I hold a three-way appointment that combines research, Extension, and teaching. Applied research needs to be conducted before it can be extended to producers. My research focuses on applied aspects of insect-plant interactions as a basis to develop more sustainable pest management tools and strategies in fruit orchards. More specifically, my research seeks to develop behaviorally-based pest management tools such as attract-and-kill systems that are based on information from insect sensory ecology and behavior. Examples include odor-baited trap trees for plum curculio, mass trapping for Japanese beetles, and bait stations for invasive and native fruit flies. My research also seeks to integrate chemical, behavioral, and biological methods in insect control and a better understanding on the ecology of pests and their natural enemies.

My Extension program delivers timely and relevant research-based IPM information to fruit growers using a variety of methods. Through Extension activities, I seek to increase the level of awareness and adoption of IPM components by growers and to document impacts derived from my Extension activities. Successful adoption of IPM should lower input costs and decrease pesticide use, leading to increases in growers’ profit margins while decreasing the negative environmental impact associated with pesticide misuse and the risk of resistance. A list of grower-oriented articles is presented at the bottom of this page.


  • STOCKSCH 101 - Insects & Related Forms (spring).  An introduction to insects and their relatives with particular emphasis on their economic importance.
  • STOCKSCH 581 – Integrated Pest Management (fall).  Theory and application of the principles of insect, disease, and weed pest management; emphasis on insects. Focus on pest and natural enemy sampling techniques, properties of available control strategies, underlying ecological and behavioral principles, model pest management systems and societal concerns.

Curriculum Vitae

Extension Professor



Post-Doctoral Fellow. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Department of Environmental Systems Science, Zürich, Switzerland (2005-2007).

Ph.D. Entomology. University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2005.

B.Sc. Agronomy. University of Veracruz, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, 1992.


Integrated Pest Management, Insect Sensory Ecology (focus: vision and olfaction), Insect-Plant Interactions, Insect Behavior, Biological Control.


  • Wakil, W., Usman, M., Piñero, J.C., Wu, S., Toews, M.D., and Shapiro-Ilan, D.I. 2022. Combined application of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi against fruit flies, Bactrocera zonata and B. dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Pest Management Science https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6899.
  • Bolton, L.G, Piñero, J.C., and Barrett, B.A. 2022. Behavioral responses of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to blends of synthetic fruit volatiles combined with isoamyl acetate and β-cyclocitral. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:825653. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2022.825653.
  • Piñero, J.C., Godoy-Hernandez, H., Giri, A., and Wen, X. 2022. Sodium chloride added to diluted Concord grape juice prior to fermentation results in a highly attractive bait for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:813455. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.813455.
  • Wen, X., Stoffolano, J.G., Greamo, B., Salemme, V., and Piñero, J.C. 2021. Effects of diluted Concord grape juice laced with sodium chloride and selected boron-containing compounds on attraction, consumption, crop contractions, and mortality of adult Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Pest Management Science. DOI 10.1002/ps.6683.
  • Su, S., Jian, C., Zhang, X., Fang, S., Peng, X., Piñero, J.C., and Chen, M. 2021. Sublethal Effects of Abamectin on the Development, Reproduction, Detoxification Enzyme Activity, and Related Gene Expression of the Oriental Fruit Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Journal of Economic Entomology https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab196.
  • Usman, M., Wakil, W., Gulzar, S., Piñero, J.C., Wu, S., Toews, M.D., and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2021. Evaluation of locally isolated entomopathogenic fungi against multiple life stages of Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae): Laboratory and field study. Microorganisms, 9, 1791. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9081791s.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., Cha, D.H., Collignon, R.M., and Vargas, R.I. 2021. Age-dependent response of female melon fly, Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae, to induced volatiles emitted from preferred and less-preferred host fruits. Journal of Asian-Pacific Entomology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2021.06.011.
  • Bolton, L.G., Piñero, J.C., and Barrett, B.A. 2021. Olfactory cues from host- and non-host plant odor Influence the behavioral responses of adult Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to visual cues. Environmental Entomology 50: 571-579 https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvab004.
  • Wen, X.J. Yang, K.L. Piñero, J.C., and Wen, J.B. 2021. Contrasting behavioral and physiological responses of Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus and E. brandti (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to volatiles emitted by various types of tissue from the tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima. Insects 12(1), 68; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12010068.
  • Piñero, J.C., Stoffolano Jr., J.G., Chiu, K., Colletti, K., Dixon, Z., Salemme, V., Crnjar, R. and Solla, G. 2021. Effects of chitosan and erythritol on labellar taste neuron activity, proboscis extension reflex, daily food intake, and mortality of male and female spotted winged Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. Journal of Insect Physiology 131(3):104240 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinsphys.2021.104240.
  • Usman, M., Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Wu, S., Piñero, J.C., Leskey, T.C., Nixon, L.J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Toews, M.D., and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Virulence of entomopathogenic fungi to the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) and interactions with entomopathogenic nematodes. Journal of Economic Entomology 113: 2,627-2,633 https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toaa209.
  • Lopez-Ortega, M., Díaz-Fleischer, F., Piñero, J.C., Valdez-Lazalde, J.R., Hernández-Ortiz, J.M. and Hernández-Ortiz, V. 2020. The Mayan tropical rainforest: an uncharted reservoir of tritrophic host-fruit fly-parasitoid interactions. Insects 11(8), 495  https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11080495.
  • Usman, M., Gulzar, S., Wakil, W., Piñero, J.C., Leskey, T.C., Nixon, L.J., Oliveira-Hofman, C., Wu, S. and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2020. Potential of entomopathogenic nematodes against the pupal stage of the apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Nematology e2020-79 | Vol. 52.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Manandhar, R. 2020. Ant attendance and arthropod diversity on elderberry extrafloral nectaries are influenced by plant genotype and pruning method. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 14: 595-604 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11829-020-09771-8.
  • Piñero, J.C., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Cooley, D.R., Tuttle, A.F., Eaton, Drohan, P., Leahy, K., Zhang, Hancock, T., Wallingford, A.K., and Leskey, T.C. 2020. Toward the integration of an attract-and-kill approach with entomopathogenic nematodes to control multiple life stages of plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Insects 11(6), 375; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects11060375.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., and Vargas, R.I. 2020. Synergistic and additive interactions among components of food-based baits underlie female fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) attraction. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 168: 339-348 https://doi.org/10.1111/eea.12890.
  • Bolton, L.G., Piñero, J.C., and Barrett, B.A. 2019. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) towards the leaf volatile β-cyclocitral and selected fruit-ripening volatiles. Environmental Entomology 48: 1049-1055. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvz092.
  • Piñero, J.C., Barrett, B.A., Bolton, L.G., and Follett, P.A. 2019. β-cyclocitral synergizes the response of adult Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) to fruit juices and isoamyl acetate in a sex-dependent manner. Scientific Reports 9:10574. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-47081-z.
  • Shrestha, B., Finke, D., and Piñero, J.C. 2019. The ‘Botanical Triad’: The Presence of Insectary Plants Enhances Natural Enemy Abundance on Trap Crop Plants in an Organic Cabbage Agro-Ecosystem. Insects 10: 181. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects10060181.
  • Follett, P.A., Piñero, J.C., Souder, S., Jamieson, L., Waddell, B., and Wall, M. 2019. Host status of ‘Scifresh’ apples to the invasive fruit fly species Bactrocera dorsalis, Zeugodacus cucurbitae, and Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). J. Asia-Pacific Entomology 22: 458-470 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aspen.2019.01.019.
  • Piñero, J.C., Paul, K., Byers, P.L., Schutter, J., Becker, A., Kelly, K., and Downing, D. 2018. Building IPM capacity in Missouri through train-the-trainer workshops and effective partnerships. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 9: 1 https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmy013.
  • Piñero, J.C., Shivers, T., Byers, P., and Johnson, H. 2018. Insect-based compost and vermicompost production, quality and performance. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170518000339.
  • Vargas, R.I., Miller, N.E., and Piñero, J.C. 2018. Effect of physiological state on female melon fly, Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae), attraction to host and food odor in the field. Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 1318-1322. toy092. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toy092.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Keay, J. 2018. Farming Practices, Knowledge, and Use of Integrated Pest Management by Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Growers in Missouri, Journal of Integrated Pest Management, 9:1 https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmy011https://goo.gl/UD9z91.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2018. A comparative assessment of the response of two species of cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to visual and olfactory cues and prospects for mass trapping. Journal of Economic Entomology 111: 1439–1445. toy094. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toy094.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Dudenhoeffer, A.P. 2018. Mass trapping designs for organic control of the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Pest Management Science https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.4862.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., and Vargas, R.I. 2017. Vision‐mediated exploitation of a novel host plant by a tephritid fruit fly. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0174636. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174636.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., Smith, T.R., and Vargas, R.I. 2017. Attraction of Bactrocera cucurbitae and B. dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) to beer waste and other protein sources laced with ammonium acetate. Florida Entomologist 100: 70‐76. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.100.0112.
  • Zuo, Y., Wang, K., Lin, F., Peng, X., Piñero, J.C., and Chen, M. 2016. Sublethal effects of indoxacarb and beta‐cypermethrin on Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) under laboratory conditions. Florida Entomologist 99: 445‐450. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.099.0316.
  • Zuo, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, M., Peng, X., Piñero, J.C., and Chen, M. 2016. Regional susceptibilities of Rhopalosiphum padi (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to ten insecticides. Florida Entomologist 99: 269‐275. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.099.0217.
  • Piñero, J.C., Manandhar, R. 2015. Effects of increased crop diversity using trap crops, flowering plants, and living mulches on vegetable insect pests. TRENDS in Entomology 11:  91 – 109. http://www.researchtrends.net/tia/article_pdf.asp?in=0&vn=11&tid=20&aid=....
  • Vargas, R.I., Piñero, J.C., and Leblanc, L. 2015. An Overview of Pest Species of Bactrocera Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the Integration of Biopesticides with Other Biological Approaches for Their Management with a Focus on the Pacific Region. Insects 6: 297‐318. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26463186.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., I. Smith, T.R., Fox, A.J., and Vargas, R. 2015. Ammonium Acetate Enhances the Attractiveness of a Variety of Protein‐Based Baits to Female Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 108: 1–7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26470180.
  • Piñero, J.C., Quinn, J. Byers, P.L., Miller, P.D., Baker, T., and Trinklein, D. 2015. Knowledge and Use of Integrated Pest Management by Underserved Producers in Missouri and the Role of Extension. Journal of Extension [On‐line], 53(3) Article 3RIB3. http://www.joe.org/joe/2015june/rb3.php.
  • Piñero, J.C., Souder, S.K., and Vargas, R.I. 2013. Residual attractiveness of a spinosad‐containing insecticidal bait aged under variable conditions to wild female Bactrocera dorsalis and B. cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae). Florida Entomologist 96: 1077‐1083. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.096.0347.
  • Ruiz‐Montiel, C., Flores‐Peredo, R., Hernandez‐Librado, V., Illescas‐Riquelme,  C.P., Dominguez‐ Espinosa, P.I., and Piñero, J.C. 2013. Annona liebmanniana and A. cherimola x A. reticulata (Magnoliales:  Annonaceae): two new host plant species for Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Mexico. Florida Entomologist 96: 232–234. https://doi.org/10.1653/024.096.0132.


  • Saadat, D. and Piñero, J.C. 2021. Evaluation of a Grower-friendly Attract-and-kill Strategy for Apple Maggot Control in New England Apple Orchards: Research Results for Year Two. Fruit Notes 86: 1-4.
  • Giri, A., and Piñero, J.C. 2021. Evaluation of Novel Kairomone-based Lures for Attracting Male and Female Tortricid Moths in Apple Orchards. Fruit Notes 86: 18-20.
  • Regmi, P. and Piñero, J.C. 2021. Response of Tarnished Plant Bug to Synthetic Aromatic Plant Volatiles. Fruit Notes 86: 29-31.
  • Ware, L., Garofalo, E., Petit, E., and Piñero, J.C. 2021. Does the Red Color Enhance Spotted Wing Drosophila Response to Traps Baited with Diluted Concord Grape Juice? Fruit Notes 86: 15-16.
  • Piñero, J.C., Giri, A., Saadat, D., and Regmi, P. 2021. Does the Presence of Trap-crop Plants Enhance the Response of the Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug to Its Synthetic Pheromone? Fruit Notes 86: 5-7.
  • Piñero, J.C., Regmi, P., and Saada, D. 2021. Evaluating the Efficacy of Multi-cultivar Grafted Apple Trees as Perennial Trap Crops for Multiple Pests: Research Results Year One. Fruit Nots 86: 11-14.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Godoy-Hernandez, H. 2020. Early-season performance of diluted Concord grape juice and commercial lures at attracting spotted wing drosophila and effects of juice fermentation on trap captures. Fruit Notes 85(4): 10-13.
  • Bradshaw, T., Clements, J. Cooley, D., Garofalo, E., Pinero, J.C. and Moran, R. 2020. New England Cider Apple Project. Fruit Notes 85(1):12-14
  • Piñero, J.C., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Cooley, D.R., Tuttle, A.F., Eaton, Drohan, P., Leahy, K., Zhang, Hancock, T., Wallingford, A.K., and Leskey, T.C. 2020. Controlling plum curculio adults and larvae using odor-baited trap trees and entomopathogenic nematodes: Results from a six-year study. Fruit Notes 85(4): 1-5.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Clements, J., Schloemann, S., and Garofalo, E. 2020. Massachusetts Fruit IPM Report for 2019. Fruit Notes 85: 1-8.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Greene, D., Clements, J., Garofalo, E., Schloemann, S., Leahy, K., and Simisky, T. 2020. 28th Annual March Message to Massachusetts Tree Fruit Growers. University of Massachusetts Extension. Available at: https://ag.umass.edu/sites/ag.umass.edu/files/pdf-doc-ppt/28th_annual_ma...
  • Piñero, J.C. 2020. Assessment of a Non-pheromonal Lure System for Attracting Adult Tortricid Moths. Fruit Notes 85: 11-14.
  • Piñero, J.C., Wallingford, A., and Koehler, G. 2020. Evaluation of a Grower-friendly Attract-and-kill Strategy for Apple Maggot Control in New England Apple Orchards. Fruit Notes 85: 6-9.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Clements, J., Schloemann, S., and Garofalo, E. 2019. Fruit IPM Report for 2018. University of Massachusetts Extension.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Greene, D., Clements, J., Garofalo, E., Schloemann, S., and Leahy, K. 2019. 27th  Annual March Message to Massachusetts Tree Fruit Growers. University of Massachusetts Extension. Available at: https://ag.umass.edu/sites/ag.umass.edu/files/fruit/27th_annual_march_me....
  • Piñero, J.C., Wen, X.J., and Begonis, E. 2019. Using diluted grape juice for early-season monitoring and its potential for Attract-and-kill of Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii. Fruit Notes 84: 12-15.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Clements, J., Schloemann, S., and Garofalo, E. 2019. Fruit IPM Report for 2018. University of Massachusetts Extension.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2019. Regenerating Orchard IPM: Managing key apple pests with ecologically-based IPM approaches. Proceedings of the 2019 Empire State Producers Expo, Onondaga County Community College SRC Arena, Syracuse, NY, January 14-17, 2019.
  • Piñero, J.C., Cooley, D.R., Clements, J., Schloemann, S., and Garofalo, E. 2019. Massachusetts Fruit IPM Report for 2018. Fruit Notes 84: 1-9.
  • Piñero, J.C., Leskey, T.C., and Shapiro-Ilan, D. 2019. Entomopathogenic Nematodes Are Effective at Killing Plum Curculio Larvae in the Soil. Fruit Notes 84: 9-11.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Leskey, T.C. 2019. Managing Plum Curculio Using an Attract-and-kill Approach: 2018 On-farm Research Results. Fruit Notes 84: Fruit Notes 84: 1-4.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Foley, N. 2018. Evaluation of diluted grape juice as an inexpensive attractant for the invasive fruit pest spotted wing Drosophila. Fruit Notes 83(3) 1-7.
  • Dudenhoeffer, A.P. and Piñero, J.C. 2018. Common Spiders of Missouri: Identification, Benefits, and Concerns. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2018/2/spiders.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Quinn, J. 2018. Organic Management Options for the Japanese Beetle at Home Gardens. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2018/1/organic_management_japanese_beetle.
  • Piñero, J.C., Dudenhoeffer, A.P., and Quinn, J. 2018. Mass Trapping as an Organic Management Option for the Japanese Beetle on Farms. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/IPCM/2018/1/mass_trapping_japanese_beetles.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2017. Controlling cucumber beetles and squash bugs in cucurbit crops. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2017/2/controlling_cucumber_beetles_and_squ....
  • Piñero, J.C. and Miller, P. 2017. Monitoring and Integrated Pest Management of the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in field crops. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/IPCM/2017/3/Monitoring_BMSB.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2017. Monitoring and Integrated Pest Management of the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in fruits and vegetables. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MPG/2017/3/Monitoring_BMSB.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Houseman, R. 2016. Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs in Homes. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2016/10/Brown_Marmorated_Stink_Bugs_in_homes
  • Piñero, J.C. and Lee, R. 2016. A novel mass trapping system to control cucumber beetles in cucurbit crops. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/IPCM/2016/6/A-novel-mass-trapping-system-to-con...
  • Piñero, J.C. 2016. Controlling Cucumber Beetles in Small Farms and Gardens Using Mass Trapping. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 7(2): 6‐7.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2016. Increasing Beneficial Insects in Your Vegetable Garden or Farm Using Insectary Plants. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 6(4): 4.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2015. Increasing beneficial insects for enhanced pollination and biological control using insectary plants. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MPG/2015/12/Increasing-beneficia-insects-for-en....
  • Piñero, J.C. 2015. New Insecticide Alternative to Neonicotinoids, Safer for Bees. Missouri Produce Growers Bulletin. Available at:  https://ipm.missouri.edu/MPG/archive/2015/April_2015.pdf.
  • Wilson, J. and Piñero, J.C. 2015. Summer Cover Crops for Pest Management. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 6(1): 3.
  • Barrett, B.A. and Piñero, J.C. 2015. Spotted Wing Drosophila: Monitoring and Management. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/archive/2015/v21n7.pdf
  • Piñero, J.C. 2015. Presence of breeding populations of the invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Missouri. Missouri Produce Growers Bulletin. Available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/archive/2015/v21n10.pdf.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2014. Monitoring Systems in place for Brown‐Marmorated‐Stink‐Bug‐and‐Spotted‐ Wing‐Drosophila for 2014. Newsletter Article available at https://ipm.missouri.edu/IPCM/2014/5/Brown-Marmorated-Stink-Bug-and-Spot....
  • Piñero, J.C. 2014. Cover Crops are Soil Health. Missouri Produce Growers Bulletin. Available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MPG/archive/2014/February_2014.pdf
  • Wilson, J. and Piñero, J.C. 2014. Update on the Spotted Wing Drosophila. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 5(3): 6‐7.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Byers, P.L. 2014. The "1‐2‐3" IPM Approach for Spotted Wing Drosophila Management. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at:  https://ipm.missouri.edu/IPCM/2014/5/The‐1‐2‐3‐IPM‐Approach‐for‐Spotted‐Wing‐Drosophila‐Management.
  • Wilson, J. and Piñero, J.C. 2014. Cover Crops and Soil Health. Down to Earth: Reports from the Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 5(1): 2‐4.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2013. The Dreaded Spotted Wing Drosophila is Causing Extensive Fruit Damage in Missouri. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 4(3): 3.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2013. Using IPM in Urban Farms and Community Gardens. Down to Earth: Reports from The Field, Newsletter produced by the Lincoln University Innovative Small Farmers Outreach Program. 4(1): 3‐4.
  • Piñero, J.C. and Wilson, J.T. 2013. Trap Cropping: A simple, effective, and inexpensive Integrated Pest Management strategy to manage squash bugs and cucumber beetles in cucurbit crops in small farms. Small Farm Today 164: 6‐8.
  • Piñero, J.C. 2013. Spotted Wing Drosophila. Missouri Produce Growers Bulletin. Available at: https://ipm.missouri.edu/MPG/archive/2013/April_2013.pdf
  • Piñero, J.C. and Byers, P.L. 2013. Integrated Pest Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila with Emphasis in High Tunnel Grown Fall Bearing Primocane Raspberries. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at:   https://ipm.missouri.edu/MEG/2013/8/Integrated‐Pest‐Management‐of‐Spotted‐Wing‐Drosophila‐with‐Emphasis‐in‐High‐Tunnel‐Grown‐Fall‐Bearing‐Primocane‐Raspberries/
  • Piñero, J.C. 2013. Detecting larval infestations and insecticidal options for Spotted Wing Drosophila, a significant pest of small fruit crops in Missouri. University of Missouri IPM program. Newsletter article available at: 
  • https://ipm.missouri.edu/meg/2013/8/Detecting‐larval‐infestations‐and‐insecticidal‐options‐for‐Spotted‐Wing‐Drosophila‐a‐significant‐pest‐of‐small‐fruit‐crops‐in‐Missouri/Detecting_larval_infestations_in_fruits_and_insecticidal_options_forSWD.pdf
  • Piñero, J.C. 2013. Research and Extension Highlights of the New Integrated Pest Management Program at Lincoln University, pp. 240‐244. In: Proceedings of the 6th National Small Farm Conference: Promoting the Successes of Small Farmers and Ranchers, September 18 ‐ 20, 2012, Memphis, TN, Tennessee State University, the University of Tennessee, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.