Applied Plant & Soil Sciences
Applied Plant & Soil Sciences Bill Leahy
4-year Bachelor of Science Degree
Michelle DaCosta, PhD, Program Advisor
Through theoretical and practical training, the Applied Plant and Soil Sciences major prepares students to tackle real-world problems by integrating and applying knowledge they learn from different disciplines. This major includes rigorous training in biology, chemistry, ecology and environmental science, including laboratory methods. Students may choose to focus their advanced course work around horticultural science, plant pathology, plant science and biotechnology, soil science, turfgrass science, or a related discipline. Many successful graduates work in research or applied aspects of the biotech industries, agricultural and horticultural businesses, environmental consulting arenas, and pest management. Others go on for advanced graduate training for careers in academia, business, or the public sector.
To receive a bachelor’s degree, the University requires that you complete the requirements below, and also earn a total of 120 credits. Credits earned beyond the requirements are applied towards the 120.
NOTE: Be sure to meet with advisor! While the University offers a wide range of courses to satisfy Gen Ed categories, the APSS major has its own specific requirements, some of which can help you to satisfy Gen Ed requirements at the same time. These courses are noted below.
STOCKBRIDGE CORE (27-32 credits)
Biological Science (8 cr) NOTE: STOCKSCH 105 can also satisfy Gen Ed BS (BioSci) Req
STOCKSCH 105 Soils 4
STOCKSCH 108 Introductory Botany 4
Chemistry (4 cr) NOTE: CHEM 111 also satisfies Gen Ed PS Req
CHEM 111 General Chemistry 4
Mathematics (3-6 cr) NOTE: MATH 104 also satisfies Gen Ed R1 Req
MATH 104 Algebra, Analytic Geometry & Trigonometry 3
Or MATH 101 and 102 Precalculus Algebra and Analytic Geometry & Trig. 6
Analytic Reason (3-4 cr) NOTE: Any course below also satisfies Gen Ed R2 Req
STATISTC 111 Elementary Statistics 4
Or STATISTC 240 Intro to Statistics 4
Or NRC 240 Introduction to Quantitative Ecology 3
Junior Year Writing (3 cr) NOTE: NATSCI 387 also satisfies Gen Ed JYW Req
NATSCI 387 College of Natural Sciences Junior Writing 3
Ecosystems Studies (3-4 cr) NOTE: Certain courses also satisfy Gen Ed Reqs (BS) or (SI) as shown
BIO 287 Introductory Ecology 3
ENVIRSCI 101 Introduction to Environmental Science (BS) 4
ENVIRSCI 101 Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Global Change 3
NRC 100 Environment and Society (SI) 4
STOCKSCH 378 Introductory Agroecology 3
Integrative Experience (3 cr) NOTE: Either course also satisfies Gen Ed IE Req
STOCKSCH 379 Agricultural Systems Thinking 3
Or STOCKSCH 494I Global Issues in Applied Biology 3
Plant Health (6 cr) (Must take both)
STOCKSCH 384 Introduction to Plant Physiology 3
STOCKSCH 301 General Plant Pathology (previously 505) 3
Soil Health (3 cr) (Must take one)
STOCKSCH 270 Sustainable Soil and Crop Management 3
STOCKSCH 378 Introduction to Agroecology 3
Plant Production & Management (3-4 cr) (Must take one)
STOCKSCH 200 Plant Propagation 3
STOCKSCH 230 Intro to Turfgrass Management 4
STOCKSCH 270 Sustainable Soil and Crop Management 3
STOCKSCH 305 Small Fruit Production 3
STOCKSCH 315 Greenhouse Management 3
STOCKSCH 320 Organic Vegetable Production 3
STOCKSCH 360 Landscape Plant Production 4
STOCKSCH 390A Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture 3
Pest Biology & Management (3 cr) (Must take one)
STOCKSCH 109 Insects of Ornamentals 3
STOCKSCH 310 Principles of Weed Management 3
STOCKSCH 326 Insect Biology 3
Students must complete 15 credits from across the categories below.
Credits earned for major requirements above cannot be counted twice.
A minimum of 6 credits of Electives must be at the 500-level.
A maximum of 3 credits from Practica and Independent Studies can be applied to the required 15 credits of electives.
Lower- and Mid-Level Electives
STOCKSCH 165 Intro to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems 3
STOCKSCH 200 Plant Propagation 3
STOCKSCH 210 Retail Floral Design 3
STOCKSCH 230 Intro Turf Management 4
STOCKSCH 234 Irrigation and Drainage 3
STOCKSCH 255 Herbaceous Plants 3
STOCKSCH 258 Urban Agriculture 3
STOCKSCH 263 Agricultural Leadership & Community Education 3
STOCKSCH 270 Sustainable Crop and Soil Management 3
STOCKSCH 305 Small Fruit Production 3
STOCKSCH 310 Principles of Weed Management 3
STOCKSCH 315 Greenhouse Management 3
STOCKSCH 320 Organic Vegetable Production 3
STOCKSCH 340 Advanced Turfgrass Management 3
STOCKSCH 360 Landscape Plant Production 4
STOCKSCH 378 Intro Agroecology 3
STOCKSCH 387 Global Food Systems 3
STOCKSCH 490S Soil Ecology 3
Upper-Level Electives (Must earn minimum of 6 credits)
STOCKSCH 510 Management and Ecology of Plant Diseases 3
STOCKSCH 515 Microbiology of the Soil 3
STOCKSCH 523 Plant Stress Physiology 3
STOCKSCH 525 Mycology 3
STOCKSCH 530 Plant Nutrition 4
STOCKSCH 535 Diagnostic Plant Pathology 3
STOCKSCH 565 Soil Formation and Classification 3
STOCKSCH 575 Environmental Soil Chemistry 4
STOCKSCH 580 Soil Fertility 3
STOCKSCH 581 Integrated Pest Management 4
STOCKSCH 585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water and Sediment 3
STOCKSCH 587 Phytoremediation 3
STOCKSCH 590ST Methods Rhizosphere Ecology & Plant-Microbe Interactions 4
Practica and Independent Study (OPTIONAL: Max 3 cr can apply)
NOTE: From this list, students may take up to 9 credits, but only 3 credits can be applied to the 15-credit Applied Plant & Soil Sciences Electives requirement. Additional credits earned here can be applied to the 120 credits needed to graduate.
STOCKSCH 396 or 496 Independent Study 1-3
STOCKSCH 398 or 498 Practicum 1-3
STOCKSCH 398D HydroFarm Practicum 1
STOCKSCH 398G Greenhouse Practicum 2
Students must complete one set of requirements for either a Business or a Science Focus
OPTION #1: Business Focus
NOTE: Must take 4 courses across 4 of 5 categories below (12-13 credits)
Accounting and Finance
ACCOUNTG 221 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
RES-ECON 324 Small Business Finance 3
Economics NOTE: Any course below also satisfies Gen Ed SB Req
ECON 103 Microeconomics 4
ECON 104 Macroeconomics 4
RES-ECON 102 Intro to Resource Economics 4
Human Resources
HT-MGMT 260 Human Resource Management/Hospitality Industry 3
HT-MGMT 314 Human Resource Management 3
MANAGMNT 301 Principles of Management 3
MARKETNG 301 Fundamentals of Marketing 3
OPTION #2: Science Focus
NOTE: Must take 3 Required Lab courses + 1 General Science course (14 credits)
Required Lab Science Courses (Must take all three)
BIO 151 Intro to Biology 4
BIO 152 Intro to Biology II 3
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II 4
General Science Courses (Must take one)
BIO 285 Cell and Molecular Biology 3
BIO 311 General Genetics 3
CHEM 261 or 262 Organic Chemistry 3
MICBIO 310 General Microbiology 3
NOTE: A bachelor’s degree requires 120 credits. After completing all university gen ed requirements, and all major requirements, you’ll still have several “free” credits with which to pursue a double major, a minor, or just a passion. UMass provides a lot of options for adding your own flavor to your degree.