Spanish and Portuguese majors can serve as undergraduate teaching assistants and gain instructional experience under the supervision of our faculty.

When serving as Undergraduate TAs, students can normally earn between 1 and 3 credits per TA'ed course. These credits will count towards the total number of credits needed for graduation but may not fulfill any requirement of the major. Undergraduate TAs need to sign a contract in which duties and expectations are outlined, and enroll in SPAN 398B or PORT 398B. To enroll in these courses, you need to turn in your contract to our Undegraduate Program Assistant in Herter 416 or 418. The necessary qualifications to serve as an undergraduate TA will vary, but an excellent performance in the major is always expected.

For current undergraduate TA opportunities, please contact the faculty member who will teach or supervise the course during the enrollment period for the following semester (i.e. April for Fall semester, November for Spring semester).. S/he will be able to indicate whether an undergraduate TAship may be available for that course in upcoming semesters.

Undegraduate TAs serving as graders or needing access to Moodle will be required to obtain FERPA certification. The necessary training can be easily and conveniently completed online.