Center publications are principally research reports resulting from research on water resource topics by faculty in institutions of higher learning in Massachusetts funded through or sponsored by the Center. Some reports were published by the Center even though the Center did not participate in the funding of the research project reported. The Center has also published proceedings of conferences and other special publications. All listed publications are printed in 8 1/2 by 11 inch format.

Older, print-only publications can be consulted during regular hours of operation (8:30 - 4:30 Monday through Friday) at:

Water Resources Research Center
209 Ag Engineering Bldg
250 Natural Resources Rd
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003

Some of the publications are no longer available from the center, but in many cases these may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service.

NTIS has most of the Center's publications available in print or microfiche. Orders to NTIS will be processed most efficiently if they include the PB number listed with each title. Such requests should be addressed to:

National Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Rd
Springfield, VA 22161