Travel Grants

Travel Grants Anay Liu

The department gets a limited travel budget from the College of Natural Sciences and Graduate School every year to support graduate student’s travel to professional conferences. The call for travel grant applications is usually made by graduate school in September after the budget is finalized. If you travel to a conference and present either a poster or oral paper, you are eligible to apply for this Travel Grant. Grant funds may be applied to the registration, transportation, and lodging expenses documented by receipts for up to $200 for regional, $300 for domestic, and $400 for international travel. Meals, copying, and other incidentals are not reimbursable. The number of awards can vary with budget, number, and value of individual awards. The applications will be received and awarded on a continuous, rolling basis until the allocated funds are exhausted. Applications for travel to Fall/Spring conferences should coincide with that specific Fall/Spring semester. Applications will be selected based on the type of conference, type of presentation, and justification for funds.

If you are awarded a travel grant, please submit all travel receipts to the Graduate Program Director Assistant, Sara Kelley, within three weeks of your travel.