
Fuel ID Info

To use the pumps for fueling a Campus Vehicle, you will need:

  • Fuel ID: Employees identified by departments as approved fuelers will be able to use the last six digits of their UCard to activate the fuel pumps.
  • Wright Express (WEX) card for the vehicle being fueled.
  • Current odometer reading for the vehicle being fueled.

Your fuel ID is the Last Six Digits of your UCard/Campus ID. The Campus ID is on the back of the UCard for employees and on the front for students.

employee ucard

student ucard

Directions to the On-Campus Fueling Station

The fuel pumps are located in the northwest corner of the campus within the Bus Garage compound at 185 Holdsworth Way.

Fueling Off-Campus

Wright Express cards can be used by approved fuelers to purchase fuel off-campus at most major gas stations. Off-campus pumps will require the same Driver ID as on-campus. Note that gas stations may occasionally refer to your Driver ID as a "PIN".

Locate a convenient gas station to easily fuel off campus.

For Fueling Information and Help

Please contact Transportation Services at (413) 545-4682 during normal business hours, or if off-campus, Wright Express at (800) 842-0071 24/7/365.

Temporary Fuel Cards

Temporary fuel cards can be loaned to departments who occasionally need to fuel rental vehicles. Please contact Transportation Services at (413) 545-4682 for more information.

Monthly Billing

Facilities & Campus Services will provide each department with a monthly notification of pending recharges for fuel and vehicle repairs. This notification will be sent by email. Departments will have a maximum of four business days to notify Facilities & Campus Services of any changes before recharges are processed.

Recharges for fuel purchases will post to account (object) code 754400 and recharges for vehicle repairs will post to account (object) code 768900.

(413) 577-PARK (7275)


(413) 545-0056


(413) 545-4682