Overview of Policies
Living on campus at UMass Amherst is, for many students, a first step away from home.
Learning about creating and sustaining your own living environment also takes place in the residence halls. Another part of your education is learning how to take care of yourself and craft a lifestyle which will enable you to be successful while you are here and after you graduate. Being aware of Community Standards, Sustainability and other practices enable you to be an active part of maintaining a safe, positive environment.
- Keep your room and the residence hall clean! Throw away your trash and pick up after yourself when you are done using common spaces.
- Keep your room locked and don't let strangers into the building. Residence hall security is everyone's responsibility.
- Keep an open mind. Living in a residence hall means being part of a diverse and dynamic community. Get to know your roommate(s) and share your expectations and interests. We have found that when students make an effort to work on this important relationship, they are more likely to have a successful roommate experience. Other UMass students recommend that you get to know each other before you arrive.
- Residence hall staff members are all great resources to help you sort out any of the challenges that come with living in a residence hall community.
Explore the tabs above for the following policies:
- Guest Policy
- Residency Requirement
- Other Policies
- Residence Hall Policies
- University Village Policies
- Residence Hall Occupancy License
- Family Housing Occupancy License Agreement
Guest Policy (2024–2025)
Updated January 13, 2025
Throughout the academic year, residence hall security hours may be extended and guest policies adjusted for major athletic events, and weekends when a large number of guests are anticipated. Residential students will be notified when guest policies are adjusted. Again, please review the sections on guests and on safety and security in the Residence Hall Policies.
Guest Policy (March 6-9, 2025)
Beginning Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 8:00 p.m. and continuing through Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 11:00 p.m.:
- Guest Limit – Residential students may sign in up to two (2) UMass Amherst students as guests.
- UMass Guests & Emergencies – Only UMass Amherst students, faculty, staff, and emergency/health care response staff will be allowed in UMass Amherst Residence Halls during this period.
- Non-UMass Guests – Non-UMass Amherst guests should be checked out by 8:00 p.m. on Thursday March 6, 2025.
- Security Desk Hours – Residence hall security desk hours will be expanded in residence halls from March 6–9, 2025.
A guest is defined as any individual who is not assigned to the residential hall. Residents are expected to sign in students from other UMass Amherst residence halls, Off Campus UMass Amherst students and Non-UMass guests with Residence Hall Security during their hours of operation. Residents should only provide access to individuals they are hosting as guests. The university reserves the right to modify the guest policy at any time and residents will be notified of any modifications.
- Residents (hosts) are permitted to host up to two (2) guests in their residence hall at one time. Guests must be at least 16 years of age and possess a valid ID. Permission for guests under the age of 16 can only be obtained from Residence Hall Security staff. Residential Life and Residence Hall Security staff have the right to refuse entry to guests and/or ask guests to leave.
- Overnight guests are limited to two (2) guests per resident (host). Guests may stay no longer than two consecutive nights. Guests must then wait at least 14 days before returning to the same room as an overnight guest. Guests must be accommodated in the host’s room.
- Hosts should check with their roommates before inviting guests and are encouraged to engage in conversations about guests when completing a roommate agreement. Roommates have the right to refuse their roommate’s guest(s) or to ask the guest(s) to leave if the guest is being disruptive or their presence is in violation of an established roommate agreement.
- The hosts must accompany their guests at all times while in the residence hall and are responsible for their guest’s behavior. Guests are never to be left unattended in community spaces such as lounges/common areas.
- If a guest engages in behavior that does not meet University behavioral expectations, both the host and guest (if a student of the University) may be held accountable under the Code of Student Conduct. If a guest engages in concerning behavior or refuses to leave, residence hall staff or UMass Amherst Police Department (UMPD) may be contacted.
Room Occupancy
The maximum occupancy of any room, suite, or apartment is the number of assigned residents plus no more than 2 individuals per number of assigned residents.
All other residence hall policies regarding residence hall access, residential security, and hosting responsibilities are in effect.
All other residence hall policies regarding residence hall access, residential security, and hosting responsibilities are in effect.
Residency Requirement
Who Is Required?
Freshmen who are enrolled as full-time (12 credits) are required to live on campus and are automatically billed for room and board.
Any student who does not fall under the category of being required is not guaranteed housing. Students who live on campus but are not guaranteed can use advertised processes to attempt to secure a space for the upcoming semester.
You are exempt from the residency requirement if you are:
- A sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student
- A married, divorced, or separated student who has provided documentation to Residential Life
- A parent of dependent children who has provided documentation to Residential Life
- A veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces who has submitted a DD214 form to Residential Life
- A commuting student living with your parent(s) or court-appointed guardian(s) within a 40-mile radius of the Amherst campus who has submitted a Commuter Form to Residential Life
The Housing Exemption Committee meets on the third Friday of each month to review requests for housing exemption. Requests are considered from students who complete a Housing Exemption Application indicating a compelling reason for their request and providing appropriate supporting documentation. Within this, the student must compose a personal statement explaining why on-campus housing does not meet their needs, which should be at least one page in length. Decisions are made based on such criteria as supporting documentation, severity of circumstance, and quality of written request.
Applications received by the Thursday before the third Friday of the month will be reviewed on the third Friday of the month. Applications received after 5:00pm that Thursday will not be reviewed until the next cycle. Please visit the assignment calendar for exact dates of upcoming committee meetings. A decision letter is sent to the student email account on Friday afternoon, after the exemption committee has met.
Per University Policy, students who are projected as Freshman are not eligible to live in Greek Housing. Exemption Applications submitted that indicate a plan to live in Greek Housing will be denied.
This form only works for students with an active UMass email address. Email accounts are typically active once you have matriculated. Please wait to submit your Exemption Application until you have an active UMass email address.
Please Note: If an exemption application is approved, you are no longer guaranteed on campus housing. Any reserved assignment/preference application will be cancelled. Therefore, if you are planning to submit an exemption, be certain that your off-campus plans are secure.
How to Apply for a Commuter Exemption
Required Student Commuter Form
Who Qualifies as a Commuter?
Commuters are defined as required students who are living at home with a parent or legal-guardian within a 40-mile radius of campus.
All freshmen commuting from home must file a Required Student Commuter Form with Residential Life Student Services. Once students have submitted a Commuter Form, they will no longer be required to live on campus and will no longer be guaranteed an on-campus housing assignment if they wish to return to campus in the future. Upon submitting a Commuter Form, the Base Room Fee and IT Residential Services Fee will be removed from the Bursar Bill in approximately 7 - 10 business days. The submission of a Commuter Form to cancel a housing assignment is subject to the cancellation fee schedule.
Associated Fees and Charges
Students who apply for a housing exemption or commuter status are subject to cancellation fees and a rent refund based on the Housing Fee Refund Schedule. The date of cancellation is based on the date the exemption application or commuter card is received by the Residential Life Student Services.
Learn more about the cancelation fee schedule.
For additional information, contact the Residential Life Student Services Office at 413-545-2100.
Meal Plan Consideration
If you receive a housing exemption or commuter status, you have the option of keeping or canceling your meal plan. For more information, contact the Meal Plan Office at 413-545-1362.
Note: Your meal plan is NOT automatically cancelled when you receive a housing exemption or commuter status.
Other Policies
Learn more about the following policies:
- Home
- About
Your Residential Experience
- Important Dates
- Room Rates & Fees
- Selecting Housing
- Changing or Cancelling Housing
- Community Living & Roommate Success
- Get Involved
- Policies
- Safety & Security
- Sustainability
- What to Bring
- Residential First-Year Experience
- Defined Residential Communities
- Innovations & Entrepreneurship LLC
- Special Housing Options
- Your Housing
- Housing Options
- Residential Services
- Information For