Maintenance Requests

Facilities and Campus Services is responsible for all building systems, repairs and room furnishings in the residence halls. The Facilities staff of carpenters, electricians, maintenance technicians, masons, painters, plumbers and trades workers help to maintain a safe living environment for students.
Residents can use the online Routine Maintenance Request to submit a routine maintenance request (from within the residence halls ONLY).
NOTE: Link is accessible only when connected to the university's network.
Important: Emergency maintenance concerns should be reported by calling 413-545-6401.
Emergency Maintenance
Emergency maintenance staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maintenance emergencies requiring urgent repairs include:
- Door issues:
- doors that do not close or lock properly
- loose door knobs or knobs that fall off
- lock and key problems
- Utility issues:
- heat loss
- power loss
- water loss
- Water issues:
- flooding
- continuously running water (sinks, toilets, showers)
- clogged floor drains, sinks, and toilets
- Damage issues:
- broken windows
- graffiti
- vandalism of fire alarm or security equipment
All maintenance emergencies should be reported by calling the 24/7 Facilities Service Center at 413-545-6401.
NOTE: The online Residential Life Service Request System should NOT be used to report maintenance emergencies.
Laundry Facilities
Students have access to laundry facilities in all residence halls. If students are experiencing issues with machines in the laundry rooms, please report these concerns directly to the Vendor.
Routine Maintenance Requests
The Service Request System includes routine maintenance for UMass Amherst residence halls and University Village Apartments. If you have a routine maintenance request, submit a Service Request Form online using the Routine Maintenance Request.
Note: By submitting the request, you give University Staff staff the right to enter your room or apartment to complete the job whether or not you are present.
You can use the Service to track the progress of your request.
Avoiding Maintenance
There are some maintenance concerns that can be easily avoided:
- Avoid Electrical Overload – Avoid overloading the circuits with too many appliances or adapters.
- Avoid Tampering Screens – Do not remove your window screen or damage it in any way.
- Respect Furnishings – Treat your room furnishings as if you bought them yourself.
You will be responsible for the condition of your room when you move out. Room occupants will be billed for rooms that have sustained damage. To avoid damage billing, here are a few guidelines to follow:
- Protect Walls – Do not cover more than 25% of your wall surface with decorations and always use rubber cement or another non-damaging type of adhesive.
- Avoid Marking Walls & Furnishings – Do not paint your wall or mark the interior of the room or furnishings with any non-removable material.
- Keep Furnishings – Do not add or remove University furnishings from your room.
- Report Damages – Report any damage or concern as soon as possible.
Heating Systems
Residence halls are heated through a variety of systems. In our oldest halls, the heat is maintained through steam heat, and in the halls built in the 1970's, a circulating hot water system is used. In our newest halls, the heat is provided through a central air system.
Steam Heating:
Northeast & Central
When steam is available, each room in the hall has a radiator with a thermostatic hand-value that controls the amount of steam that enters the radiator in the room. The building steam is controlled centrally by sensors and when the temperature reaches a desired point, no steam is available. During the transitional periods before and after the heating season, optimal heating and cooling conditions may not be met.
Please take care around the radiator and do not block it behind furniture because better airflow will heat the room more efficiently. If you have any problems with the heat in your room, please contact your Residential Service Desk during business hours so he or by calling 413-545-6401 outside of RSD hours to respond according to our heating protocol.
Hot Water Heating:
Southwest, Sylvan, & Orchard Hill
There are sensors located in zones throughout the hall to monitor the hall's conditions. Water is heated to maintain a desired temperature within the hall which depends on outside and inside sensor readings. Individual room temperature control is not available and some rooms may be cooler or warmer within a zone. During the transitional periods before and after the heating season, optimal heating and cooling conditions may not be met.
Please leave the back wall of the room open and free of furniture so the proper airflow is available to efficiently heat the room. If you have any problems with the heat in your room, please contact your Residential Service Desk during business hours or by calling 413-545-6401 outside of RSD Hours to respond according to our heating protocol.
Central Air Heating:
North Apartments
The central air system has three modes, Cooling, Heating, and Ventilation. While in the Heating mode, which is usually initiated in late October (residents will be notified when the switch is made), the system does not provide any cooling effects and vice versa. In both the Cooling and Heating modes, the system is monitored by Facilities Operations and residents are able to adjust the thermostat of their apartment within 3 to 4 degrees of the maintained hall temperature (between 68-72°F). During transitional seasons, the Ventilation mode may be used, which circulates the un-tempered air from outside throughout the hall. In this mode, apartment thermostats do not work and temperature control can be achieved through operable windows, although optimal heating and cooling conditions may not be met.
Please, at all times, leave the adjustable vents in the apartment open 100% to increase the efficiency of the system. If you have any problems with the heat in your room, please contact your Residential Service Desk during business hours or by calling 413-545-6401 outside of RSD hours to respond according to our heating protocol.
Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC):
Commonwealth Honors College Residential Community
All rooms are heated and cooled by a ceiling level valance system.
- Ventilation – Ventilation is manual using windows during intermediate periods (Fall/Spring) very much like home residences. Heating/Cooling is controlled by the HVAC system (Summer/Winter) and window use should be minimized. There are green/red lights at the building entrance. Green indicates that the outside air is cooler/dryer than the inside air. When the light is green, open your windows to help cool your room. Red indicates that the outside air is hotter/wetter than the inside air. When the light is red, let the HVAC system do the cooling and keep your windows closed.
- Heating/Cooling – The rooms are automatically set for 72°F. Your thermostat can adjust this temperature up/down within a couple of degrees. It is best to find a temperature within a couple of degrees of 72 and leave it alone. The HVAC system will automatically detect whether your room needs to be heated or cooled.
- Occupied/unoccupied – If your room is unoccupied for a period of time, the system will let the room get a little warmer/cooler until occupancy is detected. This is tied into the automatic lighting system. This means that if you return to your room and it feels a bit cold or hot; give the system time to detect your presence before making any adjustments to the thermostat. This saves a lot of energy!

If you see any insect or critter in your room or public location, please use the online Routine Maintenance Request to submit a service request. Be sure to provide as much information as possible about the situation. The request will be forwarded to Integrated Pest Management and they will respond within 48 hours. If you do not get services within this time frame, please call Facilities & Campus Services at (413) 545-6401. Be aware that Integrated Pest Management will not exterminate beneficial insects such as lady bugs.
Pests Common to Massachusetts
Not sure what the pest is? Here are the most common in our area that you may encounter.
Pest Description (and where to find them): 1/2 inch or larger, brown to black, long antennae with flattened body. Often seen at night.
Health Consideration: Proper prevention techniques go far in keeping roaches out of undesired areas. Keep food in air tight containers and removed trash regularly. They do not bite and are not poisonous, but do carry health risks.
Management: Bait can be placed to detect these pests. Contact Pest Control. Cockroaches can go weeks without food or water and will hide in your furniture and trash.
Lady Bugs (Asian Lady Beetles)
Pest Description (and where to find them): Color variable, orange to red, some with spots, 1/4, round beetle, around windows, screen porches, typically on a sunny day in fall.
Health Considerations: These insects are not “equipped” to handle our winter weather and often seek indoor shelter. Though they cause no direct damage, they do cause allergic reactions and promote asthma in sensitive individuals as well as staining textiles with a yellow compound they release as a defense.
Management: Sweep up indoors and release outside. Seal up entry points to the space.
Stink Bugs
During the transition from summer to fall, these pests are attempting to find an indoor spot to settle in for winter. These harmless insects make their way indoors through small cracks and crevices
Pest Description (and where to find them): Dark-and-light-banded antennae, and alternating dark and light markings along the rear edge of its body. The adult is slightly longer than ½”.
Health Considerations: Although it does not bite people, it may release a foul odor when handled. They do not sting, suck blood, or spread diseases.
Management: They can be captured by mixing warm water and dish soap in a jar or cup. The bugs are attracted to the scent and will fall in but can’t swim. After a few days, dump the contents out and make a new cup. There is no pesticide to prevent stinkbugs.
Fruit Flies
Pest Description (and where to find them): The adults are 3-4 mm in length, dull yellow-brown in color, and have dark bands or solid black present on their abdomen. Eyes are usually a distinctive bright red and they have 3-segmented antennae with a bristle-like appearance.
Health Considerations: Considered a nuisance pest, they are quite common indoors where fruit has started to go bad. Common anywhere food is kept.
Management: When possible, store fruit or vegetables in the refrigerator. Do not keep fruit or vegetables on counters for extended periods. Rinse cans and bottles for recycling.
Bed Bugs
Pest Description (and where to find them): Bedbugs are quite small, averaging about 4 mm in length. They are oval shaped, have flattened bodies, and light brown coloration. Bedbugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts with internal stylets used for sucking blood. Nymphs share similar characteristics to the adult form. These bugs live in gaps and openings around in or around your bed. They are nocturnal feeders and leave behind dark spots on sheets or mattresses as they bite.
Health Considerations: Bedbug infestations are a public health concern as they are difficult to control and cause discomfort for most individuals who are bitten. They are quite the hitchhikers, and can travel on hosts, textiles, and other materials quite easily. Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases to humans, but their bites can cause local irritation or allergic reactions and can disrupt sleep and mental health.
Management: If you suspect you have bed bugs, report this immediately. Do not attempt to treat the situation yourself. Contact the Facility Service Center at 413-545-6401 to report this pest. Pest Control will evaluate and treat your room. Due to the way bedbugs travel, you SHOULD NOT move personal belongings out of your room. Leave items in place to avoid carrying the bedbugs with you.
NOTE* If you believe you have bed bugs, be vigilant when using shared laundry facilities. Transport items to be washed in plastic bags (if you have an active infestation, use a new bag for the journey home). Remove from the dryer directly into the bag and fold at home. (A dryer on high heat can kill bed bugs.)
Pest Description (and where to find them): House mice are small rodents with relatively large ears and small, black eyes. They weigh about 1/2 ounce and usually are light brownish to gray. An adult is about 5 to 7 inches long, including the 3- to 4-inch tail. Droppings, fresh gnaw marks, and tracks indicate areas where mice are active. Mice are active mostly at night, but they can be seen occasionally during daylight hours.
Health Consideration: House mice consume and contaminate food meant for humans, pets, livestock, or other animals. In addition, they cause considerable damage to structures and property, and they can transmit diseases.
Management: To prevent rodent infestations, clean up food sources and close off pest entry points. Indoors, keep doors closed, remove trash, and vacuum all cracks and crevices from floor to ceiling. Mice only need 1/4 of an inch opening to get in. If you suspect mice in your space, call the Facilities Service Center at 413-545-6401. Pest Control will evaluate and set traps.
Mold & Mildew
If you see or suspect mold, please submit a Routine Maintenance Request or call Facilities & Campus Services at (413) 545-6401 to have the area inspected.
The EPA reports that “there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture”.
Tips for Reducing the Risk of Mold Growth in your Space:
- Maintain Temperature – Set thermostats no lower than 70°F when cooling and no higher than 74°F when heating your room. Fans should be set on low speed.
- Empty Bins – Please empty your room and bathroom trash and recycling on a regular basis; do not let it accumulate in your room.
- Air-dry Damp Items – Never leave damp material like clothes, towels or shoes on the floor or any other surface, they give an ideal environment for mold. Always hang damp items until completely dry.
- Stay Clean – Please consider cleaning and general housekeeping of your space regularly.
- Avoid Overfurnishing – Don’t overcrowd your space with furniture and other items. Keep all furniture and other materials away from heating/cooling units to allow proper airflow and to prevent creating dark, cramped spaces where mold can flourish.
- Avoid Moisture Near Heating/Cooking Units – Do not place potted plants or any other source of moisture on or around heating and cooling units.
- Report Leaks – Immediately report any leak or sign of water intrusion that you notice.
Mold & Mildew Prevention
If you see or suspect mold, please submit a Routine Maintenance Request or call Facilities & Campus Services at 413-545-0812 to have the area inspected.
If you have any questions or concerns after reviewing the information on this page, please contact us at @email or
What is Mold?
Molds are part of the natural environment and can be found everywhere, indoors and outdoors. They can grow on the surfaces of objects, and in deteriorated materials, as long as favorable conditions are present. Mold is not usually a problem unless it begins growing indoors. The best way to control mold growth is to control moisture.
Necessary Conditions for Mold Growth:
- Temperature range above 40° F and below 100° F
- Mold spores (almost always present in indoor and outdoor air)
- Nutrient base (most surfaces contain nutrients)
- Moisture (water or high humidity)
Controlling Mold Growth
Human comfort constraints limit the use of temperature control as a means to reduce mold in indoor spaces. The EPA reports that “there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture”. The University of Massachusetts Amherst does have a Mold Management Plan in place to identify and treat areas of potential mold growth.
Tips for Reducing the Risk of Mold Growth in Your Space:
- Set thermostats no lower than 70 degrees when cooling and no higher than 74 degrees when heating your room, fans should be set on low speed.
- Please empty your room and bathroom trash and recycling on a regular basis, do not let it accumulate in your room.
- Never leave damp material like clothes, towels or shoes on the floor or any other surface, they give an ideal environment for mold. Always hang damp items until completely dry.
- Please consider cleaning and general housekeeping of your space regularly.
- Don’t overcrowd your space with furniture and other items. Keep all furniture and other materials away from heating/cooling units to allow proper airflow and to prevent creating dark, cramped spaces where mold can flourish.
- Do not place potted plants or any other source of moisture on or around heating and cooling units.
- Immediately report any leak or sign of water intrusion that you notice.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What should you do to report suspected mold?
If you suspect there is mold in your room or hall, please submit a Routine Maintenance Request or call Facilities & Campus Services at 413-545-0812.
How does UMass respond to a mold report?
Staff members trained to identify and assess mold quickly and promptly check the area in question. If mold is found, the University’s mold management plan is activated by Facilities & Campus Services Which was developed in conjunction with Environmental Health and Safety. In accordance with the University’s Mold Management Plan:
- Affected areas are remediated.
- The source of moisture is investigated and corrected to prevent reoccurrence.
Where can I find more information about mold?
Additional information about preventing mold can be found on Environmental Health & Safety’s website.
Room Furniture
Every student room is furnished with bed frames, mattresses, desks, chairs, bookcases, and wardrobe units or closets. This is the only furniture allowed in your room. All furniture must stay in your room. Do not add to your room furnishings by taking furniture from common areas. Removing furniture from your room or adding furniture to your room from common spaces may result in a charge. Report any damage to furnishings using the online Routine Maintenance Request.
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