Transportation By Request

Field Trip Services provides transportation for large groups such as Registered Student Organizations, classes, or conference groups, as well as a Meet & Greet service:

Health and Safety Protocols

UMass Amherst and the Field Trip and Meet & Greet Services continue to follow special protocols to ensure the health and well-being of our campus community. If we learn of a case of COVID among the staff driving for our customers we will contact the group leader; we request the same courtesy.

Passengers are not required to wear a mask. Groups may ask their driver to wear a mask. Advance requests are preferable and can be made when scheduling the trip.

Any passengers with COVID symptoms are asked to stay home. Please refer to the UMass Public Health Promotion Center website for guidance.

When practical, vehicle windows will be left partially open to allow for circulation of fresh air.

UMass Transit school bus outside of South College
(413) 577-PARK (7275)
(413) 545-0056
(413) 545-4682