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About Us

Residential Life at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is one of the largest on campus housing systems in the United States. Over 14,000 students live in 51 residence halls including traditional residence halls, suites and apartments throughout campus. Our residence halls range in size from 150 to 600 residents and we guarantee housing for first-year students.

In all of our halls we provide opportunities for students to integrate residential, academic and social life, while promoting positive involvement within the campus community. Within our safe and well-maintained halls, UMass Amherst Residential Life is a national leader in creating a dynamic residential experience that is engaging, socially just, and inclusive.

Students and families are encouraged to use our site to gather information about residence hall assignment processes and to learn more about our residential programs, facilities and staff.


OUR Vision

Residential Life is a national leader in creating a dynamic residential experience that is engaging, socially just, and promotes student learning.

OUR Mission

Residential Life offers a residential experience that supports students’ learning, personal growth, and academic achievement. We foster inclusive communities, create social and educational opportunities, and provide safe and well-maintained residences.

OUR Values


  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Innovative Practices
  • Integrity and Responsibility
  • Personal Learning and Well Being
  • Proactive and Timely Communication
  • Respect for and Learning about Diversity
  • Responsive, Supportive and Quality Services