Current Grants
ISSR Faculty Fellow
David Cort (sociology)
Institute for Social Science Research, UMass Amherst
Fulbright Core
David Cort (sociology)
Department of State
Identifying Mechanisms of Peer Influence on Youth Weight-Related Behaviors
James Kitts Principal Investigator (sociology), Mark Pachucki (sociology), Krista Gile (statistics), Lindiwe Sibeko (nutrition), and John R. Sirard (kinesiology)
National Institutes of Health
Reaching Out to and Collaborating with Asian American Communities in the Pioneer Valley
C.N. Le (sociology), Richard Chu (history), and Krishna Poudel (community health education)
Center for Racial Justice and Urban Affairs, UMass Amherst
Parenthood and the Gender Wage Gap
Joya Misra (sociology and public policy), Marta Murray-Close (U.S. Census)
Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Faculty Workload & Rewards
Joya Misra (sociology and public policy), KerryAnn O'Meara (University of Maryland), Elizabeth Beise (University of Maryland), and Audrey Jaeger (NC State)
National Science Foundation
Worksite Social Connections and Food Choice: Identifying Opportunities for Obesity Prevention
Mark Pachucki, Co-Investigator (sociology) with Doug Levy (Massachusetts General Hospital)
National Institutes of Health
Promoting Employee Health Through the Worksite Food Environment
Mark Pachucki, Co-Investigator (sociology) with Anne Thorndike (Massachusetts General Hospital)
National Institutes of Health
Contents and Contexts of Cyberfullying: An Epidemiologic Study using Electronic Detection and Social Network Analysis
Anthony Paik, Principal Investigator (sociology), Marizen Ramirez, Shelly Campos, Octav Chipara, Padmini Srinivasan, Cori Peek-Asa, and Karen Heimer
University of Iowa
Building an Interdisciplinary Equal Employment Opportunity Research Network and Data Capacity
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology), M.V. Lee Badgett (economics), and Fridan Kurtulus (economics)
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: The Organizational Production of Earnings Inequalities: A Comparative Project Using LEEP Data
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Past Grants
The Politics of Professional Change
Steven Boutcher (sociology)
Office of Research Development (FRG)
The Rise of Insecure Work and the Persistence and/or Abatement of Durable Inequality
Enobong (Anna) Branch (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Cross-national Differences in Gendered Self-Employment Participation and Earnings: The Role of Work-Family Policy and Cultural Contexts
Michelle Budig (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Union Contracts and the Negotiation of Work Hours and Schedules
Dan Clawson (sociology), Naomi Gerstel (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Families Go to College: Sustaining Inequality?
Naomi Gerstel (sociology)
Spencer Foundation
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Lecturer Faculty Group Mellon Mutual Mentoring Team Grant
C.N. Le (sociology)
Institute for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development, UMass Amherst
Editorship of Gender and Society
Joya Misra (sociology and public policy)
Prayers of Healing and Supplication: Islam and the Struggle for “Pure” Faith
Fareen Parvez (sociology)
Social Science Research Council
Examining Changes in Network Configuration and Composition with Health-Related Behaviors of American Adults
Mark Pachucki, Principal Investigator of pilot study (sociology)
Sub-contract award to UMass, National Institute of Health/ National Institute of Aging
Collaborative Research: Women in Science and the Technology Policy
Laurel Smith-Doerr (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Collaborative Research: The Social Organization of Collaboration in the Chemical Sciences
Laurel Smith-Doerr (sociology)
National Science Foundation
Anneliese Maier Research Award. Collaboration Award to Promote the Internationalisation of the Humanities & Social Sciences in Germany
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology)
Von Humboldt Foundation
Does Financialization Contribute to Growing Income Inequality?
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology)
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Building Research Capacity with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology)
Russell Sage Foundation