Allen Barker
Undergraduate & Graduate Faculty Professor—Plant & Soil Nutrition, Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences

Bowditch 205
Curriculum Vitae
Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences
B. S. University of Illinois, 1958
M. S. Cornell University, 1959
Ph. D. Cornell University, 1962
Assistant Professor, 1964
Associate Professor, 1970
Professor, 1976
Head of Department, Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1977-1985
- PLNTSOIL 530 Plant Nutrition
- PLNTSOIL 580 Soil Fertility
- PLSOILIN 120 Organic Farming and Gardening
- PLSOILIN 104 Plant Nutrients
- HONORS 391A Advanced Honors Seminar
- B. S. (High Honors); Covaledictorian, Class of 1958, University of Illinois.
- Phi Kappa Phi; Alpha Zeta; Gamma Sigma Delta (Illinois).
- Campbell Fellow; Senior Graduate Fellow (Cornell).
- Sigma Xi (North Carolina State).
- Visiting Scientist, American Society of Agronomy.
- Environmental Quality Research Award, 1975; Marion Meadows Award, 1977, American Society for Horticultural Science.
- Outstanding Teacher, Food and Natural Resources, 1992-1993.
- Outstanding Professor, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, 1997.
- Hewlitt Fellow, University of Massachusetts, 2000.
- Outstanding Associate Editor, American Society of Agronomy, 2012.
- American Society of Agronomy
- American Society for Horticultural Science
- Crop Science Society of America
- Soil Science Society of America
Head of Department, Plant and Soil Sciences, 1977-1985
Graduate Program Director, 1977-1985
Honors Coordinator, 1972-2014
Book Review Editor, ASHS, 2008-2014
- Barker, A.V. and G. M. Bryson. 2006. Comparisons of composts with low or high nutrient status for grown of plants in containers. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37: 1303-1319.
- Hamlin, R.L. and A.V. Barker. 2006. Phytoextraction potential of Indian mustard at various levels of zinc exposure. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 1257-1272.
- Hamlin, R.L. and A.V. Barker. 2006. Influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on plant growth and zinc accumulation by Indian mustard. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29: 1523-1541.
- Barker, A.V. and D.J. Pilbeam (eds.). 2006. Handbook of Plant Nutrition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 613 p.
- Barker, A. V. and G.M. Bryson. 2006. Nitrogen. In Barker, A.V. and D.J. Pilbeam (eds.) Handbook of Plant Nutrition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 21-50.
- Bryson, G.M. and A.V. Barker. 2007. Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on zinc accumulation in fescue. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 1-13.
- Bryson, G.M. and A.V. Barker. 2007. Phytoextraction of zinc by Indian mustard and tall fescue. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38: 315-335.
- Hamlin, R.L. and A.V. Barker. 2008. Nutritional alleviation of zinc-induced iron deficiency in Indian mustard and the effects on zinc phytoremediation. Journal of Plant Nutrition 31(12): 2196-2213.
- Barker, A.V. and R.G. Prostak. 2009. Alternative management of roadside vegetation. HortTechnology 19: 346-352.
- Barker, A.V. 2010. Science and Technology of Organic Farming. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla. 230 p.
- Barker, A.V. 2010. Growth of loblolly and white pine after enrichment by nutrient loading. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 41(20): 2613-2622.
- Barker, A.V. and E. J. Pader. 2011. Health correlates of nutrients in soils and foods. Plant Stress 5: 92-97.
- Barker, A.V. 2012. Plant growth in response to phosphorus fertilizers in acid soil amended with limestone or organic matter. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 43(13): 1800-1810.
- El-Jaoual, Touria., D.A. Cox, and A.V. Barker. 2012. Relationship of iron-manganese toxicity disorder in marigold to manganese and magnesium nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 35(1): 142-164.
- Eaton, Touria E., D. A. Cox, and A. V. Barker. 2013. Sustainable production of marigold and calibrachoa with organic fertilizers. HortScience 48: 637-644.
- Meagy, Md J., Md H. Rashid, A. V. Barker, Md M. Islam, and Md N. Islam. 2013. Effectiveness of farmer information needs assessment as perceived by the farmers. Journal of International and Extension Education 20(2): 133-149.
- Meagy, Md J., T. E. Eaton, and A.V. Barker. 2013. Nutrient density in lettuce cultivars grown with organic or conventional fertilization with elevated calcium concentrations. HortScience 48(12): 1502-1507.
- Klaber, Nica S., and A. V. Barker. 2014. Accumulation of phosphorus and arsenic in two perennial grasses for soil remediation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 45(6): 810-818.
- Meagy, Md J., Touria E. Eaton, and A.V. Barker. Zinc accumulation in lettuce cultivars grown with organic or chemical based nutritional regimes. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Accepted.
- Avestan, S., L. A. Naseri, A. Hassanzade, S. M. Sokri, and A.V. Barker. Effects of nanosilicon dioxide application on in vitro proliferation of apple rootstock. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Accepted.
- Babalar, M., S. M. Sokri, L. Hosein, M. A. Asgari, and A. V. Barker. Effects of nitrate:ammonium ratios on vegetative growth and mineral element composition in leaves of apple. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Accepted.
- Sokri, S. M., A.. V. Barker, M. Babalar, H. Lesani, and M. A. Asgari. Fruit quality and nitrogen, potassium, and calcium content of apple as influenced by nitrate:ammonium ratios in tree nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Accepted.