Specific Board of Trustee policies and state and federal laws provide an ethical and secure foundation for the conduct of all university business. These include:
- Policy on Fraudulent Financial Activities (Doc. T00-051)
- Principles of Employee Conduct (Doc. T96-136, as amended)
- State Conflict of Interest Law provisions, Chapter 268A
- State Whistleblower Legislation, Chapter 149, Section 185
- Policy on University Employees and Political Campaigns
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest typically arise in situations where a public employee’s public responsibilities and private interests or relationships intersect. Two sets of Board of Trustee policies, potentially applicable to different segments of the University’s population, deal with outside activities – the Policy on Faculty Consulting and Outside Activities and the Non-Unit Professional Staff Policy. The Policy on Faculty Consulting and Outside Activities BOT T96-047 is applicable to all campus Faculty. The Non-Unit Professional Staff Policy BOT T94-023 applies to “members of the non-unit professional staff.”
All university employees are required to annually acknowledge receipt of the State Ethics Commission's conflict of interest law. Regular HR Direct users will be automatically prompted to acknowledge receipt upon sign in when previous acknowledgement expires. Infrequent HR Direct users should follow these steps to acknowledge receipt: Log into HR Direct. Navigate to the NAV BAR icon (top right-hand corner), click on Navigator / Self Service / Personal Information / COI Acknowledgement. The site will then display the date of your last acknowledgement and instructions for updating, if expired. You will be emailed an automated confirmation message.
Drug Free Workplace Act
In accordance with federal legislation and university policy, UMass Amherst is committed to providing a healthy, drug-free, and safe environment for all faculty, staff, and students. Federal law prohibits the use, possession, and/or cultivation of marijuana at educational institutions. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, and the unauthorized possession or use of alcoholic beverages on the Amherst campus (or as part of any university activity or business located off of the university premises) is strictly prohibited. If it is determined that a violation of this policy has occurred, disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, expulsion of students, and referral for prosecution may result as deemed appropriate. Employees requiring help with substance abuse problems and co-workers/family members of substance abusers are encouraged to use the University Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (545-0350). Applicable legal sanctions for the unlawful possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol and additional information about the Drug Free Workplace Act are summarized at:
- University of Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverage Policy (Doc. T93-116)
- Drug Free Workplace Policy & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act
- Federal Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- University Alcohol & Drug Policies
Campus Pet Policy
Except for service animals pets are prohibited from campus buildings as follows:
- Food service areas, by regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
- Academic and administrative buildings (including the Campus Center), by the Faculty Senate approval of a motion made by the University Health Council in December 1975.
Residence halls and apartments (living units), by long-standing order of the Board of Trustees except for:
- full-time, live-in staff and Faculty-in-Residence per the Residence Life Full-Time Employee Pet Policy.
- persons with a documented disability per the Assistance Animal Policy.
Information Technology
Ethical, legal, and professional responsibility rules require appropriate management of institutional information and research data for all members of the university community. Users of university information and associated technology resources should report credible information security incidents to itprotect@umass.edu. It is the shared responsibility of all users of IT resources to protect the atmosphere for the sharing of information, the free exchange of ideas, and the secure environment for information technology resources. For more information, visit: https://www.umass.edu/it/security.
Export Control Regulations
Export controls are U.S. laws and regulations that restrict the release of critical technologies, information, and services to foreign nationals, within and outside of the United States, and foreign countries for reasons of foreign policy and national security. These laws and regulations, which include international sanctions programs, also restrict activities within certain countries and with designated institutions, entities, and individuals even if no controlled items are involved. If you have questions or concerns about the potential application of export controls to your research, please visit the Export Controls page of UMass Amherst’s website for additional information or contact the Office of Research Compliance a rescomp@research.umass.edu or (413) 545-3468.
Internal Audit
University Internal Audit has a hotline for reporting ethics violations and fraud by phone at (774) 455-7555 or email AuditLine@umassp.edu. Additional information is available on the Internal Audit website.
Contact the Controller's Office at 413-545-0806 if you need hard copies of the policies or have any questions.