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IFN-β, IL-5, IL-7, IL-10, IL-12p35, IL-12p40, IL-18, Monoclonals antibodies will be made to the: Cell Surface Molecules: TCRγ: fusion completed September 2008; 3 mAbs,contact Dr. Cynthia Baldwin, UMass Amherst about monoclonals. CCR7: protein produced;several mAbs produced; screening and characterization ongoing 2013(UMass Amherst). CCL2: fusion completed with yeast-expressed protein 2012; two mAbs identified (9F5 and 22F1) which also cross react with swine (both), canine (both), and equine (9F5) CCL2; characterization ongoing 2013 (U Mass Amherst) . IL-13: fusion completed Decemeber 2008; mAbs lost specificity;mammlian expressed protein produced (UMass Amherst); sseveral mAbs identified; characterization ongoing (U Mass Amherst). IFNα: protein production scheduled December 2008 (Kingfisher);mammalian expressed protein produced (UMass Amherst); fusion failed; re-immunizations in progress 2013 (U Mass Amherst). IL-17A: protein production scheduled Spring 2010 (Kingfisher); mammalian expressed proteins produced(UMass Amherst); several mAbs to IL-17A and IL-17F prouced; characterization ongoing 2013 (U Mass Amherst). IL-17F: protein production scheduled Spring 2010 (Kingfisher); mammalian expressed proteins produced(UMass Amherst); several mAbs produced; characterization ongoing 2013 (U Mass Amherst). IL-6: protein scheduled April 2009 (Kingfisher); mammalian expressed proteins produced (UMass Amherst); several mAbs identified; characterizations ongoing 2013 (U Mass Amherst). Click here to download the survey form. |
Dr. Cynthia Baldwin Species Coordinator, Ruminants Species Coordinator Dr. Cynthia Baldwin Species Collaborators Jayne Hope
William Golde
W. Ray Waters
Randy Sacco