Tobacco-Free UMass Amherst continuously seeks to better understand the effects and needs of the university policy and its corresponding programs, and welcomes the community's input.
Ask questions, report violations or get involved – use our new online feedback form.
From all of us, thank you for your compliance and partnership in making ours a 100% tobacco-free campus!
Tobacco-Free UMass Amherst Committee
- Ann Becker, Public Health Nurse, UHS
- Sally Linowski, Associate Dean for Off-Campus Student Life and Community Education
- Donald Teres, Labor Relations Specialist
- Eric Beal, Neighborhood Liaison
- Ezra Small, Sustainability Manager
- Ilana Schmitt, Staff Physician, UHS
- Jeff Hescock, Interim Executive Director, Environmental Health and Safety
- Joseph Malinowski, Maintenance Technician
- Kelsey Dewolfe, student
- Liz Bertone-Johnson, Professor, Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Raymond Jackson, Director, Physical Plant
- Samantha Kirkham, student
- A-Yemisi Jimoh, Professor, Afro-American Studies