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Jan 30 8:00 am - Mar 14 5:00 pm ET (Multiday)
Undergraduate Sustainability Research Awards Submission Timeline

The Undergraduate Sustainability Research Award promotes in-depth understanding of sustainability topics,
research strategies, and the use of library resources, providing participating students with vital skills they will carry into future academic and vocational endeavors.  It is funded by the award-winning UMass Amherst Libraries’ Sustainability Fund.   Five (5) scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded.  Submission opens January 30, 2025 and the deadline to submit award materials is March 14, 2025.

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
New2U Thrift Store Grand Opening

Please join us for a grand opening of our New2U Thrift Store in Hampden 205 on Thursday, February 13 from 1-2 pm (store will remain open until 5 pm for shopping for your special valentine!).  Access the store front via the Southwest Concourse on the 2nd floor of Hampden, store is to the left once you enter the main lobby (across from the Hampden Art Gallery).

Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments and get introduced to our new student team including our store manager, inventory and pricing coordinator, volunteer coordinator, and events & marketing coordinator and our many dedicated volunteers.  We will hold a short ribbon cutting ceremony as well.

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
UMass Decarbonization Campus Tours

Join us as we walk through UMass Amherst campus to learn about the projects that are in progress that are helping UMass to decarbonize.

Tour Route:
We will meet at the Campus Center, walk past the Sustainable Engineering Laboratories (SEL) and the Computer Science Laboratories (CSL) projects on our way to the Lot 31 Geothermal wellfield drilling site.  From there we will head down hill to the North Energy Exchange Center (NEEC) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects, then down to the Lot 25 solar canopies, and further downhill to the Central Heating Plant ACES battery storage system and CHP tank farm. 

Tour Guides:
Ezra Small, Campus Sustainability Manager, Facilities Management
Ted Mendoza, Capital Project Manager, Planning Design & Construction
Darren Lenois, Power Plant Manager, Utilities

Topics of discussion along the way include emissions reduction strategies, district level low temperature hot water distribution systems, electrification, LEED construction and green building features, renewable energy expansion, energy storage, and alternative fuel options. 

Tour Dates:
In total we will offer 4 tours throughout the spring semester:

  • Tuesday, March 25, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 8, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 22 (Earth Day), 10 am and 1 pm (2 tours)

*Tour times may vary but are expected to take ~2 hours. 

General Info:
All tours are free admission.  Attendance will be capped at 30, please only register for one tour.  These tours are guided and are on foot and routes are subject to change to accommodate tour guide availability.  They are rain/snow or shine. 


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
UMass Decarbonization Campus Tours

Join us as we walk through UMass Amherst campus to learn about the projects that are in progress that are helping UMass to decarbonize.

Tour Route:
We will meet at the Campus Center, walk past the Sustainable Engineering Laboratories (SEL) and the Computer Science Laboratories (CSL) projects on our way to the Lot 31 Geothermal wellfield drilling site.  From there we will head down hill to the North Energy Exchange Center (NEEC) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects, then down to the Lot 25 solar canopies, and further downhill to the Central Heating Plant ACES battery storage system and CHP tank farm. 

Tour Guides:
Ezra Small, Campus Sustainability Manager, Facilities Management
Ted Mendoza, Capital Project Manager, Planning Design & Construction
Darren Lenois, Power Plant Manager, Utilities

Topics of discussion along the way include emissions reduction strategies, district level low temperature hot water distribution systems, electrification, LEED construction and green building features, renewable energy expansion, energy storage, and alternative fuel options. 

Tour Dates:
In total we will offer 4 tours throughout the spring semester:

  • Tuesday, March 25, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 8, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 22 (Earth Day), 10 am and 1 pm (2 tours)

*Tour times may vary but are expected to take ~2 hours. 

General Info:
All tours are free admission.  Attendance will be capped at 30, please only register for one tour.  These tours are guided and are on foot and routes are subject to change to accommodate tour guide availability.  They are rain/snow or shine. 


10:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
UMass Decarbonization Campus Tours

Join us as we walk through UMass Amherst campus to learn about the projects that are in progress that are helping UMass to decarbonize.

Tour Route:
We will meet at the Campus Center, walk past the Sustainable Engineering Laboratories (SEL) and the Computer Science Laboratories (CSL) projects on our way to the Lot 31 Geothermal wellfield drilling site.  From there we will head down hill to the North Energy Exchange Center (NEEC) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects, then down to the Lot 25 solar canopies, and further downhill to the Central Heating Plant ACES battery storage system and CHP tank farm. 

Tour Guides:
Ezra Small, Campus Sustainability Manager, Facilities Management
Ted Mendoza, Capital Project Manager, Planning Design & Construction
Darren Lenois, Power Plant Manager, Utilities

Topics of discussion along the way include emissions reduction strategies, district level low temperature hot water distribution systems, electrification, LEED construction and green building features, renewable energy expansion, energy storage, and alternative fuel options. 

Tour Dates:
In total we will offer 4 tours throughout the spring semester:

  • Tuesday, March 25, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 8, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 22 (Earth Day), 10 am and 1 pm (2 tours)

*Tour times may vary but are expected to take ~2 hours. 

General Info:
All tours are free admission.  Attendance will be capped at 30, please only register for one tour.  These tours are guided and are on foot and routes are subject to change to accommodate tour guide availability.  They are rain/snow or shine. 


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
UMass Decarbonization Campus Tours

Join us as we walk through UMass Amherst campus to learn about the projects that are in progress that are helping UMass to decarbonize.

Tour Route:
We will meet at the Campus Center, walk past the Sustainable Engineering Laboratories (SEL) and the Computer Science Laboratories (CSL) projects on our way to the Lot 31 Geothermal wellfield drilling site.  From there we will head down hill to the North Energy Exchange Center (NEEC) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) projects, then down to the Lot 25 solar canopies, and further downhill to the Central Heating Plant ACES battery storage system and CHP tank farm. 

Tour Guides:
Ezra Small, Campus Sustainability Manager, Facilities Management
Ted Mendoza, Capital Project Manager, Planning Design & Construction
Darren Lenois, Power Plant Manager, Utilities

Topics of discussion along the way include emissions reduction strategies, district level low temperature hot water distribution systems, electrification, LEED construction and green building features, renewable energy expansion, energy storage, and alternative fuel options. 

Tour Dates:
In total we will offer 4 tours throughout the spring semester:

  • Tuesday, March 25, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 8, 3-5 pm
  • Tuesday April 22 (Earth Day), 10-12 and 1-3 (2 tours)

*Tour times may vary but are expected to take ~2 hours. 

General Info:
All tours are free admission.  Attendance will be capped at 30, please only register for one tour.  These tours are guided and are on foot and routes are subject to change to accommodate tour guide availability.  They are rain/snow or shine. 



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