larson, and Paul J. Godfrey, 74 pp., 1980 (PB-231 961)
No. 123 Geology and Hydrology of Wetlands in Massachusetts. Ward S. Motts and Arnold O'Brien, 147 pp., 1981 ($8.00)
No. 124 Removal of Humic Substances and Turbidity in Water Supply Sources by Polymer Coagulation and Direct Filtration. Francis A. DiGiano, Enrique J. LaMotta, Kenneth B. Black, and Maria C. Zapata-Moreno, 46 pp., 1981
No. 125 Low Flows of Massachusetts Streams. James W. Male and Hisashi Ogawa, 152 pp., 1982
No. 126 Mutation of Ferns Growing in an Environment Contaminated with Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Edward J. Klekowski, 23 pp., 1982
No. 127 Use and Limitations of Sedimentary Pigments as Indicators of Past Lake Productivity. Stuart D. Ludlam, 63 pp., 1982
No. 128 The Septic Tank as a Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facility. Peter L.M. Veneman, 45 pp., 1982
No. 129 Microbiological Control of the Aquatic Weed, Myriophyllus spp. Haim B. Gunner, 25 pp., 1982
No. 130 A Laboratory/Field Investigation into the Biological Effects of Urban Runoff. Carmen Madeiros and Robert A. Coler, 65 pp., 1982
No. 131 Control of Haloform Production During Chlorination of Naturally-Occurring Compounds through Pre-ozonation. Lloyd M. Hays, Barbara M. Baum, Russell A. Isaac, and J. Carrell Morris, 44 pp., 1982
No. 132 Feasibility of Increasing Water Supplies and Preventing Environmental Damage by Artificial Recharge in Massachusetts. Ward S. Motts, ed., 251 pp., 1982
No. 133 Valuation of Intangibles: The Case of Water Quality. Cleve E. Willis, John H. Foster, and Kenneth Sewall, 109 pp., 1983
No. 134 Characterization and Treatability of the Byproducts of Chlorination of Naturally Occurring Humic Substances. Francis A. DiGiano, Peter C. Uden, Wendy C. Saracen, and Edwin L. Coker, 102 pp., 1983
No. 135 Effect of Ozonation on the Biodegradability and Adsorbability of Specific Organics to be Removed in the "Biological Activated Carbon (BAC)" Process. Francis A. DiGiano, Sheila F. McShane, and Michael F. Lorenzo, 98 pp., 1983
No. 136 Use of Hedonic Price Technique to Evaluate Wetlands. P. Geoffrey Allen and Thomas H. Stevens, 42 pp., 1983
No. 137 Flood Loss Reduction Through Interstate Compacts: An Under-Utilized Approach. Rutherford H. Platt and William Nechamen, 146 pp., 1983
No. 138 The Flood Mitigation Potential of Inland Wetlands. Hisashi Ogawa and James W. Male, 164 pp., 1983
No. 139 An Analytical Model of Contaminant Migration in Shallow Aquifers. David O. Lederer, David W. Ostendorf, Richard R. Noss, and Donald Dean Adrian, 70 pp., 1983
No. 140 The Role of Fulvic Substances on Trace Metal Partitioning in Natural Aquatic Sediments. Oliver T. Zajicek, 38 pp., 1983
No. 141 River Basin Water Quality Monitoring Network Design. Franklin S. Tirsch and James W. Male, 197 pp., 1983
No. 142 Development of Groundwater on a Retreating Barrier Beach in Relation to Overwash and Dune Formation on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Paul Jeffrey Godfrey and Michael Stroman, 43 pp., 1983
No. 143 Historic and Prehistoric Patterns of Water Use in the Connecticut River Valley: Implications for Water Resources Planning. John R. Cole and Mitchell T. Mulholland, 144 pp., 1983
No. 144 A Management Model for Determining Acceptable Types and Levels of Recreation at Public Drinking Water Reservoirs. Lawrence R. Klar, Jr., Meir Gross, Peter J. Murphy, Edward M.Mahoney, and Michael S. Switzenbaum, 243 pp., 1983 ($8.00)
No. 145 Hydrogeochemical Cycling in a Watershed-Groundwater System: Fort River and Cadwell Creek, Massachusetts. Gail L. Batchelder, Richard F. Yuretich, and Wendy C. Leonard, 80 pp., 1983
No. 146 Evaluation of the Visibility Criterion of the Massachusetts Sanitary Code for Swimming in Natural Waters. Richard R. Noss and Kirk Hatfield, 41 pp., 1984
No. 147 The Massachusetts Acid Rain Monitoring Project: Phase I. Paul J. Godfrey, Armand Ruby, III, and O.T. Zajecek, 240 pp., 1984 ($8.00)
No. 148 Hydrogeology and Processes of Acid Neutralization in Cadwell Creek Watershed, Quabbin Reservation, Massachusetts. Wendy C. Leonard, Richard F. Yuretich, and Susan J. Pohanka, 131 pp., 1985
No. 149 Biological Neutralization of Acid Deposition in Ombrogenous and Minerotrophic Wetlands. Thomas P. Army and Harold F. Hemond, 47 pp., 1985
No. 150 Reproductive Failure Due to Environmental pH and Ionic factors in Landlocked Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax). Paul T. Kostecki, Kyle R. Byrne, and Edward J. Calabrese, 30 pp., 1985
No. 151 Sulfate Retention by Forest Soils of Central New England. John H. Baker, 32 pp., 1986
No. 152 Hydrogeology and Mineral Weathering Reactions in Watersheds of Central Massachusetts. Richard F. Yuretich, Peter J. Stekl, and Susan J. Pohanka, 85 pp., 1986
No. 153 Influence of Vegetative Succession on Soil Chemistry of the Berkshires. Henry W. Art and David P. Dethier, 174 pp., 1986
No. 154 Design of a Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Program. Paul J. Godfrey, Armand Ruby III, Oliver T. Zajicek, Stephen J. DeFrancesco, Michael Sutherland, James K. Edzwald, and Floyd Taylor, 111 pp., 1986
No. 155 Physiological Stress Indicators in Fishes and Their Potential for Application in Field Studies. Sebastien Belle, Kyle R. Byrne, and Paul T. Kostecki, 59 pp., 1987
No. 156 Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources Research. Mark S. Lindhult, Paul J. Godfrey, Julius G. Fabos, and Meir Gross, 80 pp., 1988
No. 157 Sensitivity of Surface Waters in Massachusetts: A Listing of the Sensitivity of All Surface Waters Sampled by the Acid Rain Monitoring Project. Nicholas Layzer, Marie-Francoise Walk, and Paul J. Godfrey, 107 pp., 1988
No. 158 Municipal Ground Water Contamination in Massachusetts: The Case for Wellhead Protection in Humid Regions. E.R. Kaynor, 209 pp., 1988. ($5.00)
No. 159 The Massachusetts Acid Rain Monitoring Project, Phase II, Vol. 1. Armand Ruby III, Paul J. Godfrey, Oliver T. Zajicek, 145 pp., 1988. ($14.50)
No. 160 The Study of Humic and Other Naturally Occurring Organic Substances in Water and the Formation Therefrom of Hazardous Chlorinated Compounds. Peter C. Uden, 25 pp., 1988 ($2.00)
No. 161 Farmington River Wild and Scenic Study: Assessment of Water Supply Needs of the Greater Hartford Area. Edward R. Kaynor. 70 pp., 1990.
No. 162 Effects of Land Uses and Hydrogeologic Characteristics on Nitrate and Sodium in Groundwater. William J. Goetz, Carolyn Harper, Cleve E. Willis, John T. Finn. 94 pp., 1991.
No. 163 Effects of Pond Chemistry on two Synoptic Mole Salamanders, Ambystoma, Jeffersonianum and A. Maculatum, in the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts. Scott D. Jackson, Curtice R. Griffin. 42 pp., 1991.
No. 164 Ozone and Acidic Precipitation Effects on Mycorrhizal Formation and Growth of Tree Seedlings. William J. Manning, Stephen Plotkin, Robin Lowenfield, Kevin D. Kean. 41 pp., 1991.
No. 165 Production and Transport of Biogenic Volatiles from a Freshwater, Floatingmat Bog. Thomas P. Army, Harold F. Hemond. 180 pp., 1990.
No. 166 Impacts of Acid Deposition on Watersheds of the Quabbin Reservoir. Gail Batchelder, Virginia Irvine, et. al. 229 pp., 1992
No. 167 Denitrification System for Onsite Wastewater Treatment. Peter L. M. Veneman, Eric S. Winkler, 55 pp., 1993.
No. 168 The Cost of Water Supply and Its Impact on Decision Making. James W. Male, John B. Moriarty, Thomas H. Stevens, and Cleve Willis, 91 pp. 1993.
No. 169 Land Users’ Economic Responses to Groundwater Protection Policies. Joseph Iannazzi, Daniel Lass, Elizabeth Mansager, Sanddep Sacheti, and Cleve Willis, 85 pp. 1994
No. 170 Enhanced Recovery of Gasoline Hydrocarbons by Soil Flushing with Solutions of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nonionic Surfactants. David K. Ryan, John W. Duggan, and Clifford J. Bruell. 148 pp. 1995.
No. 171 The Massachusetts Acid Rain Monitoring Project: Ten Years of Monitoring Massachusetts Lakes and Streams with Volunteers. Paul J. Godfrey, Mark D. Mattson, Marie-Françoise Walk, Peter A. Kerr, O. Thomas Zajicek, and Armand
Ruby III, 245 pp., 1996
No. 172 Effects of Pore Size on the Mobilization of Petroleum Hyddrocarbons by Surfactant Enhanced Soil Flushing. Clifford J. Bruell, David K. Ryan, John W. Duggan, Scott C. Crawford, and Christopher C. Barker, 190 pp. 1997.
SPEC'L 1 Report of the Citizen Review Committee on the Connecticut River Basin Comprehensive Water and Related Land Resources Investigation. David Harrison, ed., New England River Basins Commission and Water Resources Research Center, 241 pp., 1971
SPEC'L 2 A Plan to Improve the Water Resources Scientific Information Center Program. Bernard B. Berger, John J. Knightly, Leon W. Weinberger, and Conrad A. Wogrin, 54 pp., 1976
SPEC'L 3 SAVE WATER, The Amherst Water Conservation Project: Final Report. Yaffa Grossman, Charles Lucy, Peter Westover, and Paul J. Godfrey (Report to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Division of Water Pollution Control by the Hitchcock Center for the Environment and the Town of Amherst), 149 pp., 1982 ($5.00)
SPEC'L 4 Directory of Massachusetts Water Resources Researchers, 1982. Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center, 63 pp., 1982
SPEC'L 5 The Design and Impacts of a Demonstration in Residential Water Conservation: Greenfield, Massachusetts. Penelope Kim and Samual Seskin (Report to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Division of Water Pollution Control by the Center for Economic Development, University of Massachusetts School of Business Administration), 59 pp., 1982 ($5.00)
SPEC'L 6 Regional Assessment of Wetlands Regulation Programs in New England. Edward R. Kaynor, ed., (Report to the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment by the Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center), 229 pp., 1982
SPEC'L 7 Ecological Considerations in Wetlands Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters. Paul J. Godfrey, Edward R. Kaynor, and Jay Benforado, eds. (Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Environmental Protection Agency by the Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center. Published by Hutchinson and Ross, Inc. Not available through Center.) 745 pp., 1983
SPEC'L 8 Courses of Study in Water Resources at the University of Massachusetts: A Supplementary Course Catalog compiled by the Water Resources Research Center, University of Massachusetts, 1984 (N/A)
SPEC'L 9 Directory of Water Resource Researchers in Massachusetts Colleges and Universities, 1984. Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center, 59 pp. (N/A)
SPEC'L 10 Annual Report October 1983 - Sept. 1984 of the Water Resources Research Center, University of Massachusetts. Paul J. Godfrey and Edward R. Kaynor, 30 pp., 1985 (N/A).
SPEC'L 11 Fiscal Year 1984 Program Report. Water Resources Research Center, University of Massachusetts, 26 pp., 1985 (N/A)
SPEC'L 12 1986 Directory of Acid Rain Researchers and Research Users in New England. 59 pp., 1987 (No Charge) (N/A)
SPEC'L 13 Recent and Ongoing Acid Deposition Research in New England--1986. Edward R. Kaynor, ed., 56 pp., 1987 (N/A)
SPEC'L 14 Results of An Aquatic Toxicology Research in the Northeast. S. Plotkin and Paul Kostecki. 19 pp., 1987.
SPEC'L 15 Directory of Aquatic Toxicology Research in the Northeast. S. Plotkin and Paul Kostecki. 72 pp., 1987.
SPEC'L 16 Acid Rain in Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Acid Rain Research Program in Action. Paul Godfrey, Director. 54 pp., Illus. 1988.
SPEC'L 17 Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center Annual Program Report-1989. Paul Godrey, Director. 38 pp., 1990. (N/A)
SPEC'L 18 1990 Directory of Water Resources Researchers in Massachusetts Colleges and University. 124 pp., 1990. (N/A)
SPEC'L 19 Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center Annual Program Report- 1990. Paul Godfrey, Director. 42 pp., 1991.
SPEC'L 20 Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center Annual Program Report- 1991. Paul Godfrey, Director. 38 pp., 1991.
SPEC'L 21 Massachusetts Water Resources Research Center Annual Program Report-1992. Paul Godfrey, Director. 86 pp.,