Notch Signaling in Autoimmune Diseases
Induction of Apoptosis in Lymphocytes; Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification; Co-author of Kuby Immunology, published by WH Freeman & Sons.
Non-coding RNAs in the immune system
Non-coding RNAs in the immune system
alveolar macrophages, innate immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, lung biology
The Role of RUNX Family Transcription Factors in Immune System Development
Molecular Genetics
Environmental Toxicology- Health Effects of Exposure to Complex Mixtures of Environmental Pollutants
Mammalian oocyte meiosis, activation, and aging Mammalian preimplantation embryo development Animal model generation
Tumor Suppressor Genes and the Cellular Basis for Susceptibility to Breast Cancer
Developmental Biology Genomic Imprinting Epigenetic Events During Preimplantation and Gastrulation Stages Maternal Factors Regulating Development
Induction of Apoptosis in Lymphocytes; Immunoglobulin Gene Diversification; Co-author of Kuby Immunology, published by WH Freeman & Sons.
The Role of RUNX Family Transcription Factors in Immune System Development
Specification of Cell Identity During Organogenesis; Precursor Cell Populations and Transcriptional Cell Fate Regulation
Reproduction & Development
The Role of ADAM (A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease) Proteins During the Early Development of the Frog Xenopus laevis.
Molecular mechanism underlying cranial neural crest cell migration and craniofacial development.
Mammalian oocyte meiosis, activation, and aging Mammalian preimplantation embryo development Animal model generation
Ca2+ Release Mechanisms in Mammalian Eggs During Maturation and Fertilization
Tumor Suppressor Genes and the Cellular Basis for Susceptibility to Breast Cancer
Developmental Biology Genomic Imprinting Epigenetic Events During Preimplantation and Gastrulation Stages Maternal Factors Regulating Development
Molecular mechanisms responsible for sperm function. Role of testis-specific kinases in male fertility and as targets for contraception.
Specification of Cell Identity During Organogenesis; Precursor Cell Populations and Transcriptional Cell Fate Regulation
Signal Transduction Pathways During Sperm Capacitation
Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry- Mechanisms of Action & Resistance to Insecticides, Changing Capacity of the Dengue Virus Vector with Age, Minimization of Exposure to Pesticides, Developmental Effects of Sea-Water Contaminants on Atlantic Salmon