Action steps
- Leverage information technologies and analytics to make evidence-based allocation of human, fiscal, and space resources
- Set and achieve aggressive growth targets for online and hybrid courses and programs that are fully consistent with UMass Amherst quality standards.
- Expand offerings in continuing and professional education, professional and accelerated master’s degrees, and executive education/training programs in new markets, including inside Route 128.
- Expand efforts to improve efficiency and effectiveness across campus, including expanded use of business analytics and broadening our partnerships with the UMass System, industry, and others.
- Become an exemplar for energy efficiency, conservation, and resiliency.
- Launch another comprehensive fundraising campaign, building on the success of the UMass Rising Campaign to expand support for scholarships, endowed faculty, academic programs, and facilities.
- Mount an advocacy campaign in support of a top 20 operating funds investment by the state to bring per-student spending to the 75th percentile of peer institutions.
- Through internal allocation, state capital appropriation, philanthropy, and public/private partnerships, sustain the physical campus through reducing deferred maintenance and aligning physical assets with strategic programmatic priorities.
- Increase incentives to encourage quality enhancement, revenue growth, and increasing efficiency.
Be Revolutionary