Student Life encourages students to keep us informed about the real-world quality of their collegiate experience, raise issues and concerns, and give suggestions for how we can make our services, programs, and activities more engaging, efficient, and meaningful. UMass Amherst student leaders work closely with administrators on a variety of advisory boards to provide consultation and input to inform decisions that shape the UMass student experience. The three campus governance bodies providing advocacy and platform for larger student issues are:
- Student Government Association (SGA), elected and appointed undergraduate students who represent the undergraduate student voice and the student body.
- Graduate Student Senate (GSS), elected and appointed graduate students who represent the graduate student voice and the student body.
- Residence Hall Association (RHA), represents all students living within the residence halls. RHA also represents the voice of residential students to Student Government and Residential Life.
The Student Life Advisory Board is comprised of SGA and GSS student leadership and the executive leadership of Student Life. The Board meets monthly throughout the academic year.