Campus Tree Finder
The Waugh Arboretum tree finder provides detailed information about the trees found on the UMass Amherst campus.
Green Office Program
The Green Office Program encourages and facilitates energy and waste reduction practices in offices across campus.
Campus Planning
Campus Planning supports the mission and strategic initiatives of the University of Massachusetts by informing and guiding the development of an effective and creative campus fabric.
Idea Funding
Innovative sustainability ideas from students, faculty, and staff are encouraged and supported at UMass Amherst.
ScholarWorks hosts a variety of sustainability-related research and reports from students, faculty, and staff.
Sustainability Explorer
The UMass Amherst Sustainability Explorer is an interactive map that provides details on campus sustainability initiatives.
UMass Amherst Libraries
UMass Amherst Libraries are engaged in fostering sustainability innovations; collaborations with campus partners; educating students to create a healthier, just, and responsible world; supporting the integration of sustainability across the curriculum; modeling green practices; honoring diversity and inclusion; and promoting open access.
SGA Bike Library
The UMass Amherst Bike Share program provides free bicycles to students, faculty, and staff.
Sustainable UMass Alumni
Join the growing LinkedIn Group to stay connected with sustainability advancement on campus and event and networking opportunities.
Sustainability Staff at UMass Amherst
There are professional staff (non-faculty nor student) across the campus working to create a more sustainable and just community, implementing projects, developing resources for students, making connections and creating sustainability partnerships.
Discover ways to save water with these great tips.