Kristina Bezanson
Associate of Science Program Coordinator—Arboriculture and Community Forest Management, Lecturer in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry

Graduate certificate. 2018. The George Washington University, Sustainable Landscapes
M.S. 2008. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Horticulture.
B.F.A. 1986. Massachusetts College of Art, Photography.
UMass Employment
Lecturer. University of Massachusetts, Department of Environmental Conservation, Amherst, MA. September 2018 to present.
UMass Teaching
- Principals of Arboriculture (NRC 232, 3 credits) Fall Semester
- Commercial Arboriculture (NRC 305, 3 credits) Fall Semester
- Arboriculture Internship Practicum (NRC 198Y, 4 credits) Spring Semester
- Arboriculture & Community Forest Seminar (NRC 191A, 2 credits) Spring Semester
UMass Highlights
- Management of the undergraduate program in Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, including advising students; student recruiting on and off campus.
- Advisory board chair for new online program committee Spring 2019.
- Co-chair for Spring Arboriculture Career and Education Fair, Spring 2019
- Market program with, attending conferences, MA Tree Wardens and CT Tree Wardens, 2019.
- Post Social Media, Facebook and Instagram pages. 2018
Non-UMass highlights
- Presidential Appointee, Board of New England ISA, 2018.
- Assistant Proctor, ISA exam at Elm Bank, Wesley, MA. 2018.
- Volunteer Score Keeper, North American Tree Climbing Competition, Providence, RI, 2018.
- Volunteer tree worker, Saluting Branches, Bourne, MA 2018.
- City of Chesapeake, Environmental Advisor, Mayor’s Sustainability Advisory Committee, 2018.
- Virginia Tech, Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Advisory Council, Educational committee member, 2017-2018.
- The Elizabeth River Project, Eastern Branch Advisory Council, Citizen committee member and volunteer for living shoreline projects. 2016- 2018.
- The Mid Atlantic Chapter of International Society of Arboriculture| 2006 – 2018.
- MAC-ISA 2017 Award of Merit for work on Dr. Bonnie Appleton Memorial Scholarship.
- Committee member for 2017 ISA International Meeting in Washington, DC., Under the Canopy.
- Co-Chair 2006 Field Day for 300+ participants –Coordinated speakers, demonstrations, vendors.
- Team Captain for the STIHL Tour des Trees. Bicycle rider years; 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017.
- Tree Fund, Liaison for MAC-ISA – 2015 -2017.
- Virginia Urban Forest Council, Trees Virginia, President 2012-2015. Board member in the municipal arborist, educational seats, 2014 -2011.
Off-campus Lectures
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Workshop, Virginia Beach, VA, 2017
Lecture: Native Plant Communities
Lecture: Soil Texture
Tree Care Symposium Getting to Big Trees: Practices for Life Stages, Richmond, VA, 2016
Lecture: Tree Selection for Home Landscapes
Virginia Turf Grass Council, Come to the Bay, Virginia Beach, VA, 2015
Lecture: Tree Selection for Hampton Roads
Mid-Atlantic Horticultural Short Course, Newport News, VA, 2014
Lecture: Tree Identification and Why It Matters
Professional Memberships
- International Society of Arboriculture
- Arboriculture Research and Education Academy
- New England Chapter of ISA
- Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters
- Massachusetts Arborist Association
- Society of Municipal Arborists
- Arnold Arboretum
- Tower Hill Botanical Garden
- Massachusetts Horticultural Society
- New England Wildflower Society
- Ecological Landscape Alliance
- Utility Arborist Association