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Applied Plant & Soil Sciences, B.S.

Graduate of the bachelor degree program in Applied Plant & Soil Sciences will

  • Have a foundation in basic general science adequate for successful application to graduate school, including chemistry, biology and mathematics. • Graduates in P&SS will demonstrate knowledge of botany and plant physiology, and principles and practices of plant propagation.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of soil science, soil fertility, and plant nutrient management.
  • Know the principles of plant pest management, including plant pathology, weed science and plant-related entomology, as well as integrated pest management and biological control practices.
  • Recognize and be able to apply principles of ecology in natural and managed ecosystems.
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge in at least one of the following areas: plant biotechnology, soil science, horticultural science and/or plant pathology.


Sustainable Food and Farming, B.S.

In Agricultural Leadership & Education, students will demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills, strong communication and leadership ability; systems thinking to understand and improve complex social and ecosystems; speaking, listening and professional as well as scientific writing skills; strategic planning and meta-analysis skills; leadership and collaboration skills through policy comprehension and application; pedagogical methods used for effective instruction; agricultural curriculum development and teacher training; comprehension of connection between sustainable food production systems for effective policy development and farmer advocacy; and developing rural and urban agriculture programs in support of food security within communities.

In Sustainable Food Production, students will demonstrate knowledge of sustainable agricultural production systems; fruit, vegetable and grain production systems; animal husbandry practices for meat production and farm integration; ecological land and soil management for agricultural settings; comprehension of Integrated Pest Management principles and practices; strategies used for planning for food production; postharvest physiology, handling and food safety; energy needs and technology for small farms; market analysis and entrepreneurial enterprises for sustainable food production systems; and rural and urban agriculture production.

In Agricultural Sciences, students will demonstrate a comprehension of agroecological principles; relevant understanding of botany, chemistry and soil science as it applies to agricultural systems; ecological principles and their application within agricultural systems; principles and practices of sustainability within an agriculture setting; permaculture principles and practices; relevant understanding of animal husbandry and integrated farming systems; and relevant understanding of plant physiology, nutrition, propagation and breeding.

In Fundamentals of Agricultural Business and Non- Profit Management, students will demonstrate knowledge of management for small businesses or nonprofit organization; sustainable business management practices; financial record keeping, personnel and management systems, and market development; wholesale, retail and direct to consumer sales management and marketing strategies; working with restaurants, chefs, schools and other institutions; working with community-based coalitions & community development organizations; grassroots policy development & community change; community food systems and food security issues; acquisition of funding, grant writing and program development; and resources for beginning farmers.