Genny Beemyn and Sue Rankin, "Creating a Gender-Inclusive Campus"
Genny Beemyn, "Transgender History in the United States"
Genny Beemyn, "Transforming the Curriculum: The Inclusion of the Experiences of Trans People"
Genny Beemyn and Sue Rankin, "Beyond a Binary: The Lives of Gender Nonconforming Youth"
Genny Beemyn, "The Experiences and Needs of Transgender Community College Students"
Genny Beemyn, "Measuring and Improving the Climate for Transgender Students"
Genny Beemyn, "Serving the Health Care Needs of Transgender Students"
Genny Beemyn, "Serving the Needs of Transgender College Students"
Genny Beemyn, "Ten Strategies to Improve Trans Inclusiveness on Campus"
Beemyn, Curtis, Davis, & Tubbs, "Transgender Issues on College Campuses"
Beemyn, Domingue, Pettitt, & Smith, "Suggested Steps to Make Campuses More Trans-Inclusive"
Beemyn and Pettitt, "How Have Trans-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Policies Changed Institutions?"