
References for Genes
Publications & Posters
Commercially Available Reagents

Recombinant proteins have been made for the following genes:
CCL4, CCL20, IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-16, IL-17A, IL-17F, IL-18, MIF, TNSF15, IL-1β, IL-1R, IL-6, IL-7, IL-7R, IL-8, IL-10R, IL-12p35, IL-12p40, IL-3, IL-15, IL-16, IL-21, IL-21R, IL-22, IL-17D, LITAF, NK-lysin, CD25, CD80, CD83, CD86, IFN-α, IFN-r, TGFB4, B-defensin8

Recombinant proteins are available from Kingfisher Biotech, Inc.

Recombinant proteins will be made for the following genes:
CXCR4, IL-12p70, Lymphotactin

Monoclonal antibodies which have been made to:
Cytokines and Chemokines:

IFN-γ:monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information.

IL-1B: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information.

IL-2: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information.

IL-4: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information.

IL-6: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information.

IL-8: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

IL-10: protein produced; fusion completed; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

IL-13: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

IL-15: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

IL-16: monoclonal antibodies produced (UMass Amherst and BARC-East); contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

IL-17F: monoclonal production scheduled spring 2013 (BARC-East).

IL-18: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

TNFSF15: monoclonal antibodies produced; contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information.

Cell Surface Molecules:

IL-2Rα (CD25) : mice immunized at UMass; several mAbs produced (UMass Amherst); contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information; publication available.

CD80: protein produced (Cornell); several mAbs produced(UMass Amherst); contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for information; publication available.

CD83: protein produced(Cornell); several mAbs produced(UMass Amherst); contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information; publication available.

CD86: protein produced (Cornell); several mAbs produced(UMass Amherst); contact Dr. Hyun Lillehoj (BARC-East) for further information; publication available.

Monoclonal antibodies which will be made to:
Cytokines and Chemokines:

IL-7: protein produced (BARC-East); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IL-12p35: protein produced (BARC-East); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IL-22: protein produced (BARC-East); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IFN-α: protein produced (BARC-East); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

Cell Receptor Molecules:

IL-1R: protein produced (Cornell); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IL-7R: protein produced (Cornell); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IL-10R: protein produced (Cornell); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

IL-21R: protein produced (Cornell); monoclonal production scheduled spring 2014 (BARC-East)

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Then fill it out, and send it back to the appropriate species coordinator.

Last updated: March 2013

Dr. Hyun Lillehoj
Species Coordinator, Poultry

Species Coordinator

Hyun Lillehoj
USDA-ARS Beltsville
Poultry bioassays and genes

Species Collaborators

Naryan C. Rath

Gisela F. Erf
University of Arkansas

Shayan Sharif
University of Guelph

Wong Min
Gyeonsang National University

Darrell Kapczynski
Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory