General Info
Information from UMPD on Safeguarding Your Possessions
At UMass Amherst, personal safety and security is important for everyone. Observing safety precautions and knowing the established policies will help to prevent injury or mishap. To help ensure your safety and the safety of others:
- Observe the rules and policies.
- Know where to find the campus services numbers.
- Keep your hall and room secure.
Remember, you and other residents share the responsibilities for maintaining an atmosphere where you can all study quietly, live safely, and treat one another respectfully.
Learn more about Residence Hall Access, Security and Safety Guidelines.
Fire Safety
Students play an important role in preventing fires and responding appropriately to emergencies. Additionally, residents are responsible for complying with fire safety policies, procedures, and guidelines as stated in the Residential Life Community Standards.
Important Safety Tips:
- Never cover, obstruct, or tamper with a smoke detector or any fire safety equipment.
- Never hang items from sprinklers or pipes.
- Candles and incense, lit or unlit, are not permitted in students’ rooms or any other areas of the residence halls.
- Never leave cooking food unattended, whether on the stove or in the microwave or oven.
For more fire safety guidelines, please review the Code of Student Conduct.
What to do in Case of a Fire
If you discover a fire:
- Close the door to the fire area (if possible).
- Activate the building fire alarm system.
- Call 413-545-2121 and report the exact fire location.
- Stay clear of the building and await further instructions.
- Use a portable fire extinguisher if the fire is small, you can use it safely, you have been trained, and only after the building fire alarm system has been activated.
If you are in a fire area:
- Stay as calm as you can.
- Feel closed doors from top to bottom for heat, using the back of your hand.
- Crouch low and open the door slowly.
- If safe, go into the hallway and close the door behind you. Leave the door unlocked so firefighters do not have to break down doors to search for trapped residents.
- Activate the building fire alarm system.
- Let others know they must evacuate the building.
- Go to the nearest stairway and leave the building in a prompt and orderly manner. If the stairway is full of smoke, go to another stairway.
If you are trapped by a fire:
- Do not panic.
- Pack the space under the door with wet towels, clothing, or other material.
- Dial 911 and report your location.
- Go to a window, open it, wave a white or brightly colored cloth from it, and call to any people below.
- Do not break windows unless smoke is pouring into your room and you need fresh air to breathe.
- Stay near the window where you can be seen. Do not hide under the bed or in the closet.
- If you cannot get to a window, go to an inside corner of the room, curl up on the floor, and protect your face with a wet cloth. Stay calm, breathe slowly, and call out for help when you hear rescue personnel in the hallway.
Damaged or Lost Items
Students and families are encouraged to review their home owners insurance policy to determine if their student is covered while away at school. If not, it is recommended that students purchase renter's insurance. The university is not responsible for student personal property. However, if you feel the university is responsible for property loss or damage, you may file a Lost or Damaged Student Property Claim.
Help Phones
Approximately 100 yellow 'HELP' phones with blue lights are located at the entrance to all residence halls and throughout the campus. These emergency telephones enable you to call for help at the touch of a button. No dialing or conversation is required.
In case of an emergency - sudden illness, fire, robbery, assault, or the like -
- Go to the nearest HELP phone.
- Press the red HELP button. A police officer will be sent to your location at once.
- If you are able to do so, tell the dispatcher the nature of the emergency.
You can also use the telephones to report suspicious activity, unusual behavior, or hazardous situations to the Police.
Look for the yellow HELP phones and learn their locations along your daily campus route.
- Home
- About
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- Selecting Housing
- Changing or Cancelling Housing
- Community Living & Roommate Success
- Get Involved
- Policies
- Safety & Security
- Sustainability
- What to Bring
- Residential First-Year Experience
- Defined Residential Communities
- Innovations & Entrepreneurship LLC
- Special Housing Options
- Your Housing
- Housing Options
- Residential Services
- Information For