Confidential Reporting Policy

It is the policy of the University that community members immediately report crimes to the UMPD, whether they are victims or witnesses. Due to the sensitive nature of certain types of crimes, victims of sexual assault may choose to confidentially report crimes to the Dean of Students, The Center for Women & Community, or to residence life staff.

Police reports are public records under state law, and therefore, the UMPD cannot hold reports of crime in confidence and will investigate all reports. When appropriate, we will refer violations of the law to the Dean of Students Office for review.

When a potentially dangerous threat to the University community arises, we issue timely warnings through email announcements and the post of Crime Alerts in the residence halls.




585 East Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9600
413-545-2121 non-emergency
413-545-3111 emergency or 911
413-545-3113 fax


Call 413-577-TIPS (8477) or use our Anonymous Witness Form.