Sustainable Horticulture
Sustainable Horticulture Bill Leahy2-year Associate Degree
Program Advisor: Elsa Petit, PhD
Students interested in gaining knowledge in a range of sustainable horticulture topics enroll in this major. The curriculum is flexible, with a wide range of electives, allowing students to specialize their degree as they desire.
Courses in bold require a minimum grade of C.
STOCKSCH 105 Soils 4
STOCKSCH 108 Introductory Botany 4
STOCKSCH 192F First Year Seminar 1
MATH 100/101/104 Course Based on Math Placement Exam Score 3
ELECTIVE xxx (Advisor Approved: Below) 3
Credit Total 15
STOCKSCH 101 Exploring the Wonders and Applications of Entomology (1st Seven Weeks) 2
STOCKSCH 104 Plant Nutrients (1st Seven Weeks) 2
STOCKSCH 111 Introductory Plant Pathology (1st Seven Weeks) 2
STOCKSCH 315 Greenhouse Management (Full Semester) 4
STOCKSCH 398D HydroFarm Practicum (Optional) (2nd Seven Weeks) 1
ELECTIVES xxx (Advisor Approved: See List Below) (Full Semester) 3
STOCKSCH 198G Horticulture Internship (June-August) 3
Credit Total 16-17
STOCKSCH 109 Insects of Ornamentals 3
STOCKSCH 200 Plant Propagation 3 (odd years)
or STOCKSCH 230 Introductory Turfgrass Management 4 (even years)
SUSTCOMM 335 Plants in Landscape 4
ELECTIVES xxx (Advisor Approved: See List Below) 6
Credit Total 16-17
ENGLWRIT 111/112 Course Based on Writing Placement Exam Score 3-4
ELECTIVES xxx (Advisor Approved: See List Below) 10
Credit Total 13-14
Grand Total 60-62
Note: May take other courses with advisor approval. Students planning to transfer to a 4-year bachelor’s program may be required to complete general education courses that count towards that goal.
STOCKSCH 100 Botany for Gardeners 4 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 110 Sustainable Horticulture 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 120 Organic Farming and Gardening 4 (Both)
STOCKSCH 165 Intro to Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems. 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 172 Plants in Our World 4 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 186 Introduction to Permaculture 3 (Both)
STOCKSCH 200 Plant Propagation 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 210 Retail Floral Design 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 230 Introductory Turfgrass Management 4 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 234 Irrigation & Drainage 3 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 255 Herbaceous Plants 3 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 270 Sustainable Soil and Crop Management 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 275 Turfgrass Physiology & Ecology 3 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 280 Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 3 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 281 Topics in Herbalism I (Online only) 2 (Winter)
STOCKSCH 282 Topics in Herbalism II 2 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 315 Greenhouse Management 4 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 320 Organic Vegetable Production 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 326 Insect Biology 3 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 358 Social Permaculture: Building Resilient Communities 3 (Spring)
STOCKSCH 365 Hydroponics 4 (Fall)
STOCKSCH 386 Sustainable Site Design and Planning 3 (Fall)
ENVIRSCI 101 Introduction to Environmental Science 4 (Fall)
LANDARCH 294A Construction Materials 3 (Spring)
LANDARCH 294B Construction Materials Practicum 1 (Spring)
NRC 100 Environment and Society 4 (Fall)
NRC 210 Arboricultural Field Techniques II 2 (Spring)
NRC 232 Principles of Arboriculture 3 (Fall)
NRC 310 Community Forestry 3 (Spring)
CHEM 111 General Chemistry (PS) 4
MATH 104 Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Trigonometry (R1) 3
NRC 100 Environment and Society (SI) 4
RES-ECON 102 Introduction to Resource Economics (SB) 4
STOCKSCH 172 Plants in Our World (SI) 4