Britt Crow-Miller
Graduate Program Director, MS in Sustainability Science
Senior Lecturer, Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Geosciences
Eric Thomas
Assistant Graduate Program Director, MS in Sustainability Science
Lecturer, Department of Environmental Conservation and Department of Geosciences
Dr. Eric Thomas is a Lecturer in the Departments of Environmental Conservation and Geosciences. Dr. Thomas is an environmental anthropologist whose research applies a critical development perspective to contemporary state and capitalist projects along remote resource frontiers. For the past five years, he has conducted ethnographic fieldwork on the coast of Chilean Patagonia, where a series of harmful algal blooms have resulted in the closure of fisheries and mass mortality events at local salmon farms. Conducted in the wake of these disasters, his work examines the relationship between industrial aquaculture and artisanal fishing in remote coastal communities as well as the long-term sustainability of these and other sectors of the coastal economy. His research methods include participant observation, career history surveys, participatory mapping, and semi-structured interviews. He is originally from mid-coast Maine and received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Toni Cunningham
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