Honors students conducting independent studies projects with UMass faculty members present their research findings with short oral presentations.

Undergraduate students conducting independent studies projects with departmental faculty members and creating posters will post their posters and be available to answer questions about their research.

Form of posters or oral presentations for biotechnology research experience classes

  • All reports should contain the following information:
    • Title and names of the student, any collaborators, and faculty sponsors
    • Abstract of 200-300 words summarizing the project and conclusions (poster)
    • Introduction- What is known thus far, the significance of the research question and hypothesis to be tested or the goal of the project
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results- quantitation of data and statistical analysis is encouraged
    • Conclusions- interpretation of findings and suggestions for further research
    • References (poster)
  • Presentation of background, hypothesis, and data interpretation are integral to scientific research. Students will be supported in this endeavor by their sponsoring faculty and faculty in charge of the ’91 courses (e.g. how to use PowerPoint and Photoshop software for posters and oral presentations, and how to run statistical analyses). Students are also encouraged to participate in the annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference.
A student at a podium giving a presentation in a classroom.