Students begin by choosing from two of the following three options—and take two classes in each: Dramaturgy, Performance, and/or DTM
In each selected category, the student must include a fundamentals course, and an upper-level course. This totals four classes: two fundamentals courses and two upper-level courses.
One Fundamentals Course in Dramaturgy
Prereq for upper level Dramaturgy courses, multiple sections offered every semester:
- TH 130: Contemporary Playwrights of Color
(will accept TH 120 from any student declaring the minor before Summer 2022)
One Upper-level Dramaturgy Course of your choice
(7 credits total)
One required Fundamentals Course in Performance
Prereq for upper level Performance courses, multiple sections offered every semester:
- TH 140: Fundamentals of Performance
One Upper-level Performance Course of your choice
(6 credits total)
One required Fundamentals Course in DTM
NOT a prerequisite for other courses, one section offered every semester:
- TH 160: Fundamentals of Stagecraft
One Upper-level DTM Course of your choice
(6 credits total)
Students also select an Elective Course and a Shop Experience
The Elective is their fifth class, and Th 110 Backstage Practice (one credit) is their sixth.
All minors are required to take any one three- or four-credit Theater courses
Must not be applied to a category above. A Theater General Education course may count as this elective.
(3 or 4 credits total)
One 100-level/Theater General Education course can count towards an elective slot.
All minors are required to participate in one backstage shop experience
Offered every semester
- TH 110
(1 credit total)
16-17 Credits Total
NOTE: Independent Studies, Practica, and Th210/Th310 cannot replace any upper-level course requirements, or be used to fulfill elective slots.