Crime Alert - Thefts from the Fine Arts Center

Date Occurred: 
April 8, 2016
Crime Alert Number: 
CA: 03-16-7798

Alert Update: April 11, 2016
These individuals have been identified, thank you for your help.

On April 8, 2016 UMPD responded to the Fine Arts Center to investigate several thefts that were reported to have occurred between 12:20pm-12:40pm. Officers learned that numerous items were stolen from unattended backpacks left in the building. During the follow-up investigation UMPD reviewed video surveillance footage and is looking to question two individuals in regard to the thefts. It was later discovered that these same individuals are also suspects in a breaking and entering to a motor vehicle in the Town of Amherst where a debit card was stolen and fraudulently used. At this time the Amherst and UMass Police Departments are investigating these crimes. If you can help identify the individuals in the images below, please contact investigating Officers Griffin or Chapman by calling UMass Police at 413-545-2121 or via email at or
Anonymous tips can be called in to 413-577-TIPS (8477) or by using UMPD’s anonymous witness form at

Unsecured, unattended backpacks and vehicles allowed these thieves to take property. Please secure your valuables to help deter criminals, and if you see something, say something!
CA: 03-16-7798

Posted: Apr 9, 2016, 2:30 pm
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2016, 9:16 am


585 East Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9600
413-545-2121 non-emergency
413-545-3111 emergency or 911
413-545-3113 fax


Call 413-577-TIPS (8477) or use our Anonymous Witness Form.