What Will Grad School Cost?

Graduate school is a challenging, fun, rigorous, and rewarding experience. You’ll learn new ideas and skills, develop an incredible network of friends and colleagues, and position yourself for career success. This educational investment also entails a significant commitment of time, effort, and financial resources. 

Tuition and Fees - Fall 2023 / Spring 2024

In-State:  $8,906.50 per semester ($17,813 per year)

New England Regional*:  $16,273.50 per semester ($32,547 per year)

Out-of-State/International: $18,932 per semester ($37,864 per year)

The full tuition and fee tables are available HERE.  Full-time students are typically registered for 12+ credits per semester. Estimates of the cost of living in our area can be found at Graduate Costs : UMass Amherst.

* More information on the New England Regional tuition reduction can be found here.

To help fund graduate education we encourage students to apply for the MS3 Leaders in Sustainability Fellowship as well as outside scholarships and fellowships.

MS3 Leaders in Sustainability Fellowship
The Department of Environmental Conservation at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst seeks to create a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment in which graduate students from all backgrounds can thrive and succeed. We are committed to increasing access to graduate education for students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the field of sustainability science, including but not limited to those based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. In line with this commitment, The Leaders in Sustainability Fellowship Program supports the recruitment, retention, and success of outstanding Sustainability Science graduate students from groups historically underrepresented in the field. This fellowship provides financial support in the amount of $7,500 for students during their first year enrolled in the Masters of Science in Sustainability Science (MS3) Program. Students who wish to be considered for the fellowship should complete the fellowship application available at the link provided by the MS3 program after the application deadline in February.

Financial assistance is also available through the University's financial aid services.

As a 1-year professional program we do not offer Teaching or Research Assistantships. The intensive pace makes it difficult for students to take on outside TA commitments. In addition, the professional orientation of the program means there is no required research component, thus we do not have RA positions.

As an interdisciplinary program the Sustainability Science MS brings a diverse network of top-notch faculty to your education. Learn more >