The majority of the UMass Amherst community is supportive of the initiative, and voluntary compliance has reduced tobacco use on campus. However, noncompliance remains an issue. These guidelines can help supervisors approach employee policy violators:
Supervisors' role
The policy applies to all full-time, part-time, benefitted, non-benefitted, professional, non-professional, contracted, unionized, and non-unionized employees. As a strategic partner in the success of the tobacco-free initiative, your part is to support the policy. Be consistent in communicating the policy and addressing violations.
- Be informed: Know the fundamentals of the campus policy.
- Educate: Communicate the policy courteously and non-confrontationally.
- Support: Connect your employees with appropriate resources and services.
- Take action: Hold employees accountable, and address repeated violations consistently, in the same manner as you would other violations of university policy.