Fernald 204A

(413) 545-2115
A headshot of John Stoffolano.


Curriculum Vitae

Professor of Entomology


Post Doctorate, Biology Dept. with Professor V. G. Dethier, Princeton, N.J., 1970-71

Ph.D. (Entomology), University of Connecticut, 1970

M.S. (Entomology), Cornell University, 1967

B.S. (Biology), State University of New York at Oneonta, 1962


Sabbatical leave - July 14 through December 30, 1977. To study feeding behavior of the locust with Drs. R. Chapman and E. Bernays at the Centre for Overseas Pest Research. London, England.

Research leave - Dec. 18, 1979-Feb. 10, 1980. Electrophysiology of mosquito chemosensilla. In the lab. of Prof. P. Pietra. Institute of General Physiology. University of Calgiari, Italy.

Member of team of 5 to attend the Workshop on National Research and Extension Needs for Integrated Pest Management of Arthropods Affecting Livestock and Poultry in Manhattan, Kansas. March 3-10, 1979.

Sabbatical leave - Jan. 1 - Sept. 31, 1988. To study the ultrastructure of the spermathecae of the Mediterranean fruit fly and oogenesis in Phormia regina. University of Siena, Zoology Dept. visiting lecturer at the University of Siena, Zoology Dept. Visiting lecturer at the Univ. of Modena, Facolta di Scienza Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali Cattedia di Fisiologia Generale, Instituto di Fisiologia Umana. Lectures presented on Insect Physiology.

Sabbatical leave - 2010 Spring semester went on sabbatical and trip around the world. Thailand, Seychelles, India, South Africa, Morocco, Sicily, and Poland. Gave seminars in Thailand, India, South Africa, Sicily and Poland. Did research in South Africa with Dr. Gerd Gade.


  • Behavior and physiology of flies especially of the adult crop organ and the mechanisms regulating filling and depletion
  • Special emphasis on Musca domestica, Phormia regina, Protophormia terraenovae, and Tabanus nigrovittatus
  • Veterinarian research with flies as vectors of nematodes and various pathogens
  • House fly as an important vector of food/animal pathogens (Food Safety)


My current research program involves using house fly as a model vector for various pathogens (E. coli and V. cholerae). Currently, I have the following research collaborative programs: The role of the adult crop of Musca domestica in vectoring the food pathogen E. coli (with Dr. Lynne McLandsborough, Food Science Dept.); The electrophysiology of the adult crop organ (Univ. of Cagliari, Italy, with Drs. Anna Liscia and Paolo Solari); Role of Phote-HrTH (Phormia terraenovae hypertrehalosemic hormone) and its analogues in modulating the supercontractile muscles of the crop of adult Phormia regina Meigen (with Dr. Gerd Gäde, University of Cape Town, South Africa); SEM/TEM of the adult crop organ of flies (with Drs. Anna Maria Fausto’s lab.); Role of various peptides on the adult crop organ muscles (with Dr. James Chambers, Univ. of Massachusetts, Chemistry Dept.); House fly as a vector of Vibrio cholerae (with Dr. Alix Purdy, Biology Dept., Amherst College. Projected collaborative projects include the following: Flies as vectors of pathogens in Italy (with Drs. Antonio Fasanella and Annuziata Giangaspero). Flies as vectors of pathogens in Egypt (with Dr. Ghada M. Lotfy El-Bassiony, Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Entomology).


My assigned appointment at the University of Massachusetts includes teaching and research. My teaching program includes the following courses: Insect Biology, Insect Structure and Function, Cultural Entomology, and Using Insects in the Classroom (Online). Currently, I am involved in two courses: honor’s seminar and freshman experience seminar.


A complete C.V. is available at:

  • Haselton, A.T., J.G. Stoffolano, Jr., R.A. Nichols and C.-M. Yin. 2004. Peptidergic innervation of the crop and the effects of an ingested nonpeptidal agonist on longevity in female Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Med. Ent. 41: 684-690.
  • Lin, H., C.-M. Yin, J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. and R.S. Garofalo. 2005. Immunological localization of mosquito ovary ecdyseroidogenic hormone I and fruit fly insulin receptor in adult Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 98: 329-335.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. and B. Wright. 2005. Sösööpa-Jerusalem cricket: An important insect in the Hopi Katsina pantheon. Amer. Entomol. 51: 174-179.
  • Haselton, A.T., C.-M. Yin and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2006. The effects of Calliphora vomitoria Tachykinin-I and the FMRFamide-related peptide perisulfakinin on female Phormia regina crop contractions, in vitro. Jour. Insect Physiol. 52: 436-441.
  • Haselton, A.T., C.-M. Yin and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2006. Occurrence of serotonin immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and midgut of adult female Tabanus nigrovittatus (Diptera: Tabanidae). Jour. Medical Entomology 43: 252-257.
  • Downer, K.E. and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2006. Effect of octenol on engorgement by Tabanus nigrovittatus (Diptera: Tabanidae). Jour. Medical Entomology 43: 643-645.
  • Downer, K.E., A.T. Haselton, R.J. Nachman and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2006. Insect satiety: sulfakinin localization and the effect of drosulfakinin on protein and carbohydrate ingestion by the blow fly Phormia regina Meigen (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Jour. Insect Physiol. 53: 106-112.
  • Downer, K.E., R.J. Nachman and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2007. The effect of seasonality and perisulfakinin on engorgement by Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the laboratoary. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 100 (2): 251–256.
  • Downer, K.E., R.J. Nachman and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2007. Factors affecting engorgement by the salt marsh horse fly, Tabanus nigrovittatus Macquart (Diptera: Tabanidae). Jour. Insect Behavior 20: 403-412.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr., M.A. Lim and K.E. Downer. 2007. Clonidine, octopaminergic receptor agonist, reduces protein feeding in the blowfly, Phormia regina (Meigen). Jour. Insect Physiol. 53: 1293-1299.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 2007. Insect misconceptions and misinformation. Calif. Jour. of Science Education VII: 81-84.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr., A. Acaron and M. Conway. 2008. Bubbling” or Droplet Production in Both Sexes of Adult Phormia regina Meig. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Fed Various Concentrations of Sugar and Protein Solutions. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 101(7): 964-970.
  • Haselton, A.T., C.-M. Yin and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2008. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity in the central nervous system and alimentary tract of the adult, female blow fly Phormia regina and horse fly Tabanus nigrovittatus. Jour. Insect Science vol. 8, article 65, 17 pages. (online publ.).
  • Haselton, A. T., K. E. Downer, J. Zylstra and J. G. Stoffolano, Jr. July 7, 2009. Serotonin inhibits protein feeding in the blow fly, Phormia regina (Meigen). Jour. Insect Behav. 22: 452-463.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr., A. M. Fausto, M. Carcupino, G. Gambellini and L. Guerra. 2010. The diverticulated crop of adult Phormia regina. Arthropod Structure & Development. 39: 251-260.
  • Kristin Larson and John G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2011. Effect of High and Low Concentrations of Sugar Solutions Fed to Adult Male, Phormia regina (Diptera: Calliphoridae), on ‘Bubbling’ Behavior. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 104: 1399-1403.
  • Anna Liscia, Paolo Solari, Sarah T. Gibbons, Alan Gelperin and John G. Stoffolano, Jr. 2012. Effect of serotonin and calcium on the supercontractile muscles of the adult blowfly crop. Journal of Insect Physiology 58: 356–366.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr. and A. T. Haselton. 2013. The Adult, Dipteran Crop: A Unique and Overlooked Organ. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 58: 205-225.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr., M. Rice and W. L. Murphy. 2013. The importance of antennal mechanosensilla of Sepedon fuscipennis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Can. Jour. Entomol. 145: 1-8.
  • Stoffolano Jr. JG, Danai L, Chambers J. 2013. Effect of channel blockers on the smooth muscle of the adult crop of the queen blowfly, Phormia regina. Journal of Insect Science 13:97. Available online:
  • Guerra, L., J. G. Stoffolano, Jr., G. Gambellini, V. Laghezza Masci, M. C. Belardinelli and A. M. Fausto. 2013. Ultrastructure of the salivary glands of non-infected and infected glands in Glossina pallidipes by the salivary glands hypertrophy virus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 112: S53–S61.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr., B. Patel, and L. Tran. 2014. The crop of adult house fly (Musca domestica L.), crop contraction rate, and volume of sucrose phosphate glutamate ingested. Annals of the Entomol. Soc. Amer. 107(4): 848-852.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr., M. Rice and W. L. Murphy. Submitted. Scanning electron micrographs of the head, mouthpart, legs, and genital area of adult Sepedon fuscipennis Loew (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr., K. Croke, J. Chambers, G. Gäde, P. Solari, A. Liscia. Submitted. Role of Phote-HrTH (Phormia terraenovae hypertrehalosemic hormone) in modulating the supercontractile muscles of the crop of adult Phormia regina Meigen. Journal of Insect Physiology


  • Dashefsky, H.S. and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 1977. A Tutorial Guide to the Insect Orders (Adults). Burgess Publishing Company. 57 pgs.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1978. General Entomology Labs. Pages 93. Univ. of Mass.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1980. General Entomology Labs. 93 pp. Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
  • Chapman, R.F., E.A. Bernays and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. (eds.). 1987. Perspectives in Chemoreception and Behavior. pp. 207. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Romoser, W.S. and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 1998. 4th Edition. The Science of Entomology, pp. 605. W.C. Brown and McGraw Hill Pubs., Iowa.

Chapters in Books

  • Nappi, A.J. and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 1972. Heterotylenchus autumnalis: Hemocytic reactions and capsule formation in the host, Musca domestica. Pages 86-96. In: Biology of Nematodes: Current Studies. MSS Information Corporation, New York, N.Y.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1974. Central control of feeding and drinking in insects. Pages 32-47. In: Experimental Analysis of Insect Behaviour. L. Barton Browne (editor). Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1976. Insects as model systems for aging studies. Pages 408-427. In: Experimental Aging Research. Elias, M.F., B.E. Eleftheriou, and P.K. Elias (eds.). EAR, Inc., Bar Harbor, Maine.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1982. Blowfly Feeding Behavior. Chapt. 14. In: Insect Behavior: A Sourcebook of Laboratory and Field Exercises. Pages 93-100. J.P. Matthews & R.W. Matthews (eds.). Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. and C.M. Yin. 1982. Comparative Anatomy of the Insect Neuroendocrine System. Chapt. 28 In: Insect Behavior: A Sourcebook of Laboratory and Field Exercises. Pages 191-202. J.R. Matthews & R.W. Matthews (eds.). Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. and G.J. Geden. 1984. Nematode Parasites of other Dipterans. Chapt. XXI. In: Plant and Insect Nematodes. W.R. Nickle (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. pp. 849-898.
  • Yin, C.-M., B.-X. Zou and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 1989. Dietary induced hormonal control of terminal oocyte development in Phormia regina Meigen, pp. 81-88. In: Host Regulated Developmental Mechanisms in Vector Arthropods. D. Borovsky and A. Spielman (editors). Univ. of Florida, Vero Beach, FL.
  • Yin, C.-M., B.-X. Zou and J.G. Stoffolano, Jr. 1989. Precocene II suppresses the biosynthesis of juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids and vitellogenin in the black blowfly, Phormia regina Meigen, pp. 373-376. In: Insect Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology. A.B. Borkovec and E.P. Masler (editors). Humana Press, Inc., N.J.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1989. Structure and Function of the ovipositor of the Tephritids, pp. 141-146. In: Fruit Flies of Economic Importance 87. R. Cavalloro (ed.). A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam.
  • Stoffolano, J.G., Jr. 1995. Regulation of a carbohydrate meal in the adult Diptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera, pp. 210-247. In: Regulatory Mechanisms of Insect Feeding. G. de Boer and R.F. Chapman (eds.). Chapman & Hall, N.Y.
  • Stoffolano, J. G., Jr. and A. T. Haselton. 2013. The adult dipteran crop: a unique and overlooked organ. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 58: 205-225.