Committee/Council Student Involvement Opportunities

Although academics are your first priority, the things that happen outside the classroom offer some important learning experiences, too. Your co-curricular activities and residence hall community will have a vital impact on your college experience, so take some time to explore the campus involvement opportunities available to you.

Campus Sustainability Initiative

The Campus Sustainability Initiative engages students in educating the campus community to create a healthier and more responsible environment.  Students work with faculty and staff to develop progressive solutions to reduce negative environmental impacts in ways that are economically beneficial.

Community/Police Advisory Board


To make recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance on improving campus safety, police-community communications, hand providing advice and recommendations regarding general campus safety, changes in policing policies, community complaint processes, etc.


  • Four (4) undergraduates appointed by SGA President through the normal GSA process. Interested students should contact SGA to be appointed.
  • Two (2) graduates appointed by GSS President through the normal GSS process. Interested students should contact GSS to be appointed.
  • Three (3) faculty members appointed by Secretary of the Faculty Senate
  • Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
  • Dean of Students
  • Executive Director of Residential Life
  • Chief of Police, Chair


One per semester or ad hoc as needed, after conversation with Chair

Parking and Transportation Advisory Board (PTAB)


The PTAB serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance by reviewing, evaluating, and recommending policies and proposals related to parking and transportation on the Amherst Campus. A major focus of the Board has been to provide a University-wide perspective regarding parking and transportation related policies and issues in a manner that supports the University's mission.

Their function is to:

  1. Review, evaluate, and recommend major changes to parking rules and regulations; allocation of parking resources; parking and transit fees and rate structures; transit policies related to the no-fare bus system; lift-equipped vans/handicap transportation system; field trip services within the parameters of state and federal regulations
  2. Review, evaluate, and recommend priorities for the renovation and construction of parking and transit facilities, including surface lots and parking structures.


  • Three (3) undergraduates appointed by SGA President through the normal GSA process. Interested students should contact SGA to be appointed.
  • Two (2) graduate students appointed by GSS President through the normal GSS process. Interested students should contact GSS to be appointed.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

The Residence Hall Association represents all students living within the residence halls to the Student Government Association and Residential Life. At such a large university, it is often difficult to feel part of a community. However, RHA has made it its personal responsibility to build those connections. This organization makes an effort to support all the residents of UMass Amherst. It provides various leadership opportunities such as leadership conferences and retreats.

Founded in 2003 (as the Residential Leadership Association), RHA strives to make a positive impact on this campus. RHA prides itself in attracting talented individuals who want to make a difference. These students perpetuate the idea that the Residence Hall Association is: Building Leaders With Pride!

RHA is composed of a 8 student Executive Board and a General Body of approximately 30 voting representatives from House Councils and Area Governments. While this makes up the voting body, all students living on campus are members and welcome to attend.

RHA Executive Board

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) Executive Board is responsible for acting as a voice of students living in the halls and planning large scale events that bring the entire residential community together. They work with House Councils and the General Body of RHA to accomplish these goals.
The board is made up of the following positions: Director, Associate Director, National Communications Coordinator (NCC), NCC In Training, Campus Communications Coordinator, Programming and Recognition Chair, Programming and Membership Chair, Programming and Hospitality Chair. These positions are elected in late spring.

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

The National Residence Hall Honorary, also referred to as NRHH, is a national honor society that recognizes the top 1% of student leaders in the residence halls and works to recognize and encourage student leadership throughout the academic year. Our chapter at UMass Amherst strives to achieve this through monthly awards, community service, and other initiatives. The UMass Amherst chapter has been very active regionally and was recognized as the 2004-2005 Regional Board of Directors Choice for Outstanding NRHH Chapter.

Each month students and advisors can be nominated for "Of the Month" Awards which recognize successful programs or leadership initiatives. The recipients from UMass Amherst of these awards are then forwarded to regional and potentially national for consideration at those levels. UMass Amherst students and staff have received the honor of being regional or national recipients multiple times in the past.
Each spring the UMass Chapter asks for applications from students wishing to be part of this honor society. Any student living in the residence halls and involved is eligible for induction.

NRHH is composed of a 5 person Executive Board and a general body that cannot exceed 1% of the on campus resident population.

Residence Hall House Councils

House Councils are an important part of our residence hall communities! They represent and serve as the voice of all students living in the various residence halls, organize fun events, address community issues, coordinate service projects, and dedicate their time to creating positive changes for the students at UMass Amherst.

House Councils work closely with the Residence Hall Association (RHA) and with other representative bodies in their communities. House Councils provide endless opportunities for students to meet one another and develop strong relationships through their community building efforts. Each cluster has a House Council.

Each House Council has two arms, an Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) that advocate on behalf of residents and a Programming Board that plans activities and events for residents.