Note new subscription and non-domestic postage rates:
- Individuals: $15.00 per issue/ $28.00 per year or double issue
- Libraries: $22.00 per issue/ $44.00 per year or double issue
- Shipping is free in the U.S./ Non-domestic subscribers add: $26.00 per issue ($52.00 per year)
- Checks (payable to "UMass Translation Center", please reference "Metamorphoses") or money orders must be expressed in U.S. dollars and drawn on U.S. banks.
Payments and inquiries should be mailed to:
Lara Matta, Editor-in-Chief
The Translation Center
161 Presidents Drive, 129 Herter Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9312
Payments can also be made online by credit card (Visa/MasterCard) via the following link (please enter "meta" as the "invoice number"):
Submit to Metamorphoses
Call for Submissions
The literary translation journal Metamorphoses is accepting submissions for its Spring-Summer issue 2024. Submissions should be previously unpublished translations of poetry or brief prose selections. We also will consider reviews of newly translated books and brief essays on translation.
- We have a rolling acceptance policy, but the deadline for this issue is April 21, 2024.
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
All submissions and inquiries should be submitted to Lara Matta
How to Submit
Submit both the original and the translation as Word documents, Times New Roman, 12 point, to the editor at the email above.
- The name of the translator(s) should not appear anywhere in the submitted documents, as submissions are sent to readers for double-blind peer review.
- In a separate document, provide brief bios for the author(s) and the translator(s).
- For prose submissions, the original source language text may be sent as a PDF.
It is the responsibility of the translator to secure all necessary permissions to publish the original text (in the case of poetry, which is published bilingually) and/or the translation. We do not consider submissions without proof that all rights holders have granted permission.
Additional Information
While Metamorphoses’ focus is on original translations of poetry and prose, we will consider brief essays on the theory and practice of translation, as well as short reviews. All translations must be from the original language. We expect translators to be competent in the language of the original text or to be working closely with someone who is. Metamorphoses is primarily a journal for translation into English from any language. We publish translations of works that have been translated recently and well only if the translation is different from and at least as good as what is already available.
All submitted translations must be accompanied by the source language text. Submissions should be in electronic format, as email attachments (Word or rtf). For prose submissions, the original, source language text may be sent as a pdf. Please do not include headers or footers, or special formatting commands. The translator’s name should not appear anywhere in the text, as submissions are sent out to readers for double-blind peer review.
Submissions should be accompanied by short biographical information about both the source language writer and the translator. Contributors are responsible for securing permission to publish a translation, and, in the case of poetry, to reprint the original text, from all copyright holders. The translator retains copyright; we ask only that prior publication in Metamorphoses be acknowledged. We reserve the right to edit punctuation according to U.S. standard practice and to make minor syntactical changes when they would not affect meaning. More substantial changes require the consent of the contributor.
Please note that we do not consider any material that is also being submitted to other venues.
The opinions expressed on our pages are understood to reflect only the views of their authors.
Anyone wishing to reproduce the material in this journal must request permission to reprint from Metamorphoses. If you wish to have your submission returned, please enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage.
All submissions and inquiries should be addressed to:
Lara Matta, Editor-in-Chief
The Translation Center
129 Herter Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003-9312
Editorial Board
Editor in Chief
Lara Matta
Consulting Editor
Thalia Pandiri | fax 413-585-3339
Amherst College
Jim Maraniss
Hampshire College
Robert Meagher
Mt. Holyoke College
Indira Peterson
Carolyn Shread
Smith College
Katwiwa Mule
Maria Banerjee
David Ball
Charles Cutler
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Maria Tymoczko
Laszlo Tikos, Founding Editor Emeritus
Tayeb el-Hibri
Regina Galasso, Director, Translation Center
Contributing Editors
Nicole Ball
Ron Banerjee
Marguerite Itamar Harrison
Mohamed Hassan
Maki Hubbard
Deirdre Sabina Knight
Jocelyne Kolb
Reyes Lazaro
Suk Massey
Malcolm McNee
Nathaniel Smith
Ilan Stavans
Tom Roberts