Statute of Limitations

Statute of Limitations Anay Liu

The Graduate School expects you to finish your program promptly which means within four years for the MS and within seven years for a Ph.D. (assuming the candidate already has the MS). Please note funding restrictions will apply: admitted students ranked in merit by the GPC are guaranteed funding support for their entire PhD (5 years maximum) and MS (2 years maximum).

The first extension is granted automatically, but your major advisor must inform the GPD of this request so that we can approve the extension. A second extension requires a special petition to the Graduate School. To do this, you must write a memo to your major professor that summarizes your progress and the difficulties causing the need for an extension. Your major professor will send a cover memo to the GPD supporting the request, and the GPD will normally forward a copy of this memo as an attachment to his/her notification or request for the SOL extension.