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The dates and procedures for check in and check out are important. Students and their families should plan their arrival and the departures according to information provided in the menu links.

Students who arrive prior to the posted residence hall opening date and time will not be permitted to check-in until hall opening.

Failure to vacate by the posted residence hall closing date and time will result in a $150 Unauthorized Occupancy Fee.

Students who require on campus housing over the break period should contact Residential Life Assignments at (413) 545-2100.

Be prepared for Hall openings and closings throughout the academic year.


More information about Check In and Check Out procedures is available below.

Check In/Out Process

Residence Hall Check In/Out Process


What is the purpose of Check-In? 

Residence Hall check-in and check-out procedures for the fall, spring, and summer sessions are processes through which the Student Services Office accounts for a resident's occupancy and provides essential services such as Card Access. Students who check in and check out properly create a record of their occupancy with the Student Services Office. Students who leave their residence hall assignment without checking out properly forfeit their right to any refund of their base room fee that they may be eligible to receive. Please retain copies of all/any receipts given to you during the check-in or check-out process at your residence hall Residential Service Desk.

To check in students must go to their Residential Service Desk to complete the following:

  • Sign for your room key
  • Check your ID for Card Access
  • Complete a Room Condition Form

Important Note: In order to receive UMass Amherst communications in a timely manner, it is expected that you will set up your OIT e-mail account and that you will check your e-mail on a regular basis. Be sure to include your cell phone number in your personal information on SPIRE, and sign up for campus alert emergency text messaging.


Questions about Check-In

What if I move into my room before Opening Day, do I have to check in?
Yes. If you move into your housing assignment before Opening Day during the early arrival period, and do not check in, you will be assessed the early arrival fee and face disciplinary proceedings.

What happens if I do not check in during the designated opening period?
If you do not check in properly at your Residential Service Desk during the designated opening period, your housing assignment will be canceled on the first day of classes, and your UCard will be deactivated. Your no-show status could also affect your enrollment status, as the university may believe you will not be attending classes.

What if I plan to arrive after the end of the designated opening period?
You must contact the Residential Life Student Services Office, 545-2100, before classes begin and inform them of your intended arrival date.

Do I have to check in if I change my assignment during the semester?
Yes. You are required to follow all of the Residential Life procedures for room changes. Upon being given permission to move to a new assignment from either your Residence Director or Residential Life, you will have 48 hours to move. You must check in properly to your new assignment through the Residential Service Desk as well as check out properly through your previous Residential Service Desk. Failure to check out properly by returning your key and completing an inventory may result in housing charges being placed on your bursars account.

Please Note: If you move into another student's space, or a vacant space, and have not followed these procedures, you will be billed an unauthorized move fee, relocated to your actual housing assignment, and face disciplinary proceedings.


Hall Check-Out 

How do I check out of my room?

Mid Semester

If you are withdrawing from the University and/or canceling your assignment mid-semester, you must remove all of your belongings from the room and check out through the Residential Service Desk by returning your key. After you have completed your check-out, you must contact the Residential Life Student Services Office to verify your check-out. You will receive an email from the Residential Service Desk staff confirming your check out. If you vacate your residence hall assignment during the refund period, the day you check out will determine your refund.

Please Note: Leaving your key with your roommate, a floor mate, under the door of the Residential Service Desk or not returning it at all are all examples of improper check-outs and are considered failure to return your key at check out. This will result in a $250 recore fee. Residential Life considers you in occupancy of an assignment until you return your room key to the Residential Service Desk. Your check out confirmation email is an important piece of documentation and our office strongly encourages you to check out properly and to retain all receipts.

End of Fall Semester

Students living in non 9-month residence halls leaving for the winter session break who are planning to return to the same assignment for spring semester do not need check out completely, remove their belongings from the room or return their room key.

Students who have canceled or requested an assignment change for spring semester including a pull-in must remove their property from their room, and turn in all keys and temporary access cards that were assigned to you to the Residential Service Desk by the designated closing date and time.

You will be billed for lost keys and temporary access cards if you fail to turn in these items before leaving campus. Keys and temporary access cards may not be turned in after the residence halls have closed for the semester. You must leave your room broom-clean. You may be charged a cleaning fee if you fail to do so. After closing, Facilities Operations staff will verify the status of your room based on the Room Condition Form you submitted after checking in to your space. Appeals of charges are not allowed if your Room Condition Form was not completed. If you have any questions about the check out procedures, please consult your Residential Service Desk staff.

Please Note: Checking out of your assignment at the end of the fall semester does not indicate your intentions to cancel your housing assignment. All requests for cancellation of an assignment must be made directly with the Residential Life Student Services Office either by phone or in person at 235 Whitmore. Learn more about Learn more about canceling your assignment.

End of Spring Semester 

All residents must remove their belongings from their room, return the furniture to its original position, sweep the floor, and turn in all keys and temporary access cards that were assigned to them by the designated closing date and time to the Residential Service Desk.

The Service Desk staff will send a confirmation email to your student email account. You will be billed for lost keys and temporary access cards if you fail to return these items to the Residential Service Desk before leaving campus. Keys and temporary access cards may not be turned in after the residence halls have closed for the semester. You must leave your room broom-clean. You may be charged a cleaning fee if you fail to do so. You will be held financially accountable for the condition of your room and furnishings at the point you checked out of your assignment. Appeals of charges are not allowed if you failed to submit your Room Condition Form as part of check-in. If you have any questions about the check out procedures, please consult your Residential Service Desk staff.

Can I check out between semesters?

If you are withdrawn from the University or cancel your assignment and have not removed your belongings by the end of finals week, you must contact the Residential Life Student Services Office to arrange a check out time with your area office.

If you do not remove your belongings before the designated opening periods, you will be assessed an administrative fee as well as a blocked room fee for failure to prepare your room for an incoming roommate for the spring semester. These fees are in addition to any cancellation fee you may have already incurred. Refer to the Room Rates & Fees for more information.

Move-Out FAQs

Move-Out Frequently Asked Questions


General Move-Out Questions

What’s the latest I can stay in my residence hall?

All non-break housing students will be required to fully check out by no later than 10:00am on Thursday, December 19, 2024.

When is the Move-Out period?

Students typically begin moving out of the Residence Halls Beginning December 11.  Move Out Traffic is expected to be heaviest December 16 – 19.

If I am returning to my same assignment in the Spring semester. Do I need to move out and turn in my key?

No.  Students returning to their same assignment for the Spring semester do not need to check out of their assignment

Who needs to fully check out of their Fall assignment?

The following students are expected to check out:

  • Students who are canceling for spring semester
  • Students who have selected a new assignment for spring semester
  • Students who have been pulled into a new space for spring semester
  • Students who have performed a swap for spring semester

Will bins be available during Move-Out?

If your building has an elevator, bins will be available to sign out beginning Monday, December 16 by Resident Assistant Staff. Do not take a bin until you are ready to remove your belongings from your room. Please note moving bins will not be sanitized between uses, so please plan accordingly.  Once done, please return the bin to your bin sign out location.  Do not leave bins outside.  Resident Assistant Bin Sign out hours of operation are below:

Monday, December 16:                5:00pm – 8:00pm (Last bin sign out at 7:30pm)

Tuesday, December 17:               12:00pm – 8:00pm (Last bin sign out at 7:30pm)

Wednesday, December 18:           9:00am – 8:00pm (Last bin sign out at 7:30pm)

Thursday, December 19:               8:00am – 10:am (Last bin sign out at 9:30am)

Bins are also available at your Residential Service Desk during their hours of operation.

How do I fully check out of my fall assignment?

1. Return your room to its original state from Fall Move-In.  This includes:

  • De-lofting/De-bunking beds
  • One set of furniture clear of any belongings and ready for a new occupant
  • Room swept and cleaned

2.  Remove all of your belongings from the room

  • Take out all trash and place recyclables in their proper bins
  • If applicable, submit an i-service request for bed rail or space heater pick up.
  • Close and lock all windows
  • Close and lock your door
  • Check your mailbox prior to leaving
  • Pick up any packages at your Residential Service Desk
  • Turn in your room key to your Residential Service Desk and any temporary access cards you may have signed out.

I have an early flight, and I need to leave campus when the RSD isn’t open. What should I do?

Contact Residential Services at least three business days prior to your departure date. Tell us the day and time you need to leave. We will arrange for you to have access to the RSD after hours key drop box.


Returning Your Key

How do I return my key?

Students returning their key must return it to their Residential Service Desk.  The Residential Service Desks are open Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 11:00pm; Saturday and Sunday Noon – 11:00pm.  Residence Halls close at 10:00am on Thursday, December 19.

I left campus and forgot to return my key. What should I do?

Students who forget to turn in their key can mail it back to campus following our Key Return and Room Access. There will be a $100 administrative processing fee for any keys received by mail.  Please Note: Mailed Keys must be postmarked by December 24 in order to be eligible for a reduction.

If a key is lost in the mail or postmarked after Tuesday, December 24, the lock will be changed and you will be subject to the $250 lock recore fee.


Storing Your Belongings

I cannot bring all my belongings to where I’m staying this winter break. What should I do?

It is strongly recommended that students who will need to store belongings during winter break explore the services of our authorized campus vendor, Dorm Room Movers. Dorm Room Movers will collect your belongings for storage and/or shipping.  Once collected, they will store your items over break and deliver them to your new residence in the spring or ship them for you.  Please note that there is a fee for this service. Once you are ready to secure your service you can register online.  Pricing for storage and shipping is priced per item, so please make sure you fully understand the costs outlined on their website.


Mail & Packages

What happens to my mail and packages during the winter break?

The last day RSDs will accept deliveries for Fall 2024 residents is Friday, December 13. Please be sure to stop by your RSD before you leave campus and collect any mail or packages. Packages remaining at the RSDs after December 19 will be returned; we are unable to forward packages from vendors other than USPS. First class USPS mail and packages will be forwarded to your permanent address as it is listed in SPIRE. Mail is not delivered to non-occupied halls during winter break.  Please remember to update your mailing address in SPIRE and on any websites you order from over the break.