The Teachers' Strike Wave

Event date/time: 

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Eric Blanc is the author of the book Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ Strike Wave and Working-Class politics (Verso, 2019). Red State Revolt is a compelling analysis of the emergence and development of this historic strike wave, with an eye to extracting its main strategic lessons for educators, labor organizer, and radicals across the country. A former high school teacher and longtime activist, Eric Blanc embedded himself into the rank-and-file leaderships of the walkouts, where he was given access to internal organizing meetings and secret Facebook groups inaccessible to most journalists. The result is one of the richest portraits of the labor movement to date, a story populated with the voices of school workers who are winning the fight for the soul of public education—and redrawing the political map of the country at large. Blanc has appeared on Democracy Now and writes for The Nation and The Guardian. During the Los Angeles, West Virginia, Arizona, Denver and Oakland public education strikes, Blanc has been Jacobin magazine’s on-the-ground correspondent. 

Bernie Dallas Room, Goodell Hall


140 Hicks Way
Amherst, MA 01003
United States
140 Hicks Way Amherst MA