University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Admitted Student Checklist

pdfDownload a .pdf copy of the New Student Checklists

Your successful transition to becoming a student at UMass depends on taking care of requirements and planning ahead.  Please review this checklist carefully, address all the requirements, and make your plans to ensure an easy start to the semester.

 Enrollment Fee Deferral

Once you are notified that you have been admitted contact the Student Veteran Resource Center at to defer the $500 enrollment fee to your bill

 Choose Your Date for Registration

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis so make sure you sign up as soon as possible. Choose a date that doesn’t conflict with work, graduation, vacation or any other prior commitments.  (If you are considered a transfer student, chose a Transfer Student Registration date)

 Explore Living at UMass

If you intend to live on campus, check out the residential options UMass has to offer. As students go through college, many eventually move off campus, and most UMass veteran students do live off campus in privately owned rental housing. Visit the Off Campus Student Services housing listings website to search for rentals or find housemates.

 Get Familiar with SPIRE

SPIRE is the student information and registration system and it will be a major part of your life at UMass! During advising session, you will use SPIRE to register for classes. Spend some time learning to use it before you arrive. Browse the course catalog and check out the search for classes feature to explore the course offerings at UMass Amherst, so you can jump right into the registration process.
You can learn more about SPIRE on the UMass IT website.

There are also several video tutorials to help you get started with SPIRE:
Getting Started
Searching for Classes
Enrolling in Classes

  UMass Google Email

Starting in mid-May OIT will send you information about your UMass Google Email account. Email is the official mode of communication between the university and its students. It's a good idea to get in the habit of checking your UMass Google Email account on a daily basis.

  Online Math Placement Exam

All incoming students must take the Math Placement Exam online before attending their advising and registration session. This exam will help you and your advisor identify the right math/science courses for you. 
Ready to take a placement exam? Click here to read the directions and get started.

  Online Foreign Language Placement Exam

Students who have studied French, German, Latin, or Spanish for two or more years and will continue with the same language at UMass Amherst, must take the Foreign Language Placement Exam online prior to their advising and registration session.
Ready to take a placement exam? Click here to read the directions and get started.

  Test Scores and Transcripts

If you have questions about the ACT/SAT, just email the Undergraduate Admissions office at and ask for an SAT/ACT waiver, which is routinely granted to military applicants.

Veteran Frequently Asked Questions about Admissions: 

In order to receive credit for AP or SAT II testing, the university must receive official copies of your score report(s). You may have already requested this when you took the test. If not, please go the College Board website and request an official report be sent to UMass. Our CEEB # is 3917.


Massachusetts law requires that all college students have certain immunizations before coming to school.
The New Student Immunization Program (NSIP) at University Health Services oversees these requirements. Go to the NSIP web page, for information on required immunizations and to download a copy of the Massachusetts Required Immunization History form.
This form must be completed and returned to the NSIP before your first semester on campus. If information is not received by the end of the Add/Drop period, a registration hold will be placed on your record.
It’s best to complete all required immunizations before beginning school. For more information, go to the immunizations website or call the NSIP, 413-577-5275.

  Health Insurance

Massachusetts law requires full-time college students to have primary health insurance. If you don’t already have insurance, or if the plan you have won’t meet your needs while at school, you can take advantage of the university-sponsored Student Health Benefit Plan (SHBP).
Students taking five or more credits are automatically enrolled in the SHBP; charges will appear on the semester tuition bill in SPIRE. Depending on your insurance coverage and student status, you may be eligible to waive the plan.  If you cannot waive the plan the GI Bill® pays this mandatory fee.

For information, visit the UHS website or call UHS Patient Services, 413-577-5192.


All new students are required to complete and pass AlchoholEdu  – an online alcohol education program before their first semester.  
AlchoholEdu offers a lot of interesting and useful information just for students. Once you’ve finished the course, bookmark the site and visit anytime!
If you don’t complete this requirement, you won’t be able to register for your next semester classes.
If you have any questions or concerns about passing the course by the deadline, please email Center for Health Promotion,, to set up a time to take and pass the course.

  UMass Amherst Alerts

Sign up to receive emergency text messages and learn more about emergency preparedness through UMass Amherst Alerts. Be sure to update your emergency contact information in SPIRE.

  Get Involved

Log into and explore Campus Pulse our online community that lets students find out about campus events and clubs (known at UMass as Registered Student Organizations or RSOs). 


Are you looking for a job in the area? The Student Employment Office lists work study and non-work study jobs available both on and off campus.

Auxiliary Services also posts a number of student jobs on their website. 

Veterans Administration work study positions are also available on a limited basis.  Visit the Student Veteran Resource Center (Rm 19 Dickinson hall) for more information.


A list of required course materials can be found on your SPIRE account. The Campus Bookstore offers the opportunity to rent, buy used or buy new textbooks. There are also several local bookstores in town as well as ways to find your books online.


If you do choose to bring your car to campus, make sure you purchase your parking pass as soon as possible. There are many different options for students. Visit Parking Services for more information. If you have a disabled veteran license plate you do not need to purchase parking, but you need to inform Parking Services of your plate number. You can then use any of the properly identified handicapped spots on campus.  

The SVRC is pleased to announce that the Student Government Association (SGA) Secretary of Veterans Affairs has secured a 15% discount on full year parking permits for Student Veterans. To qualify you must be registered as an active student with a valid SPIRE I.D and present a DD-214 or active duty military ID at the time of purchase.  Please visit the following webpage for full details:


Coming from far away? International and out of state students that live in the residence halls may have luggage shipped to UMass Amherst before their arrival on campus. Residential Life will store your luggage at an off-campus storage facility at no cost to you. The Luggage Program guidelines will be available on the Residential Life website prior to the beginning of the semester.  Information is generally posted over the summer months but not before the Spring semester is complete.


Please note: ‘‘GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at"