Mileage and Usage Policy

University-owned or Leased vehicles shall be used for official business only.

Any operator driving a University-owned or leased vehicle must be employed by, or working on behalf of, the University. The operator must also have a valid driver's license to be covered by the University's Automobile Insurance Policy, comply with all traffic laws, and obtain approval as required by the department which owns the vehicle.

Operators of such vehicles should only transport passengers who are also traveling on official business.

A mileage log must be maintained for each University-owned vehicle, identifying the date and purpose of each trip and the beginning and ending odometer readings. Example mileage logs can be found below.

Reimbursement will be allowed for necessary expenses, such as garaging, parking fees, toll charges. Fuel should be purchased on the Wright Express Fuel card assigned to that vehicle; information on fueling University vehicles can be found on the Fueling page. For information on paying for car washes, contact Fleet Operations at (413) 545-4682 or transport [at]

Monthly, the Department Fleet Manager must collect the Driver Logs from the vehicles in its possession and maintain official, permanent files of these logs for a minimum of three (3) years. Thereafter, the file can be disposed of pursuant to the requirements of the University Retention Policy.

All accidents involving a University-Owned or Leased vehicle must follow University procedures. All information, procedures and forms can be obtained at the Accident Proceedure page.

Example Mileage Logs

Example 1: Commercially available, may be purchased through W.B. Mason
Example 2 [PDF]: 11x8.5 inches
Example 3 [PDF]: 11x8.5 inches
Example 4 [PDF]: 5.5x8.5 inches

Others mileage logs may be acceptable. Contact Transportation Services at (413) 545-4682 for more information and options.
(413) 577-PARK (7275)
(413) 545-0056
(413) 545-4682