The Imaginary Invalid: Cast of Characters

The Imaginary Invalid: Cast of Characters Anna-Maria Goossens

Argan: An imaginary invalid.

Toinette: Argan’s maid and Angelique’s confidante; smart, spirited, and cunning.

Beline: Argan’s second wife; wants nothing but his money. Angelique: Argan’s daughter; an innocent romantic, devoted to her father.

Cleante: Angelique’s love interest; a little silly but completely smitten with Angelique.

Doctor Purgeon: Argan’s doctor, a notable quack.

Claude de Aria: Doctor Purgeon’s nephew and proposed husband to Angelique; awkward and dull, has a tendency to squawk like a chicken.

Monsieur Fleurant: The apothecary who works with Purgeon; a specialist in enemas, but still a quack.

Monsieur de Bonnefoi: The scheming notary.

The Imaginary Invalid: Cast of Characters