UVC Policies

University Of Massachusetts
Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life
Policy Manual

UVC-TV abides by all policies and procedures of the University of Massachusetts including, but, not limited to the Code of Student Conduct.


The mission of UVC-TV at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is to serve as an educational training facility, providing undergraduate students with the opportunity to learn all the facets of operating a video production center.  As such, our primary focus is to provide a hands-on learning facility, teaching the basics of video production, marketing, outreach, and management.

UVC-TV exists to provide an educational environment in which undergraduate students may learn and explore video production and exhibition. UVC-TV shall maintain video equipment, provide instruction in its use, and provide access to the equipment. The maintenance, instruction, and access shall be governed by this document, and the Charter of UVC-TV.

Persons or other student groups wishing to utilize UVC-TV's services or to work with UVC-TV in a capacity not detailed in this manual may petition the UVC-TV Coordinating Committee. The Coordinating Committee meets at a regularly scheduled time which is posted in UVC-TV.


Any full-time undergraduate student who has paid the mandatory Student Activities Trust Fund (SATF) fee is eligible to become a member of UVC-TV. To become a member, a student must go through an orientation with a current staff member, fill out a membership application and pay any applicable membership fee. Membership applications are available at UVC-TV and on the UVC-TV website. All members become inactive at the end of the academic year and must submit a new membership application and pay a membership fee for the following year.

The following terms are used to describe the level of a member's participation:


An active member is one who is currently participating in UVC-TV activities of any kind, has filled out a membership form and paid the membership fee. Active members may participate in related UVC-TV activities, such as studio camera operation, studio assistance, technical assistance, publicity, pre-production planning, and talent, but may not reserve/check out equipment. All members become inactive at the end of the academic year.


Members who complete the UVC-TV Basic Camera and Basic Editing workshops become "accessed" to the equipment of UVC-TV. Accessed members are eligible to complete a production proposal form and check out/use the equipment on which they have been trained without the supervision of staff or other accessed members.

Note: A member must be both Active AND Accessed in order to request equipment.

Pre Requisite: Orientation

Orientation explains the organizational structure of UVC-TV, and provides the knowledge necessary to become a participating member of the station. It is also designed to get new members interested in productions that are being produced at UVC-TV. Orientation is a prerequisite to all workshops and is performed on a regular basis.

UVC Workshops

UVC-TV offers two mandatory workshops for members who wish to become accessed: Basic Camera and Basic Editing. Orientation is a prerequisite for all members wishing to take UVC-TV workshops. Membership fees cover all workshops. Attendance at each workshop is limited and they are filled on a first come, first served basis. Appointments may be made through the Workshop Coordinator. The Workshop Coordinator reserves the right to deny accessed status to members based on their performance in either or both workshops. This applies to any additional workshops taken and the equipment that these workshops access.

Basic Camera

Basic Camera includes basic camera operation, tripod use, audio recording, shot composition and an introduction to the equipment and policies of UVC-TV.

Basic Editing

Basic Editing trains members in the fundamentals of digital editing software. Students will acquire the skills necessary to edit most types of programs and archive them to DVD or other formats, such as posting online or saving to digital storage media.

Advanced Workshops (Optional)

During the course of each semester, UVC-TV will post details on advanced workshops. These workshops will be on a wide variety of topics such as advanced editing, field lighting, advanced camera, etc.

Equipment Check Out & Check In


Members are liable for equipment that they check out, and will be billed for the replacement or repair cost if equipment is lost, stolen, or broken due to negligence.

Check Out Process

  1. Members wishing to check-out equipment must first submit a Production Proposal Form (PPF). Approval of proposals may take up to two weeks. The PPF will be used by the Station Manager and Production Coordinator to monitor progress on each project. Filled out PPFs should be submitted to the station manager, where they will be reviewed for approval. Once submitted, it is the responsibility of the member to contact UVC in order to confirm approval. Members are allowed to have no more than two projects in progress at a given time, unless given specific permission to do so. Members agree to provide UVC-TV with a copy of the final program for use on channel 19, our website and/or other electronic distribution outlets.
  2. After PPF has been approved, the member may reserve equipment and editing time on a first come- first served basis.
  3. Because each member is liable for the equipment after it is removed from UVC-TV, it is highly recommended that the member set up the equipment to make sure that it functions correctly. Otherwise, the member will be held responsible for any corrective action needed as a result of anything found to be broken upon return.
  4. The member has a staff member fill out and sign the check out form, making sure that all equipment is accounted for. The person checking out the equipment then signs the form agreeing that the equipment listed has been taken out.

Check In Process

  1. The member returning equipment finds a staff member.
  2. The staff member certifies that all the equipment has been returned and is in full working order by signing the check out sheet.
  3. The check out sheet is then filed for UVC-TV's records.


Returning equipment late without notifying the UVC-TV with a valid excuse may result in a "strike". Returning equipment late may affect future equipment requests and productions.

Equipment Access Priorities

  1. Equipment shall be made available to UVC-TV Workshops.
  2. UVC-TV sanctioned group productions shall take next priority.
  3. Group shoots (shoots involving three or more members) shall take priority over individual productions.
  4. Requests shall be prioritized by the earlier date on the equipment reservation document.

Reserving Equipment, Studio, And Editing Time

All equipment, studio and editing time reservations are kept on the computer at the main desk. Reservations are made on a first come-first served basis. An approved Production Proposal is required before reserving equipment, the studio or editing facilities.

Members may sign up for one four hour block of editing time per day, and may extend this time if there are no other reservations.

Equipment may only be checked out for a maximum of 24 hour periods (weekend reservations may be extended to 72 hours). Requests for longer periods, excluding weekends, must be approved by the station manager. UVC-TV equipment may not be used for personal profit. Members may not reserve or check out more than one camera at a time.

Off-Hour Access

Members wishing to access UVC-TV equipment during hours other than normal operating hours (11am to 5pm M-F), must arrange access with UVC Staff. Off-hour access is only granted when an arrangement within the normal operating hours cannot be made. Staff members are not allowed to leave while a member or non-member is in control of UVC-TV. A staff member must be present while a member is working in UVC-TV.

Disciplinary Action

This policy is to safeguard against abuse of the equipment and facilities at the UVC-TV. The following sections will describe the reasons for and process of distributing warnings/suspensions.

Violation of any UVC-TV and or University policy will be handled in the following manner:

First violation: Issue a verbal or written warning. The station manager will speak to or email the member at the time of the incident. The station manager will clearly identify the policy violation and explain consequences for any further violations.

Second violation: Suspension of equipment and facility privileges for a period of one month. Member will receive written notification of this suspension.

Third Violation: Suspension of equipment and facility privileges for the remainder of the semester. Member will receive written notification of this suspension.