Amanda Brown standing next to a tractor.

Amanda is currently the director of the UMass Student Farming Enterprise Program and the Stockbridge School of Agriculture's Agricultural Learning Center.  Amanda joined the Stockbridge faculty after working with the UMass Extension Vegetable Program for over a decade.

Curriculum Vitae



Stockbridge School of Agriculture, Horticulture, AS 2000

University of Massachusetts, Plant and Soil Science, B.S., 2002

University of Massachusetts, Education, MEd., 2008


  • Director Stockbridge School of Agriculture Agriculutral Learning Center 2017 to present
  • Lecturer and program director for UMass Student Farm, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 2013 to present
  • Extension Specialist/Educator, Sustainable Farming for Vegetable and Specialty Crops, University of Massachusetts Extension Agriculture and Landscape Program, 2009-2013
  • Research & Extension Technician, University of Massachusetts Extension Agriculture and Landscape Program, 2002-2009
  • Pesticide Education Office manager and educator, University of Massachusetts Extension Agriculture and Landscape Program, 2003-2006


  • Hazzard, R., A. Brown & P. Westgate. Using IPM in the Field: Sweet Corn Insect Management Field Scouting Guide. UMass Extension publication. Color. 18 pp.
  • Hazzard, R., A. Brown & P. Westgate. Using IPM in the Field: Sweet Corn Insect Management Recordkeeping Book. UMass Extension publication. 30 pp.
  • R. Hazzard, editor, Cavanagh, A., Brown, A., co-editors. Vegetable Notes (UMass Extension Vegetable Program Newsletter), Volume 18-20, Issues 1-20, 2007-2012.
  • A.Brown. Carrots for Winter Sales: Varieties, Planting Dates and Post-Harvest Care New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference Proceedings, pages 122-125, December 2013


  • Hazzard, R., A. Cavanagh and A. Duphily (Brown). 2006.  EFFICACY OF FURROW AND FOLIAR MATERIALS TO CONTROL STRIPED CUCUMBER BEETLE IN CUCUMBER, 2005.  Arthropod Management Tests, Volume 31, Report E24.
  • Cavanagh, A., Hazzard, R., Brown, A. 2011. EFFICACY OF THREE OMRI LISTED MATERIALS, ALONE AND IN COMBINATION, FOR CONTROL OF STRIPED CUCUMBER BEETLE IN CUCUMBER, 2009. Arthropod Management Tests 2011, Vol. 36, #E28.
  • Cavanagh, A., Hazzard, R., Brown, A. 2011. EFFICACY OF THREE OMRI LISTED MATERIALS, ALONE AND IN COMBINATION, FOR CONTROL OF COLORADO POTATO BEETLE IN EGGPLANT, 2009. Arthropod Management Tests 2011, Vol. 36, #E31.


  • Managing the Student Farm I: Planning for Production  (STOCKSCH 376, 3 credits, spring semester)
  • Student Farming Enterprise Farm Practicum (STOCHSCH 398E, 3-6 credits, spring Semester)
  • Managing the Student Farm II: Harvesting, Marketing and Finance  (STOCKSCH 476, 3 credits, fall semester)
  • Student Farming Enterprise Farm Practicum (STOCHSCH 498E, 3-6 credits, fall Semester)