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  • A minimum of 30 course credits is required.
  • Twenty-three (23) of these must be in major field (defined as Soil courses) or closely related courses such as Geology.
  • The following courses are required:
    • STOCKSCH 566 (Soil formation) (3 credits)
    • STOCKSCH 575 (Environmental soil chemistry) (3 credits)
  • No Pass/Fail grading in major field is allowed.
  • At least 12 credits in letter-graded 600-800 series courses are required. See the list of available graduate-level courses in the appendix.
  • An independent written report or literature review is required. This may be an in depth literature review, or a report of a research project. The student will present their project to the committee and the graduate faculty in a seminar, followed by the final examination. Six credits of Independent Study are required however, these 6 credits may be taken over the course of study.
  • No more than 6 degree credits of grade "B" or better can be transferred from another institution.

M.S. Degree (non-thesis, Off-campus Soils Course Requirements) 

Required Courses Completed            
Number Course Name Credits Fall Spring Year Credits Grade
STOCKSCH 696 Independent Study (Individual Project)* 6          
STOCKSCH 602 Research Literature 3          
STOCKSCH 793A Seminar Presentation 1          
  Graduate-level courses (see list below) 18          

At least 15 credits in addition to those required must be complete prior to graduation. These credits must be acquired through completion of a combination of the following courses:

  • STOCKSCH 515 Microbiology of the Soil (3 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 564 Environmental Soil Science (4 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 566 Soil Formation (3 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 575 Environmental Soil Chemistry (4 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 576 Hydric Soils (1 credit)
  • STOCKSCH 577 Advanced Hydric Soils (1 credit)
  • STOCKSCH 580 Soil Fertility (3 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water and Sediment (3 credits)
  • STOCKSCH 597M Morphology and Mapping (3 credits)