Shamsul Arefin was a co-winner of the Fall 2024 Manuel Matos Public Sociology Award.
Katie Billings has accepted a position as incoming Assistant Professor at Skidmore College, starting Fall 2025. Katie also received the Fall 2024 Sociology Graduate Program Outstanding TA Award, and this year's SGSA Outstanding Peer Mentor Award.
Upasana Goswami was a co-winner of this year's SGSA Distinguished Graduate Service Award.
Venus Green and faculty member Cedric de Leon co-authored an essay on the ASA Work in Progress blog, "Anti-blackness and the historical limits of progressive trade unionism."
Salomi Jacob was a co-winner of this year's SGSA Distinguished Graduate Service Award.
Seo-Yeon Lim has successfully defended her first comps paper, "Buffering Postpartum Depression: Age-Dependent Heterogeneity in Maternal Employment Effects."
Mabrouka M'Barek received the Fall 2024 Sociology Graduate Program Outstanding TO Award.
Nathan Meyers has successfully completed his comprehensive exam, an empirical paper, "The Effect of Privatization on Employment and Earnings: Analyzing the Impact on U.S. Industry Earnings Distributions, 2000-2018" and defended his dissertation prospectus, "Revenge of the Private Sector: Union Decline, Privatization, and the Restructuring of the American Economy."
Esther Moraes has been awarded a Fall 2024 Fieldwork Grant by the Graduate School, in support of her research.
Reyna Orellana was a co-winner of the Fall 2024 Manuel Matos Public Sociology Award.
Terra Steinkuehler has successfully defended her MA thesis, "It is our American Destiny to bring about the unity of the Whiteman's World: Political Articulation and White Awakening in the US South Civil Rights Era" and her second comprehensive exam on whiteness and identity.
Gabriela Stevenson has successfully defended her dissertation, "Contested Americanism: How Soccer Supporter Groups are Redefining the American Identify."
Choonhee Woo received the Third Best Paper Award at the 9th Hakbong Awards from the Seoul National University School of Law, and successfully defended her dissertation prospectus, "The Paradox of Temporary Labor Migration: A Critical Ethnography of Cambodian Migrant Workers in South Korea.” Choonhee also received the Fall 2024 Sociology Graduate Program Best Empirical Comp Paper Award, "Bound or Deported? Migrant Farmworkers' Unfree Labor Relations and Deportability in South Korea."
Congratulations and many thanks to our graduate students, defense committee members, and attendees for an engaging and productive semester! (Photos below).