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Map of Residence Areas

Res Life Map of Residence Areas

For more information about these housing options, please call the Student Services Office at 413-545-2100.

Break Housing

Break Housing Residence Halls

First-Year Halls

Multi-Year Halls

Break Housing halls are the only halls that remain open during Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring Breaks. Please note the additional cost to reside in these halls. Halls marked as 'Opt-In' above will remain open over breaks, however students are expected to vacate over break periods unless they request permission to remain in their room. Students who request Break Housing in these halls, will be assessed break housing fees from that point through the end of the academic year.

Expanded Housing

Expanded Housing

Residential Life expands residence hall space when demand for on-campus housing exceeds capacity. The information below will help you better understand the two types of temporary accommodations that will be utilized this fall.

Students in Expanded Housing Assignments are billed at a discounted rate while they remain in the expanded housing space. These spaces are equipped with the same features found in permanent spaces including:

  • Beds, desks, shelves, dressers and a place to hang clothing
  • Windows
  • Wireless internet access
  • A door with the same lock system as permanent rooms

Expanded Housing spaces are secure student rooms and come in two types:

  1. Expanded Housing: These spaces are lounges in residence halls that will be converted to student rooms. Typically lounges will house 3-4 students. Rates for the the following academic year will be finalized in July. Learn more about current room rates. Expanded Housing spaces are billed at a lower rate than a standard shared space.
    Expanded Housing Quads field 1
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    NOTE: The images shown are of one setup. Not all spaces have couches.

  2. Economy Triples: These spaces are large double rooms that have been converted to triple occupancy spaces in several areas across campus. Rates for the the following academic year will be finalized in July. Learn more about current room rates. Economy Triple spaces are billed at a lower rate than a standard shared space.
    Expanded Housing Economy Triples coolidge 1
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Expanded housing will be in Central, Orchard Hill, Northeast, and Southwest residential areas.

Gender-related Housing

Gender-related Housing


Mixed-Gender Housing

Most traditional residence halls are mixed-gender housing. Students of all genders reside together on a floor, with roommates of the same gender. Returning students may request a suite or apartment in CHCRC, Sylvan or North that is mixed-gender with students of the same gender sharing a room.

Mixed-Gender Suites

Returning students can request a suite or apartment to share with friends of any sex. While students assigned to a double room must be of the same sex, some suites or apartments, designated under living option as a "Mixed-Gender Suite" or "Mixed-Gender Apt" can house male and female students who share one common living area and one bathroom. Interested students with an appointment can form a roommate group and attempt to select these spaces using the appropriate Room Selection Process. Learn more about available processes.


Single-Gender Housing

Multi-Year Halls

Single-gender floors are available for first-year students in Central and Southwest. Single-gender apartments and suites are available for returning students in North, Sylvan, and the Commonwealth Honors College Residential Community.


Gender-Inclusive Housing

Gender-Inclusive Housing allows for students to live together in a shared room, suite or apartment regardless of the student's sex or gender identity. Returning students can search for Gender Inclusive Housing options in our online room selection processes. New students can list gender inclusive housing on their preference application.

Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) allows our residents to room with anyone of any gender identity or gender expression. This living environment is designed for students who are trans, gender nonconforming, or who do not identify as a gender, as well as for students who desire to live with a friend or family member of a gender different from themselves. Returning students can search for and select Gender-Inclusive Housing (GIH) in Online Room Selection. New students can preference GIH as a living option on the Preference Application in the following areas of campus:

First-Year Halls

Multi-Year Halls

  • Central Area:
    • Baker Hall (double rooms)
    • The Spectrum LGBTQIA and Ally Floor in Baker Hall (double rooms)
  • Sylvan AreaCashin Hall (suite-style rooms)
  • North Apartments (apartment-style rooms)

Residence Halls with Gender-Inclusive Bathrooms (with showers)

The University's restroom and bathroom policy states, "Students, staff, faculty, and campus guests should use the restroom facilities that correspond to their sex or gender identity, or utilize single-user facilities that are designated as a ‘restroom’ or ‘gender-inclusive restroom.’" Discover more resources and support related to gender-inclusive bathrooms and restrooms. 

In addition, a list of residence halls with gender-inclusive bathrooms is below. 

First-Year Halls

Multi-Year Halls

  • Central Area:
    • Baker: 15*, 27*, 112, 112A*, 123A*, 123E, 123F, 124, 212A*, 235A*
    • Brett: All bathrooms on all floors
    • Chadbourne: 217, 317, 419
  • Southwest Area:
    • Mackimmie: 012, 014
    • Patterson: 013A
    • Prince: 14, 224, 324, 345, 424, 445
  • CHCRC: all suites and apartments have 1 private bathroom
  • North Apartments: all apartments have two private bathrooms
  • Sylvan Area: all suites have two toilets and one shower with a lockable door

*Multi-user bathroom

There are approximately 150 gender-inclusive restrooms in residence hall lobbies. View the Campus map to see all gender-inclusive restroom locations.

Applying for Gender-Inclusive Housing

Current Students
Gender-Inclusive Options are available as part of Online Selection Processes. These rooms will be listed as ‘Gender-Inclusive Housing’ under living option in the search tool.

New Students
Students must submit a New Student Preference Application in SPIRE. Learn more about specific date information. On the Preference application, Rank order an area with Gender-Inclusive Housing options and indicate "Gender-Inclusive Housing" as the Living Option. Students will be assigned to gender inclusive options as long as there are available spaces. Please note that new first-year students are assigned to spaces within the Residential First-Year Community.

Outside of Gender Inclusive spaces, Residential Life is required to assign students based on the gender marker listed in SPIRE. Students can change their gender marker for assignment purposes and the name that appears on campus records by completing the form. To ensure that students are considered for the appropriate spaces when processing new student assignments, we encourage anyone planning to submit this form to do so once you have access to SPIRE.

For additional support and resources regarding trans student issues and concerns, you can contact the Stonewall Center, the campus LGBTQIA+ Center.

24-Hour Quiet Floors

24-Hour Quiet Floors

Multi-Year Halls

Residents of quiet floors on Brooks Hall and John Quincy Adams Hall live in an environment that has the maximum number of study hours. All noise (television, music, talking) must be maintained at a level agreed upon by quiet floor residents. Consideration for others is essential on quiet floors and forms the basis for a cohesive community.

Alcohol-Free Hall

Alcohol-Free Residence Hall

Multi-Year Hall

Brooks Hall is an alcohol-free residence hall. Students and their guests may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages in this residence hall. The commitment of all residents to maintain an alcohol-free environment forms the basis of a respectful and encouraging community.