Clare Hammonds commented on a report she authored with The Animation Guild on gender pay gaps in the field of animation, covered in September by KCRW news, NPR's flagship member station in Southern California. Clare was also quoted in The Boston Globe, discussing student workers at Boston University, and co-authored a study about REI violating labor and human rights.
Jasmine Kerrissey co-authored a policy brief, "Potential Impacts of a Full Minimum Wage for Tipped Workers in Massachusetts," covered in UMass Research News. Kerrissey authored an additional article on this topic, featured in The Conversation, Caledonian Record, and
C.N. Le was featured in WalletHub's article about Most & Least Diverse States in America.
Jennifer Lundquist was quoted in an article in The Atlantic exploring whether dating apps are creating a more integrated world.
Joya Misra was awarded this year's SGSA's Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award.
Tony Paik and Jennifer Lundquist's research on Facebook newsfeed algorithms has been published in Science.
Ofer Sharone's book, The Stigma Trap, was reviewed in Work & Occupations.
Eve Weinbaum and Michelle Budig have been involved in a collaborative effort with the Office of Faculty Development, the MSP union, and the Provost's Office to create policies, practices, and programming to support non- tenure-track faculty on campus and to improve their working conditions, benefits, and job security. As a result of these efforts, UMass Amherst recently earned the 2024 Delphi Award.